Part 4

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Benedict's POV

"Holy shit," I muttered to myself as I walked into the kitchen. "She did not just say that... She did not just tell you that she fancies you."

I leaned against the kitchen counter and let out a deep sigh, rubbing my face in my hands.

"Maybe she'll forget or say that she was joking. She has to be. She knows that a relationship between us would be illegal, right? Hell, do I even realize that? What am I doing here anyways? I'm giving her private lessons and books to borrow? I even gave her a joint to smoke? I wouldn't do that for anyone else, so why am I doing it for her? Surely other students have gone through similar situations as her, and I did nothing for them."

I took a deep breath and looked out the window at the quiet street in front of my flat. It was a tad bit windy outside, and I knew it was cold, so no one was out walking like usual. I knew I was going to have to take my car when I drove Amelia home.

Not too long after my revelation, Amelia woke up with the effects of the marijuana wearing off.

"Benedict? Where are you?"

"I'm in the kitchen, but I'll be right there." I filled her up a glass of water because I knew she would be thirsty, and then I took it out to her.

"Oh, thank you. I was actually getting kind of thirsty."

"I know." I let out a nervous chuckle, then sat down in my armchair again.

"I should probably head home after I finish this water. It's getting late." She said softly, glancing out the window.

"Yes, that's what I was thinking. I'll drive you though. I'd like to meet with your mum, if you don't mind."

"I mean, I guess you can. I'll call her just to make sure that she's home." Amelia pulled out her mobile and dialed a number, then slowly walked over to my window.

I listened to her talk to her mum, secretly admiring her curves from behind – I then realized what I was doing was wrong and I stopped myself before I did anything stupid.

"She says she's making dinner right now, but she would love to meet you... She wants to know if you'd like to eat with us?" Amelia asked me, and I graciously accepted her offer.

"Should we get going then?" I asked, gently patting my hands against the armchair.

"Not just yet. I think I need another glass of water, if you would."

I smiled softly and took the glass from her, filling it and bringing it back out for her. "Drink up."

She looked nervous now as she sipped her water, and I noticed that she was looking wherever I wasn't, like she didn't want to make eye contact.

"Amelia, are you okay?"

She softly shook her head.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

She shrugged.

"Do you not want me to come to eat with you and your family?"

"It's not that..."

"What is it then?"

There was a long silence before she spoke again. "Did I say anything to you earlier when I was high?"

"Yes, we talked, but what does this–?"

She interrupted me, blurting out, "Did I tell you that I fancied you?"

I bit my lip, muttering, "You might have said something of the sorts..."

"Oh my god. Of course I did." Amelia got up and went over to the window again, shaking her head.

"But did you mean it?" She didn't respond so I just sat there and waited a minute before asking it again.

"Amelia, did you mean it?"

She turned and looked at me with tears in her eyes, slowly nodding her head. "I meant every word I said."

"You didn't say that much, so unless you want to forget about it, I'm going to need you to elaborate on that."

"I think I've already made our relationship awkward, so I might as well just tell you what I'm feeling."

"You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. I'm offering you the chance to forget about it right now."

"No, I can't forget about this... I think about you all the time, and whenever I'm in your class, I feel excited but slightly nauseous because your voice is so fucking beautiful. Then you look at me, and it makes me want to do unspeakable things to you. If just being in your class makes me feel this way, meeting with you outside of class as well certainly makes me want to die. I know that I can't have you, but it makes me crave you even more."

I watched this girl pour her heart out to me, and while I knew that my face was as red as a tomato, my eyes must have been as big as dinner plates.

"I... I honestly had no idea you felt that way about me, Amelia..."

"Well now you know. And since you know, I might as well do this."

Before I could absorb her words, Amelia's soft lips were against mine. She kissed me passionately, but I was too stunned to do anything about it.

When she finally pulled away, I just sat there, blinking. My fingers went up to my lips and I tried to figure out what had just happened.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I don't know what I was thinking."

"Well, I'm not sure how you want me to react to that, but I have absolutely no idea what to say right now."

We both sat there awkwardly until I stood up and grabbed my keys, then pointed to the door. "We can discuss this at another time. Your mum is probably wondering where we are."

Amelia nodded and followed me. I knew that the ride to her home was definitely going to be an experience.


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