Part 21

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I stood waiting alone by the road just off campus so that Benedict could pick me up for our dinner date. I went all out and was wearing a tight, knee-length black dress since it was our first time going on a legitimate date. I wanted to look extra sexy for not only him but for myself.

I saw his car coming from down the road and smiled as he pulled over and got out to open the door for me like the true gentleman he was.

"You look beautiful, Amelia, and I can't believe how lucky I am to be able to see you looking like this," Benedict said whilst he got back into the driver's side of the car. He then placed his hand on my knee as he drove off and began humming along to the music.

I took his gigantic hand and intertwined it with my own, squeezing it as tight as I could. "Are you going to tell me where you're taking me?"

He stopped humming and looked at me for a second before putting his eyes back on the road. "Nope," he chuckled. "It's a surprise. But don't worry, you're dressed appropriately."

"Are you nervous? This is really our first date in public when you think about it. We've only ever stayed in or gone to Martin's store after hours."

"I'm not nervous," he said softly as to comfort me. "It's about damn time that I got to show my girlfriend off to the world."

I blushed and squeezed his hand again. "What if someone recognizes us though?"

"Then we'll say hello to them. We've got nothing to hide. Our relationship isn't forbidden anymore."

I nodded and looked out the window. "If you say there's nothing to be nervous about, then I'm not nervous either. Let's do this."

"That's my girl." He smiled and pulled into the car park a minute later. "We're here."

"Oh Benedict," I exclaimed as I saw where we were. "You shouldn't have. I don't want you spending this much money on me."

"For once, I don't care what you want," he smirked as he got out of the car and came over to my side again to help me out. "I want to treat you to a fancy dinner, which I can afford, so I'm going to do it."

I shook my head and rolled my eyes as he lead me into the fancy restaurant.

"I have a reservation for two under the name Cumberbatch," he said to the host when we walked in.

"Of course. Right this way, sir." The host lead us to our table which was lit by a rather tall candle. I sat down first, followed by Benedict. "Your server will be with you momentarily," he said before walking back to the front.

"Really, this is too much, Benedict. I've never eaten anywhere this nice. I don't even know if I'll like anything on the menu here."

"Bollocks. I know you'll like the menu, which is why I chose this restaurant. And stop worrying about the money. Trust me, I can afford it."

I sighed and started looking through the menu, knowing he was right... about both things. I did like the menu, and he could afford it.

Once we ordered both our food and drinks, he smirked at me. "I told you so."

I rolled my eyes in fake annoyance and he then reached forward to take my hand. Holding it, he said, "I love you. I don't know if I say it enough, but I love you. I am so happy to have you back in my life, and I hope you know that."

I nodded slowly, starting to blush due to his sudden outburst of affection. "I-I love you too."

"Being here tonight isn't something I ever expected. I honestly thought that I'd lost you forever. But it's different now. I can feel it. We're moving in the right direction and–"

"You're not going to propose to me, are you?" I suddenly asked, cutting him off.

He began to chuckle and shook his head. "It wasn't on the agenda, but why? Do you want me to? Because I would marry you in an instant if that's what you wanted."

"You're just being really romantic and it sounded like that's what you were leading up to... And as nice as that sounds, I don't think I'm going to be ready for marriage for while."

"I completely respect that." He smiled and squeezed my hand, staring intently into my eyes for a good minute before our waiter arrived with our food.

"Oh fuck me, that smells amazing," I whispered.

"Now that I'm planning on doing," he smirked once again, then shook his head as he started laughing the most beautiful laugh.

"Well hurry up and eat then, lover boy, so we can get out of here. Just be sure to save room for dessert." I winked at him and then dug into my (delicious) food.

We continued talking and eating, enjoying each other's company. As we were waiting for the check, however, one of Benedict's colleagues walked over to say hello.

I became nervous and looked away, worried that the man might recognize me as one of Benedict's students and get us into trouble. Thoughts started swirling throughout my head, and I completely zoned out for a minute.

"Amelia... Amelia..." Benedict called gently, trying to get me to respond to his colleague who had tried introducing himself.

Suddenly I snapped back into reality. "I need to use the loo," I spoke quickly, getting up and making a dash toward the loo.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what's come over her," Benedict apologized to his colleague, a bit red in the face from embarrassment.

"No worries. But Benedict, I'm curious, is she one of your students?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

Benedict nodded slowly. "Um... Yes, yes she is. Before you say anything, though, you should know that it's complicated. This has been going on for longer than I've been here."

"I see..." His colleague gave him an awkward smile and nod. "Look, it's not illegal, but do be careful. Younger professors like yourself sometimes can get pulled into bad situations when in relationships with students."

"Thank you for concern. I think we have it handled, but I do appreciate it. I'll be careful." Benedict shook the hand of his colleague before he left, and he sat there waiting for me to return.

I was gone for ages. Benedict had paid the bill and was still sitting there when I came back out. "Can we leave?" I whispered softly, grabbing my purse before he could respond.

"Of course, darling." Benedict stood up and took my arm, leading me out to his car.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, leaning against the car with my arms wrapped around his neck. "I must've embarrassed you."

"A bit, yeah," he sighed. "What happened?"

"I just got nervous. I zoned out and started thinking about the worst things. I started crying as soon as I got into the loo."

Benedict frowned and leaned forward, kissing the top of my head. "Look, he did recognize you, but it's fine. We're fine. There's no need to worry."

"If you say so... Now let's go." I gently pushed him away and got into the car, waiting.

As he started the motor, he asked, "My flat? I think taking a bath together while listening to music and drinking bubbly will cheer you up."

I smiled softly and nodded. "Please. That sounds really nice, Benedict."


Professor Cumberbatchحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن