Part 5

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Benedict and I didn't talk during our car ride, except for when I had to give him directions. I couldn't believe what I had done, and now I had to sit through an entire dinner with him.

"You fucking idiot," my mind said. "You probably just made him hate you. He's never going to speak to you again after tonight."

As we waited for my mum to finish changing Zoe into clean clothes, I watched Benedict sit on the couch, his eyebrows furrowed. He didn't look angry though, just confused. I felt awful for putting him in this situation, but I really hoped that we would be able to talk things over soon.

"Amy, Amy, Amy!" Zoe called as she ran down the stairs ahead of mum. "Is this Mr. Cucumber?"

I couldn't help but laugh as my little sister mispronounced Benedict's name. Even Benedict let out a chuckle, a smile forming on his face.

"This isn't Mr. Cucumber, but it is Mr. Cumberbatch! You've messed up the pronunciation of his name, silly!" I grabbed her arm and pulled her in so I could tickle her.

She squealed and then ran over to Benedict, holding out her hand. "It's nice to meet you Mr. Cumberpatch!"

He laughed as she messed up his name again, but he shook her hand anyways. "It's nice to meet you as well... Zoe, is it?"

"That's me!" She smiled and showed off her missing teeth. "I'm seven!"

"Are you now? Well seven is a great age to be. Enjoy it while it lasts!" He messed with his ear then stood up to shake hands with my mother as well.

"Mr. Cumberbatch, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. You've done a lot for Amelia since the accident, and I can't thank you enough."

"Please, call me Benedict. Also, it's my pleasure. She's a great girl and she just needs some extra help. There's nothing wrong with that." He turned and looked at me, his gaze softening, then turned back to my mother.

"I believe dinner is ready. Why don't you take a seat at the table?" She lead Benedict over to the neatly set table, where he pulled back a chair for her. He did the same for Zoe and me.

"You're a gentleman too! Don't see many of those around anymore."

"A little kindness never hurt anyone," Benedict chuckled.

We started eating dinner – roast chicken, russet potatoes, and green beans – so it grew silent. Of course my mother had placed me across the table from Benedict, so he was in my direct line of vision. I just hoped I wouldn't fuck everything up.

"I forgot to ask you, Benedict, would you like a glass of red wine? Dinner really isn't complete without it," my mother asked.

Benedict had a chunk of food in his mouth, so his response was delayed, but he nodded. "Y-yes, please, that sounds delicious."

My mum got up and grabbed a new bottle from our shelf, opening it with ease. "Amelia, you know I don't like you drinking, but tonight is a special occasion, so would you like a glass?"

"It's not that you don't like it. I just don't do it," I muttered. "I will take a glass, please and thank you."

I held up my glass as she poured it for me and then watched as she poured a glass for Benedict as well.

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