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(^another edit haha❤)

"I finally understand the whole attachment thing. You know... when girls get very clingy after you've spend the night-" Taehyung mumbled while pushing the cart pass the vegetables and fruits.
Jimin and Jin followed him.

"I've never been so whipped for anyone before"

Jimin snorted and reached for some grapes.
Jin was studying their shopping list.

"Taehyung don't walk so fast-" Jin placed his hand on his friends shoulder.
His eyes were glued to the sheet and his lips moving slightly as he read along the lines.
"Garlic ... cucumbers and cheese-"
He let out a groan and ruffled his hair.
"Why couldn't we organise this list in categories!?"

Taehyung shrugged and continued talking while picking out a cucumber.
"Also ...it became different? Like, we used to just hook up and now it's  so emotional and just so much more than that"

"I'm  glad you guys found each other but haven't  you forgotten about something?"
Jin didn't look up from the list but he's  voice sounded taunting.

"Yeah, for example  that he's still dating Yoonji?"Jimin added

Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"You don't have to remind me"

"Yoongi told me the two have barely talked the past week. Yoonji doesn't seem too happy with it."

"Yeah but they're  coming back today and tomorrow we will all celebrate new years together... what are you planning  on doing?" Jin automatically pushed Taehyung so they could continue down their list.

"I hope he's not planning on breaking up with her before new years"

Taehyung smoothed down his hair. His eyes stared at his feet without focusing.
"He promised me not to pretend anymore.  That he's not going to act all lovey dovey around her just to keep our secret" he mumbled.
Jin gave Jimin a surprised  look. He was the last one of the trio to be informed about Taehyungs little affair.
And until now he didn't realise how serious it was.
Taehyung was always the wild one, the one that skipped classes and made out with lots of girls, making stupid mistakes but constantly learning from them.
Jimin just shrugged at Jins expression and pushed both of his friends so they could finish their grocery shopping.

Mika jumped  out of the bus , her hair tied up into a big knot and a wide grin on her face.
Hoseok followed her, walking a little less energetic. He was the one carrying both of their bags after all.
Mika ran a few steps, then turned and ran back to Hoseok.
She almost knocked him over.

"What are you going?" Hoseok asked, laughing.

"I'm  excited!" Mika cheered and suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Wooha calm down" Hoseok tried to keep his balance but Mika was giving him a hard time.
The bus behind them left the station, leaving them alone.

She started peppering kisses along his jaw and up to his cheeks.

"We'll  be late" Hoseok mumbled. Everytime her lips collapse with his face, he flinched a little.

She just laughed and after a few more moments unnecessary affection she turned and ran off.
He shook his head and adjusted the bags before catching up to her.

It was like a dejavu. All of them meeting up at the train station on their way to Taehyung's fathers apartment. Mika ran up the stairs and could see a few of their pals.
Hoseok's  heavy breathing was coming from the staircase and she impatiently waited for him to catch up. It was his idea to carry their luggage  so Mika didn't feel guilty, yet she couldn't just leave him like that.

Yoongi noticed the couple and started waving at Mika. It 9 am, their train was leaving in about 30 minutes.
The train station was crowded with people, probably  on their way to visit their families.
The twins have arrived a couple of minutes before Taehyung  and Jin. The two boys were constantly whispering about something but Yoongi decided  to ignore it. He was so excited to see Jimin. They haven't seen each other in so long since the twins only came back yesterday and there had been no time yet.
When he saw Mika and Hoseok approach he was just a tiny bit disappointed, he really wished Jimin was already here.

Mika wrapped her arms around Yoongi and squeezed him firmly against her body.
"Ahh I missed you so much"
Yoongi hummed in response and softly patted her head.
It was hard not to fall for her. She really was one of a kind.
A pair of bigger arms joined the hug and Yoongi could tell that it was Hoseok.
They laughed and cheered and laughed even more and after a few sweet seconds they separated.
Mika held up her arms to embrace Yoonji but the latter just stepped aside.
She wasn't in the mood for hugs. 

It took Mika a moment to realise that, so she just awkwardly stood there with her arms wide open.
Yoongi felt sorry for her yet he wasn't mad at Yoonji either.
How could he if he kept waking up from her sobbing and whining every night.
She was heartbroken.
And it took him quite a while to convince her to join their little new years eve gathering. 
Jungkook never officially broke up with her but she knew it was over. Sometimes she felt like it never even begone.
Mika exchanged glances woth Yoongi and he tried to explain everything with one look.
Mika turned on her heels, her arms still up in the air, and reached for Taehyung.
While the couple continued to greet the others Yoongi saw Jungkook coming up the stairs. He wasn't the only one who noticed tho.
Yoonji stiffened  and quickly fumbled at her zipper. She tried to act like she was busy looking for something, but everybody  knew what was up.
Meanwhile Taehyungs heart leaped at the sight of Jungkook and he suppressed his smile by biting his lips.
Jungkook came closer swinging his bag as if it weight nothing.

His expression changed when his eyes  lingered on Yoonji for a few seconds.
What followed were a few seconds of awkward coughing and quick hugs and greetings before Jungkook stepped aside.
He didn't want to confront Yoonji now, in front of all their friends.

Mika carefully  started a conversation with Yoonji, expecting her to ignore her. But Yoonji thankfully replied with a sad smile.

"Ohh" Yoongi suddenly  remembered  something.
"Guys" everybody's attention was now on him.

"Our mom and her fiancé invite you all to their wedding!"

"Oh my- really?" Mika squeaked. She  clapped her hands exidently, which was something she took on from Hoseok.

"Yes" Yoonji  said, her tone was  cold and a little harsh.
"All of you"
Her eyes met Jungkook's and she quickly turned her head while flipping her hair.
There it was again, that attitude.

"Oh wow that's so great! It must be super exciting!" Mika ignored Yoonji's tone and jumped up and down like a child. 
"Are you helping your mother with the dress and everything?"
She asked, trying to overcome the awkwardness of the situation.
"No" Yoonji said.

Mika turned to Yoongi, her eyes begging for help.
"And you?"

"Uh.. no." Yoongi stammered a little surprised.

"Oh come on! I can totally see you doing that, like assisting with the dress and the decoration! You're such a bottom"

It was like the word visibly hung in the air for a few seconds.
Yoonji raised her eyebrows and stared and both Mika and Yoongi in confusion.
So did the rest of the group.
Mika quickly realised what she just said and already took her breath to add something that might harm the damage .... but Hoseok  reacted more quickly.
He laughed, which couldn't sound any more fake, and pressed his palm above his girlfriends mouth.
"Ahaha  you're so silly! What are you taking about?" He almost violently pulled her away from them.

Jin cleared his throat and asked:
"What did she mean by that, Yoongi?"

Yoongi opened his mouth to anwser but it was like someone tied a knot inside this throat.
Gladly in that exact  moment they heard a loud call.

Jimin was coming up the stairs.

erogenous zone[yoonmin]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin