Part 9

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"You look absolutely beautiful," Benedict breathed out as he opened the door to his flat and let me in.

I was wearing a plum-colored knee-length dress and silver flats. It was freezing cold outside, but I had bared it by bundling up in a big coat.

"You're stunning and gorgeous, and I'm lucky to have you as a girlfriend."

If he liked what he saw under the coat, I was certain he was going to love what was under the dress.

"You don't look so bad yourself. I love jeans and a shirt on a man."

He chuckled, "Why are you so dressed up though? We're not going anywhere else tonight..."

"I know, but I had to find some way to get mum to not be suspicious. She was taking Zoe to the celebration for the fireworks, and she wanted me to go with, but I wanted to be with you tonight. So I told her I was going to a party, and she let me go."

"Well I like it," he leaned in and kissed my cheek, then hugged me. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too. I wish we could've spent Christmas together, but I'm hoping you enjoyed the time you had with your parents?"

"Yes, it was nice. Except for the times when my mother interrogated me."

"Interrogated you? Why?"

"She wanted to know about my relationship status. She was able to pry out of me the fact that I have a girlfriend, but they know nothing more, and it's staying that way."

"I'm glad my mother thinks I'm going to be single forever. That helps us."

We both laughed and made our way into the living area. Benedict had the lights dim and his electric fireplace on. It was romantic – I wondered if he had the same intentions as I did.

"So, I've made dinner for us. I really hope you haven't eaten yet."

"Nope, I figured we were going to have takeout or something. What did you make?"

"I made us pasta carbonara, and I paired it with my best bottle of Monteverro Chardonnay."

Benedict gently took my hands and let me into the kitchen. His eyes were soft and gleaming with joy, and he pulled out my chair like a gentleman.

As I sat down, I crossed my legs and placed my napkin in my lap. Benedict brought over a pan and dished out the pasta for both of us. He then garnished it with chopped parsley.

"My god, it smells and looks delicious. Your cooking better taste half as good as it looks, though."

He simply chuckled and placed the pan back on the stove, then opened the bottle of wine. He poured half a glass for me and a full glass for him.

"I don't know if you'll like the wine, so I don't want to waste any. If you like it, I'll give you more."

"That's just fine," I assured him.

We both started eating, the wine perfectly complimenting the pasta. We kept chatting and eating for about an hour before we eventually moved into the living area.

"So what are our plans for tonight?" I asked, cuddling up to Benedict on the couch, underneath the fuzzy blanket.

"The only thing I had planned was to watch the New Years special. I figured you would want to hear the music and see the fireworks, Amelia."

Professor CumberbatchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora