Part 17

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"I'm just not sure why we have to take a Maths class. We're English students..." Janessa groaned as we packed up our things after class.

"It's not that hard of a class. It's pretty much just simple math. If you can't get high marks in here, then I don't know what to tell you," I laughed whilst picking up my bag. "C'mon, we've only got a few minutes until our next class starts and we've got to go all the way across campus."

Janessa and I hurried to get to our destination, chatting along the way.

"Classic Literature should be easy, right? We both love reading classics," Janessa stated.

"Yes, but I don't know who the professor is. It wasn't listed online, so I couldn't look up recommendations or anything. For all we know, the coursework could be simple, but the professor could also be an absolute prick and make everyone fail."

"Stop it. You're making me nervous," she whined. "And we're going to be late. Class starts in a minute!"

We picked up the pace and walked into the lecture hall two minutes after class was supposed to have started. Thankfully the professor wasn't there yet, so we calmed down and took the two remaining seats in the front row.

"Is it true that if the professor isn't here fifteen minutes after class starts we get to leave?" The person sitting next to me asked.

"I think that's just an American thing," I laughed as I responded, turning back to Janessa.

Just then, the professor walked in rather hurriedly, quickly getting his laptop out and ready. "My apologies for being late this morning, students. Apparently I misplaced my briefcase and—"

The second he had started talking, my eyes widened and I turned toward the front of the room. Upon seeing who my professor was, I exclaimed, "Holy shit!"

Everyone in the room fell silent and looked toward me. "Sorry, I just hit my knee on my desk," I lied, my heart racing. Benedict had also looked in my direction, his eyes growing wide when he saw it was me.

He shook his head, trying to get back in focus. But seeing me threw him off, and he started stammering. "—uh... um... and it took me a while to find parking. Again, m-my apologies."

I just sat there and stared at him with so many different thoughts going through my head.

How was this happening?

Why was this happening?

I'm going to transfer out.

No, just stay put.

What do I tell Janessa?

How the fuck do I talk to him?

Since it was the first day of class, Benedict pretty much just went over the syllabus and told us what the coursework would be like. He said that he wanted the class to be challenging, but not challenging enough to make our grades suffer.

Of course, I missed everything he said.

When the bell rang, everyone got up to leave, but I just stayed put, staring into the void. Janessa snapped her fingers in front of my eyes, causing me to jump.

"Jesus, Janessa! What was that for?"

"You were completely out of it... for the entire lecture, might I add. What's up with you?"

I tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear as I shrugged. "Oh, just something I remembered I have to do. I'll explain later. Actually, go ahead and leave without me. I'll meet up with you for dinner tonight."

She narrowed her eyes for a second, trying to read me. "As long as you're okay..."

"I'm fine, Janessa," I replied.

With that, she left the room and it was just Benedict and I who were left. He was sitting at his desk, watching me with sad eyes.

"I didn't know you were a professor here," I said softly. "I swear I had no clue."

"I believe you." He got up and walked over to the desks, sitting down in the one next to mine. "Amelia, I'm not sure if I can do this... be your professor again, I mean. It was hard enough before when we were..."

He trailed off and we sat there in silence for a moment before I spoke up. "So what do you want me to do? Drop the course? Fat chance of that, Benedict. I'm an English major and this course is required."

He sighed and ran his hand through his luscious locks of auburn hair whilst I watched. "I don't know then. I just... I couldn't concentrate today because I kept seeing you, and it brought up old memories. If it's like that every lecture, I can't go on."

I nodded, letting him know that I understood. "Well Benedict, it sounds like we have a lot to discuss. I've got another class though, so I've got to get going. You still have my number right?"

"Of course I do."

"Text me later with where you want to meet up and we'll go from there." I stood up, gathering my things before leaving the room without saying a goodbye.


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