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Jimin had never been an easy child. His mother would constantly struggle with his longing of randomly touching and tasting stuff.
If something  was new to him or seemed interesting, he craved to know the feeling of it on his skin and if it was something he liked he would often rub his face or even press his lips against it. Sometimes  he would lick things.

His earliest memory  was him licking the surface of his mothers new leather bag.
He really liked the smell and the feeling of it against his hands.

He couldn't explain why he wanted to know how certain things feel against his lips or his tongue. 
But sometimes he just really  needed to know.

He developed rituals over the years. Things he just had to touch, before doing certain things.

Yoongi ,on the other hand, could be easily  discribed  as the opposite.
He wasn't  interested  in touching things, he wanted to be touched.
He was shy tho.
Extremely  introverted and socially awkward.
So the only person left for full filling  his longings was... well he himself.

He knew his own body better than anything else. He knew where exactly  his sensitive spots were and what places tickled when he touched them.

His body was like a map that he studied for years.
Of course, he eventually hit puberty and discovered that some places felt really good to touch.
He became  obsessed with it.
His body was him temple and god dammit,he loved it.
So to speak, he had a lot of sexual experiences without actually having sex.

Both of them used to live in the same neighbourhood.
They weren't friends, they never talked but they knew of each others existence.

Jimin was known as the kid that licked the cover of a school book  on the first day of school.
He wasn't  really bullied for that, but all the kids kept teasing him about it.
Especially after similar incidents followed the next weeks.

That was the first time for the boy to be confronted with the fact that his usual habits of simply giving into his longings wasn't  considered as normal.
He was ashamed of himself, but still couldn't stop doing what he was doing.

Luckily his dad  got another job and they had to move.
A big city, in which no neighbour  would tell the mother how weird her beloved son was.

So Park Jimin transferred to another elementary school. He learned out of his previous  mistakes and was more careful  with what he was touching.
He found a few friends, whom he'd  been stuck with until highschool.

Meanwhile, the shy Min Yoongi grew older with only his twin sister as a friend. Both were introverted  so keeping each other company was enough. She was straight forward and wouldn't  hesitate  a second to speak her mind. Totally confident in what she was doing and not giving a fuck about other people's opinion.
So whenever somebody  tried to make fun of Yoongi's shy stuttering , they could be sure to catch these hands.

(Wink wonk)

Yoongi's mother  was a hard working  woman, but never entirely happy.
She grew up in Seoul  and missed the vibes of living in a big city.
She couldn't bring herself  to stress her kids with a school transfer so didn't make her dreams reality.

But at the end of the twins freshman  year she met a man that changed her whole life.
She was madly in love and a year later they decided  to move together.

Now the twins were starting their  junior  year in a new school. Hundreds  of opportunities.  Hundreds of new faces.
But maybe one of those faces will look familiar...

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