Part 12

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Over the next two months, Benedict and I grew even closer, and things became more serious. Every chance we got to be together, I made some excuse to get out of the house. My mother had to be getting suspicious by now, but if she was, she hadn't let on at all. It was a bit nerve-wrecking, but I decided that it would all be worth it in the end.

Besides, today was my 18th birthday. If we got caught from this point on, we couldn't get into serious trouble. Benedict could lose his job, and we could be judged, but it honestly didn't matter that much to us.

Thank God my birthday fell on a Saturday this year. Benedict had a surprise for me, and we were planning on seeing each other, possibly spending the whole night together. I smiled as I thought about it whilst getting dressed in skinny jeans, a cute sweater, and ankle boots. (It was a rather chilly March day.)

When I walked downstairs, my mother was sitting at the kitchen table. She saw me and smiled wide, saying, "Happy birthday, Amelia. You look beautiful." She got up and hugged me tight, then handed me a small box. "It's not much, but I hope you like it."

Just as I was about to start opening my present, we heard Zoe scream, "Wait for me!" She was running down the stairs in her pyjamas, her curls bouncing everywhere. When she reached us, she hugged my waist. "Happy birthday! Now you can open your present!"

I simply laughed and opened the box. I gasped when I saw what was inside – a beautiful heart necklace with an engraving on the back:

Love is forever. Dad

"Mum, what do you mean it isn't much? This is beautiful," I teared up and hugged her again. "I love it, and I'll wear it every day."

My mother started crying a bit as well. "I meant that it's your only present. I wish I could've gotten you something else as well, but I just don't have any extra money right now. Your father had this made last year for your 18th birthday, and I was going to give it to you either way. I'm sorry he couldn't."

"No, Mum, don't apologize. It's not your fault. And you're doing great, considering the circumstances. This necklace means more to me than anything else you could've gotten me." I squeezed her tight then let go, also giving Zoe a hug. "I love you both so much."

We stayed like that for a few minutes, all teary-eyed and sappy. When we finally pulled ourselves together, my mom asked, "So what are your plans today, Amelia?"

I gulped, feeling slightly guilty now for leaving my family on my birthday. "Well, some friends from school want to take me out, if that's okay. I'm not really sure what they all have planned," I lied to her face.

"Don't feel bad, darling. I spent my 18th birthday with friends as well. Go out there and have some fun," she smiled warmly.

I nodded and hugged her once more. "I love you, Mum. I don't say it enough, but I do."


"So I think you're going to enjoy today," Benedict said whilst holding my hand in the car. "I have everything all planned out for us, but if we don't get around to everything, it's perfectly fine with me."

"I'm looking forward to seeing what you have in store for me, Ben. I hope that it also includes some fooling around?" I smirked, running my other hand down his thigh.

"You know, I actually didn't think about that." He looked at me with a serious face, which quickly turned into a genuine smile. "No, of course I have that on the agenda."

We both laughed as he drove out of the city and into the country. Music was playing quietly on the radio, and I couldn't help but look at him with nothing but adoration in my eyes.

"I love you, Benedict Cumberbatch," I whispered, gently squeezing his hand.

"And I love you, Amelia Parker," he whispered back. "Although I'm not quite sure why we're whispering right now. It's just us."

"I don't know either," I giggled, then began speaking in my regular voice. "Are we almost there?"

He turned onto a dirt road and started driving up a small hill. "Just a couple more minutes. I promise, you're going to love it."

I smiled at him and then looked out the window. The scene coming into view was beautiful, and my heart skipped a beat when he put the car into park.

"We're here. Do you like it?" He asked.

"Oh, I love it!" I exclaimed whilst hopping out of the car. "The city looks so small from here. And when I turn the other direction, it's just rolling hills. It's beautiful, Benedict."

He smiled warmly and went back over to the car, popping open the trunk. "And that's not the best part," he stated. When he closed the trunk he had a blanket and a picnic basket in his arm. "You get to enjoy the view and have a picnic with me, simultaneously."

I helped him lay out the blanket and food before I gave him a big hug. "You are literally the best boyfriend in the world."

"I know, I know," he smirked, running his hands through my hair as he kissed me. "Now let's eat before it gets cold."

We spread out on the blanket and ate the wonderful meal he prepared for us, including various fruits and vegetables for us to snack on. It was so amazing and romantic, and I found myself kissing him whenever we went silent.

"I love this," I whispered against his lips. "I love you."

He moaned softly in agreement as he deepened the kiss, gently laying me back. He placed his hands on my hips and slowly traveled up. When he cupped my breasts, he smirked and pulled away to look at me. "Maybe we shouldn't do this here... I think we should go to the hotel room I booked us. It's in a little village about thirty minutes away."

I pouted and messed with one of his curls, eventually giving in. "Alright, fine. I don't really want to be caught out here anyway, plus it's getting quite cold."

I stood up with him and helped pack our shit back into the picnic basket before tossing it in the trunk and driving away.


"Ben, you shouldn't have," I remarked as we walked into our room for the night. But it wasn't so much a room as it was a suite. For being in such a small village, this place was huge. There was a king bed, a sitting area, and a bathroom with a rather large bath tub.

He smiled as he locked the door behind us and set his bag down on a table. "I wanted to get you something nice for your special day. Besides, I got a good deal."

"Well I love it. Thank you darling." Walking back over to him, I reached down and took his hands, leading him over to the bed. "And now can we please make sweet love?"

"Mmm alright..." He chuckled and pushed me down before crawling on top of me. "This is going to be a night you'll never forget."


Professor CumberbatchHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin