Chapter 35

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Isabel POV

The door opened.


I whimpered and tried to move away thinking the evil man wanted to use me more. I suddenly saw a figure. A familiar figure.

"Well Omar. There she is."

"Simon. I can see her, but I would like to know if she is a virgin."

Omar? Do I know an Omar.

"Ramos come on now." Ambrosim smirked fixing his shirt. "Would I ever betray your trust?"

Diego looked at Ambrosim and Simon. He didnt want to argue anymore.

"Just let me examine her or there is going to be some problems." Diego said.

"Or what?" Ambrosim said.

"I thought you would never ask." I heard a strong alpha voice.

Giovanni POV

I couldn't take it anymore. I got Out of the car in my disguise and walked liver to the hatch where Simon, Ambrosim, and Diego were.

"Or what?" Ambrosim cockily asked.

"I thought you would never ask." I threw my knife at Simon's throat and pulled out my gun to shoot Ambrosim 5 times in the chest he laid on the floor gurgling out blood and holding onto his chest.

"M-my.....s-son is-" He struggled to speak.

"Your son Erik is with my crew now." I growled letting the tip of the gun barrel touch his forehead. "What the fuck did you do to her?" I growled evilly.

Ambrosim chuckled and coughed spit at me.

"The.....t- tables .....h-have t-t-turned. You......fucked my....wife.......I....fffuck yours."

"Fucking rapist!!!" I hit him with my gun breaking his teeth. He spit out his wisdom tooth. I thought he took that put already. Hmm......I guess I will be a great dentist too.

" kn-know.... one...." I blew his brains out ending him. Diego took out a walkie talkie.

"Attack boys." He ordered. Not long after that we heard gun shots and bombs. Diego ran to Isabel but when she saw me she screamed and scolted away. Diego tried to come near her again. She threw whatever she found on the floor.

"Isabel....." Diego tried to talk to her. She screamed a bloody scream and the chains jingled.

"Bella....Bella!" Just then her baby brown looked into my sea blues. "It's me. It's Gio.....we're all here." She stared at me. She was shaking and bleeding. Diego couldn't find the keys, but Leo came in with a small chain saw and cut the chains. The bracelets we're still on her wrists and her ankles. "I need to carry you Bella.....Isabel." She looked at me confused and cried. She was going to scream. I touched her softly and made you look at me. I took off mt tarp that I wore for my disguise. I wrapped it around Isabel.

"Boss." Leo said as he looked outside. The Spanish and Italians banded together to fight the Russians. Victor and Chris speed the car over to the outside trap door. "We got to get out of here! Now!"

Isabel was sweating and shaking. I picked her up. She seemed out of it. In another world. She thought she was dreaming. I covered her face so she would not see the dead bodies everywhere.

"Boss." Chris said. "We killed majority of the Russians. There are 200 men in the building still."

"Get our men out." Diego said.

"Already done." Victor said. All of our vans and cars left the scene. So did we. Once we got far enough, Chris opened his computer and pressed a button. The explosion vibrated on the eartj and the car shook. Isabel screamed as if she was still in the trap hole. She screamed and kicked and everybody tried to calm her. She continued to scream and Diego took out his doctor bag.

"I'll give her some seroquel!" He yelled over Isabel's screams.

"Don't you dare!!!! She doesnt need it!" I covered my saint up. She saved me abd I was going to save her and nurse her back to health. " It's okay Bella it's okay. It's me. Please......It's Giovanni. Your Gio....." Her screaming started to die down.

Could it be that she recognizes my voice?

"We got to take her straight to the private jet." Diego said.

"There is a shower there and a room." Victor said as he drove out of the desert and into the city.

"Then that is where we will go." I said.

"I got a text from my mom." Chris said. "She is on the plane. Everything is ready for her arrival."

I almost forgot about Zaleta.

She discovered my parents bodies in the room when she came back from the store. I asked her to cremate my parents. Once I find Isabel then we can do the ceremony. My parents loved her like a daughter. She deserves to be at the funeral.

We made it to the plane and for some reason, Isabel stopped shaking in my arms. Her skin seemed pale in the sunlight. She held onto my jacket as if I was....

Her Saint.

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