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I know some of you are pretty salty about me just updating 2 stories instead of all :""))))

Hoseok let out a loud whoop before dropping his bags and picking up Mika. He started running towards the water, his pace slower than intended because  of the sand beneath his feet.
Mika was yelling and protesting  trying to get off but Hoseok threw her over his shoulder as if she weight nothing. Taehyung followed quickly after, pulling his shirt off while running.
Jin rolled his eyes, putting down his bags and slowly taking off his shoes.
Yoonji was holding Yoongi's hand, both unsure what to do. They just arrived at the beach. Taehyung persuade them to head down to the beach instead  of dropping off their  bags at Taehyungs dad's place first.
Hoseok was now drowning  his girlfriend in the ocean and Taehyung was stripping down everything except his underwear.
Jungkook stared at the scenario, arms crossed in front of his chest.
Jin stood up,sunscreen  in one and a towel in the other hand.
"I'll  stay here and watch after our stuff, you guys can go ahead" he pointed towards the water.
Jimin raised his eyebrows , giving Yoongi a look. A beautiful smile appeared his face, making  Jimin's cheeks flush.
Yoongi let go of Yoonji's hand and placed his bag next to Jin,  which  was already laying on his towel. His nose white from sunscreen, a pair of expensive sunglasses covering his eyes.
Yoongi was fidgeting slightly, while pulling off his jacket. Jimin secretly wished Yoongi would strip mostly naked just as Taehyung did, but he doubted he was that bold.
Jimin made a few steps towards the water, waiting. Until Yoongi grabbed his arm and ran ahead.
Yoonji pursed her lips.
"Traitor" She said through  gridded teeth.
She watched Yoongi drag a perplexed  Jimin along with him.
They were laughing, splashing  each other with water. Yoongi even helped Mika to drown Hoseok, screaming that they would burry his body deep in the sand and make sure his parents  believed it had been an accident.
This was the first time she saw him so ... social. He barely knew those people,but acted like they've  been friends for years. She was - no she wasn't  jealous. She wouldn't admit  that. She was better off alone. Those childish beach games wasn't  her type of fun. She liked to read, to just enjoy silence, maybe listen to some music.
She should have stood at home. Yoongi was better of without her. She shook her head, her eyes getting teary.
Why was this bothering her? She turned , trying to ignore  the happy cheering. The wind was tousling her hair, hiding her tears. In order to maybe take a walk and calm down a little, she took off her shoes.
The sand was warm against her bare feet. After leaving the others behind, far enough so their voices wouldn't bother her but still be near enough  to see if they decided to leave , she sat down. Her clothes would be ruined after this but why would she care?
It took Yoonji a few seconds  to notice  that someone  followed her and was now sitting down next to her.
She ignored him, staring at the waves.
"Are you alright?"Jungkook asked.

She bit her lip, his soft voice making her throat tight and more tears form in her eyes.
She planned to ignore him and shook her head to show him that she wasn't interested in talking to him. Too late she realised  that she subconsciously answered his question.

"I mean - I didn't" her voice croaked. Her own instability making her lower lip tremble. It was all Yoongi's fault!
She shook her head in frustration.
Usually she wouldn't   run out of words to say, she wouldn't try to explain  herself, god dammit she wouldn't be crying  in the first place.
Yoonji never realised how much she depended on her twinbrother. She always thought she was the strong one, the brave one. But seeing him now, getting along with other people, making friends altough he may be extremely shy in some situations, altough  he was small and weak and never experienced social interaction in that type. Only now she realised  that she didn't either. She had no idea how to act around people. Blocking off contact and being a salty bitch was her way of protection. Shielding Yoongi was her way off hiding her own insecurities.
Tears were now streaming down her face. She suppressed her sobs as much as possible but it still sound miserable.
Jungkook wasn't talking, wasn't comforting her. But his presence itself made the situation less painful.
She tried to wipe off her tears with the back of her hands, luckily she didn't  wore makeup today.
She glanced over at Jungkook , thankful and a little bit confused. 
Normally boys would pat her shoulder or slang and arm around crying girls, right? Or was this just something  they did in the movies?
Yoonji  really had no idea. But she at least expected him to be awkwardly ashamed of the situation, not knowing  how to deal with it. But he wasn't even looking at her.
He was watching the waves break against a few rocks not far from them. He was listening to the sounds of the ocean, at least this is what Yoonji thought. His face looked so smart and peaceful, he must think about some deep and meaningful stuff.
But actually  he was just  giving her time to calm down, knowing  that he was too much of a stranger too comfort her and too involved to just walk back to the rest of the group. He didn't care about her tears, everybody cried once in a while. It wasn't a big deal to him. But it was one for her, so he respected that and wasn't watching her while crying , while being  the weakest version  of herself she has been in front of the most people she met.
Yoonji smiled at him, following his gaze and watching the waves, peacefully and yet powerful  and strong.
She didn't know if he was could guess why she was crying. But he helped her anyway, by just being there. Just a warm body close enough  to feel the heat next to hear, in contrast  with the wind blowing her hair to the side.
Only a few people have seen her like that. Only three, to be exact.
Yoongi , her mom and -
"GUYS, what are you doing over here?"
A barely clothed  and soaking wet Taehyung  was jogging towards their small bubble of peace and let it pop immediately.
Yoonji expected Jungkook to protest, to say something mean,  something  like 'fuck off', but he didn't  even turn his head.
Of course she noticed that both of them had some interested in her. She wasn't stupid. The way they both tried to act like gentleman around her but still bicker over tiny things, childish things like helping her with her bag. Or complementing her at every possible  moments.
She looked up to Taehyungs wet face and his wide smile.
Jungkooks presence made her calm, yeah. But this smile made her suppress her own. She wanted to smile back at him. She wasn't that type of person tho. That wasn't her type of thing.

"Just enjoying the silence as far as possible  from your childish games" She responded.

"Oh" Taehyung seemed a little  confused, unsure what to say. Judging  by his look he was really into their "childish games" and actually  enjoyed being a little weird and wild with his friends.
"Well- Mika and Yoongi just left to buy something  for lunch. We want to spend the rest of the day here and bring our stuff into the apartment when the sun sets... uhm if that's fine with you-"

"Yeah whatever"
Taehyung wasn't  close enough to see how Yoonji's expression froze at the mentioning of her brother.

"So are you coming back ?"

Taehyung stepped from one foot to the other. Still smiling, a little unsure now.
She took her time to answer, looking at his bare chest and salient collarbones. Taehyung didn't have a sixpack or anything but he was definitely in shape and nice to look at.

"Fine" She sighed and stood up. Taehyungs eyes lit up. Yoonji hide her smile by pushing a few strands  of hair behind her ear. He was so easily to satisfy.
Walking a few steps she realised  that both boys haven't followed her yet. She turned, it looked like Taehyung  was waiting  for an answer or something. Yoonji was too far to hear anything  tho. And honestly,  she didn't  care.

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