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Oh in case some of y'all  are wondering how old I am.
My 18th birthday  is in a month.

Kinda funny I started this account with 15/16. ❤ you&me guys, we're in a long lasting relationship ❤

"So you guys broke up?"

Yoonji shrugged.
"I guess so"

Hoseok clicked his tongue.
"That's  so inconvenient"

"Yeah now it will be all awkward between you guys especially when you start dating other people" Mika agreed.

Yoonji turned her head to look out the window. They were still sitting in the train.
Mika had whipped out a portable chess game and challenged Jimin.
He won after 5 minutes and that was when Mika suddenly became interested in Yoonji's relationship.

"I just don't get it" Yoonji frowned
"We never fought or something. We just stopped seeing each other and I kinda knew that it was over."

"That really is weird" Yoongi stated.

Yoonji sighed and brushed her hair back.
Slowly, as if she didn't want to hear the anwser, she asked: "Do you think he might be seeing someone else?"

Jimin's eyes met Jin's and they both had the same expression of pure guilt placed on their faces.
Maybe we just just tell her, Jimin thought.
But then again... Taehyung  was his best friend.
And she's your boyfriend's other half

He saw Yoongi's worried expression  and his heart immediately clenched.

"No idea" Mika said and patted Yoonji's  knee.
"But dont forget, a wise woman once said: Men ain't shit"

Hoseok snorted.

"Yeah maybe I should change the team or something" Yoonji mumbled and her frown turned into a smile.

"I case you want to live out your lesbian fantasies, I volunteer as tribute" Mika slurred while leaning closer towards her. Yoonji automatically backed off but couldn't help but laugh.
They all laughed at this statement and Jimin bend over to see Hoseok's expression. The portable chess game was long forgotten.

He just shrugged and joined the laughter soon after.
"As long as I can watch" he added with  a smug smile and a wiggle of his eyebrows.
"Eww" Yoonji called out and slightly slapped his arm.

Yoonji sighed and closed her eyes for a few seconds.
"I just wanna know what I did wrong"

"You did nothing wrong!" Jin blurted out. Jimin could tell how hard it was for him to keep the nasty secret just to himself.

Yoonji just shrugged and sadly her frown had turned back.
Her brother groaned and mumbled something about 'punching him in the gut'.
Jimin didn't feel like sitting any longer. He stood up which made them all look at him.
"I'll  be right back"

Yoongi reached for his arms and softly grasped onto his sleeve.
His gentle touch made Jimin's  heart sting even more. The feeling of guilt was killing him.
"Where are you going?"

"I uhm ..wanted to ask Taehyung  for some gum" he mumbled and quickly  went out of their 6 seat bay.

He went into the same direction that Taehyung  and Jungkook did before.
He scanned every passengers face while he walking down the narrow corridor.
It didn't take him long until he spotted  the ... couple. There was no other word to describe them.
Jungkook had his arm slung around Taehyungs shoulder and the latter was leaning into his embrace. Jimin walked closer and saw how Jungkook moved his lips and if he was saying something. The corners of Taehyung's lips twitched  and he then flashed a big smile.
He turned his head and quickly his lips found Jungkook's. 

Jimin didn't realise  he had made a noise but the boys flew apart and Jungkook whiped  his lips. His eyes were wide and his face had lost all its  colour.

"Oh uhm Jimin we weren't-"

"It's  okay, he knows" Taehyung said and he sounded almost sad.

Jungkook's  stare flickered between Taehyung and Jimin.
"He knows!?"

"Yeah" Jimin shrugged it off "He needed someone he could talk to. You realise that you hurt him alot?" 

Taehyungs cheeks turned red.
Jungkook nodded slowly.
"I realise that... and I literally hate myself for that" he was looking at Taehyung  while saying that.

Jimin scoffed.
"That isn't the only reason why you should hate yourself, you know. Yoonji feels terrible. You gave her no proper reason as to why you broke it off with her. You frickin cheated on her and she feels like it is her fault."

"I told her that it's  not her fault-" Jungkook stamered. This was the first time he saw Jimin like that. He was usually so cheerful and nice.
He was the complete opposite now.

"Get your head out of your ass, Jungkook. This is not how women work!"

"Jimin-" Taehyung knew that this whole situation was fucked up and Jungkook had definitely done some dumb things but he couldn't just simply watch Jimin putting him down like that.

"Oh and don't get me started on you!"
Jimin crossed his arms in front of his chest. He didn't care that raising his voice made other passengers look at him.
"You said you would either tell Yoonji or break it off. But , what a surprise!" He faked a laugh and then spit the next words out as if they were poisseness.
"You both are selfish assholes-"

"Yah!" Jungkook interrupted him.
"That's  enough"

"You're damn right. Stop lying to her, stop lying to all of us"
Jimin stared to walk off but stopped in  the middle of the corridor.
"If you don't tell her the truth until we sit on out train back , I will. I will tell them everything"
He turned on his heels and stormed off, leaving the couple with wide open jaws.

Jimin knew this might make things worse and yeah sure he felt bad to blackmail his best friend like that. But he was done with all the secrets , with all those lies.

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