Part 19

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Benedict's POV

Not long after laying down, Amelia fell asleep in my arms. I didn't have the strength to wake her either, so I just let her sleep through the night.

In the morning, I woke to find her looking up at me with a small smile on her face. "Good morning," I whispered. "Did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby, thank you." She kissed my cheek and then stood up, straightening her clothes. "I'd best be off. My friend Janessa is waiting for me, probably wondering what we did last night."

I just stared at her with a somewhat startled look on my face. "Janessa from class? She knows about us? We've literally only had one lecture."

"I told her last night because I was upset. But don't worry, she doesn't mind at all." She put her hand on my shoulder. "And I haven't made up my mind yet anyway."

"Why would you remind me of that?" I groaned playfully. "Please let me know soon."

"Don't rush me." She kissed my cheek again and walked out with a smirk on her face. The suspense was killing me and she knew it — but I guess that's a fair price to pay for leaving her in the way I did.


"Alright class, that's all for today. Lecture dismissed." I closed my book and set it on my desk. "Oh! Before I forget, the chair of the English department has asked me to inform you all that there will be a literary outing in two weeks. I really don't know much about it, but there are flyers and a sign up sheet outside my door. I hope you all can attend."

I watched everyone leave the room, except for one person — the only person who matters to me. My heart started beating faster as I watched her put her books away, torturing me by doing it so slowly.

I went up behind her, gently placing my hand on her hip. "Amelia, darling, have you made up your mind? It's been four days and I feel like now you're just trying to torture me."

"Maybe I am, or maybe I really just can't decide," she said whilst turning around to look at me with longing eyes.

I frowned and reached up to twirl a loose strand of her hair around my finger, which she always used to love. "Tell me what you're thinking, darling."

She sighed and leaned toward my hand, closing her eyes. I could tell I'd hit her soft spot. "I just need one more night to think. I promise."

"I'll be here whenever you're ready. If you need one more night or twenty more nights, I won't rush you. I can wait." I kissed her forehead then went back to my desk to grab my briefcase. "I'll see you later, Amelia."


Later that night, I was sprawled out on my sofa, constantly drifting off to sleep while also scrolling through old photos on my phone. There came a knock on my door and I immediately jumped up, looking at the time.

"11 o'clock? What the?" I thought to myself.

When I opened my front door, I was surprised to see Amelia standing there. "Amelia, what are you doing here so late?"

She didn't respond. She just looked up at me, took a step forward, and smashed her lips against mine. I couldn't help but let out a moan, finally feeling her lips against mine after such a long time.

I pulled her inside and closed the door, walking backward toward my room. Neither of us broke the kiss, as we were too busy practically devouring each other.

When my legs hit the bed behind me, Amelia pulled away, smirking at me. "I've made up my mind, and tonight we're going to make up for the last few months."

"Obviously—" I replied with a bit of snark just as she pushed me down onto the bed and climbed on top of me.

What a fun night it was going to be.


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