Part 14

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"Your homework is to read the next five chapters of the novel, and we will have a class discussion tomorrow. There may or may not be a reading check as well, so come prepared. Alright, class is dismissed everyone."

Benedict turned around right as the bell rang to clean off the chalkboard. When it was clean, he leaned his head against the board and let out a deep, frustrated sigh.

"Is everything okay, Mr. Cumberbatch?" I asked as I walked to the front of the classroom. Everyone else had left the room, but I had stayed behind because I felt like something was wrong. Benedict had seemed off the entire class period.

"Hm? Miss Parker..." Benedict turned around and looked around, seeing that we were alone. "Yeah, I'm fine, Amelia. I just had a late night last night and I'm tired now."

"You know that I'm always here if you need anything or if you just want to talk," I said quietly. "You don't have to lie to me and say that you're fine when you obviously aren't."

Benedict forced a small smile and gently took my hand. "I don't know why I bother trying to hide my emotions around you when you can always see right through them."

"Women are like that, Benedict." I brushed his hair back with my free hand and smiled softly. "Do you want me to come cheer you up after school? And maybe you can tell me what's wrong?"

He nodded and ever so slightly leaned into my touch. "That sounds fine darling. Shall I pick you up in the usual spot?"

"Mhm," I hummed as I patted his cheek. "I'll see you then. Gotta get to class. Bye babe."


Benedict had his hand on my knee the entire ride back to his flat. I kept waiting for him to say something, but he never did.

When we got inside, I went straight into the kitchen to make us some tea as he went to change out of his work clothes. I finished as he walked out, and I handed him the cup, smiling softly. "I thought this might help cheer you up a bit."

"Thank you Amelia," he said whilst taking the cup. We walked over to his sofa and sat down next to each other, sipping our tea for a few minutes before he broke the silence. "I don't know how to tell you what I have to tell you."

I gently set my cup down, my heart starting to beat rapidly. I could tell what was coming, but I wasn't prepared for it. I looked him in the eye and could tell that he was trying to hold back tears. "Benedict... Just tell me."

"After I dropped you off yesterday, I received a call about an application I submitted for a position as an English professor. I forgot that
I had even submitted it because it was so long ago... But they want me, Amelia. A spot has opened up, and they want me. This is what I've always wanted to do, and now I'm finally getting the chance. But if I accept the position, they want me to start in two weeks. And it's far away. I'd have to move... I'd have to leave you..."

"But it's not an if, is it? It's a when... You're going to take the job, aren't you?" I was hurt that he was even considering this. "Why didn't you tell me that you had applied for the position in the first place?"

"Amelia, I told you that I forgot. I applied for it at the end of the summer, before this relationship even started. If I had known, I wouldn't have... But yes, I think I'm going to take it."

Hot tears started streaming down my face. "So we're done, just like that? You're leaving a perfectly fine job and ending our relationship just so you can go do the same thing you're doing now?"

"The level of English I am teaching at right now is much lower than the level I will be teaching at, Amelia. So is the pay. As I mentioned, this is my dream job, and I'd be crazy to pass it up," he said whilst trying to put his hand on my shoulder, but I pushed it away.

"You aren't answering my question, Benedict. Are we through? Are you breaking up with me?"

He frowned and nodded slowly.  "As much as I want to be with you darling, I think it would be best if we broke up. There will be too much distance between us. Plus, you'll meet someone new when you go off to college, and I don't want to hold you back when you do."

I shook my head, letting the tears flow. "I don't want someone else, Benedict. I want you. I love you. Why can't I just go with you? I can finish up school here and then go be with you. We can start a new life together, away from here, away from people who will judge us."

"Don't," he whispered. "Don't follow me. Your education is more important than our relationship. I won't allow you to throw away your life for me."

"I wouldn't be throwing my life away if I was spending it with you," I sobbed.

"Amelia, I won't allow it," he said sternly.

"Will you at least tell me which university you'll be teaching at?"

He shook his head. "No. I don't want you following me there. Amelia, I'm sorry. I love you so much, but I just can't."

I started sobbing and shaking even more. The thought of losing Benedict was making me sick. I probably looked like a child crying this much in front of him, but I didn't care. I was heartbroken.

"Amelia, darling..." He stepped toward me.

"Don't call me darling. You made it pretty clear that I'm not your darling anymore." Tears were still rolling down my cheeks as I stood up and grabbed my coat. "I'm going home."

"Do you want me to drive you back? It's terribly cold outside. I don't want you–."

"No. I'm walking back. Just leave me alone. Goodbye Benedict," I cried.

And with that, I walked out of his flat for the last time, slamming the door behind me.


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