Part 20

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The next morning, I woke up to the sensation of being spooned by Benedict. Being in that position made me feel safe, like nothing in the world could possibly harm me.

I reached up and rested my hand on his cheek, unaware that he had been awake for a while. "Careful or you'll accidentally poke my eye," he joked with his deep, baritone voice.

"Whoops," I giggled before purposefully grinding my hips against his groin area that was pressed against my backside.

He let out a stifled moan, then wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and started leaving hot kisses down my neck. "Darling, you do things to me. Unspeakable things."

"Like give you a hard on? Yeah I can feel it trying to poke its way in somewhere," I smirked, grinding my hips again.

"Oh fuck, Amelia," he moaned again. "Are you trying to kill me or something?"

"Revenge at its finest," I replied sarcastically. "Did you honestly think that I was going to let you get away with leaving me to myself for months?"

"You're never going to let me live this down, are you?" He whimpered.

"Nope. Not a chance."

"Well if you are going to kill me, can we at least do a quickie first? I need you to take care of this situation you've put me in."


"So you shagged him how many times?" Janessa asked, her eyes wide with intrigue.

"Well, it was three times before we fell asleep. And then twice before I left in the morning." I bit my lip, trying to suppress the smirk that was forming on my face.

"You horny girl, you!" She slapped my arm and shook her head. "I need to find me a man who can handle five shags in that short of a time. Speaking of which, how are you even walking right now?"

I laughed much louder at that than I should've, considering we were in the middle of the school library. The librarian glared at us and told us to shhhhh.

Much quieter I said, "I'm a strong woman, Janessa, but if we'd gone a sixth round, I don't think I would still be walking."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed the book she was looking for, adding it to the stack in my arms. "Lucky bitch either way."

I stuck out my tongue at her and then we walked over to another section to find the last book she needed for her assignment.

As we whispered and searched for the book, neither of us saw Benedict walk into the library. Immediately, however, he saw me and started walking toward the two of us.

"Hello beautiful," he breathed into my ear, having snuck up behind me, gently placing his hand on my lower back.

I jumped before realizing it was him. "You arsehole," I said through my teeth, lightly kicking him in the shin because my hands were full of books. He just chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close.

"How are you today, Janessa?" He asked nicely.

"I'm doing well, thanks for asking," she smirked, grabbing the last book. "Amelia here has been telling me all about last night."

My jaw dropped and I just looked at Benedict. "She's lying. I did no such thing."

"Now, Amelia, you and I both know that isn't true," he laughed. "I'm flattered you would speak so highly of me. Highly, right?"

"Oh, definitely, Benedict. The librarian even had to tell us to quiet down." Janessa snickered and I just rolled my eyes as a joke.

"I hate the both of you," I responded.

"I guess you won't be going out with me tonight, then?" Benedict frowned. "I was planning on taking you somewhere nice for dinner. That's why I came in here."

"I suppose I could stop hating you long enough to do that, especially if you pay for everything..." I batted my eyes up at him, also giving him a small smile.

"You think you're so cute looking at me like that," he snickered. "But fine. I'll pay."

"Sounds like a date then," Janessa interjected, grabbing at my arm. "Sorry to break you two lovebirds up, but we've really got to get back to studying now."

"Okay, okay..." I gave Benedict a quick peck the cheek before turning to go with Janessa. "See you tonight, love."


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