Chapter 14

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Sentient beings - Narnian creatures that can use logic, think, and speak.

Satyrs - Like a faun, but more goatish, and have fur all over their body.

Hamadryad - A type of dryad that is born bonded to a certain tree. Some believe that it is actually the tree.

Black Lake - The lake by Hogwarts.

"I assure you, he can be trusted. Who he is however, will need to be explained in my story. I invite you to share yours first, if you please." Lucy confidently alluded.

"As you wish, my liege." Oreius nodded and began his tale.

"Your majesties had not returned. Several hours had passed from the time that you, Queen Lucy, our Kings Edmund and Peter and Queen Susan should have arrived. We began to worry. When night fell and there was still no sign of your excellencies, search parties were sent out. I was in the Shuddering Woods when a flash of bright light flooded my vision. The light faded and I found that I was no longer in the Shuddering Woods, instead I was in a forest, it was a thick and murky dark. The trees were so still, dead.

"I came across Aruis first and together we found many more Narnians. Centaurs were the most common. Satyrs and foxes were discovered to have grouped near a lake with a few fauns. Prouders, now called Hippogriffs by the wizards, have gone their separate way, but they are still cared for by Sentient beings when needed.

"Some merfolk from Narnia now live in the Black Lake and have cast illusions to appear different. The illusions don't effect Narnians, but do effect any others that lay eyes upon them. Unicorns, are still connected with the other Narnians, albeit loosely. Other Narnians have come to this world as well, but the only dryad is the Hamadryad that is so named, the Whomping Willow.

"We Narnians could not bring it upon ourselves to name any other King or Queen. We formed a council that would govern us until the time came when our beloved Kings and Queens had been found." Oreius finished.

"What about Helena, (Oreius' wife) Tumnus and the Beavers?" Lucy inquired.

"Helena, is here. Tumnus sailed to Calormen to make sure they were not behind your majesties' disappearance and has not come to this world. The Beavers remained in the castle to take care of things in your absences and have not traveled to this world either." Oreius explained.

Lucy nodded in understanding before warning him "My story will be much longer." Lucy then began her tale and it was much longer, even though she abridged it. When Lucy revealed that Severus Snape was her father, Oreius studied Severus, as if reevaluating him. It didn't last too long though as suddenly another centaur burst into the clearing. "It's Helena, she's..." He trailed off.

"What is it?" Lucy questioned him.

The centaur, surprised at a human being there, especially one that wasn't an adult, ministry of magic official, recovered rather quickly. "That baby's coming!"

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