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It was lunchbreak and Jimin was continuing the conversation he had with Taehyung  during math, only this  time everybody  was involved.
Jimin tried not to stare at Yoongi while he was leaning closer to be part of the conversation. Yoonji couldn't hide her excitement either.
Everybody  was in a good mood.
Seeing Yoongi smile like that made Jimin extremely nervous but happy.
He was glad the boy he liked was getting along with his best friends.

It took him a while to notice that Hoseok wasn't there. His friend would normally talk passionately  about the plans, but he was missing.
But just as Jimin opened his mouth to ask he heard the familiar voice behind him.

"Sorry for taking so long, I had to hand in an assignment"
Taehyung  greeted him with a smile and moved his chair to the side so Hoseok could fit into their circle.
Jimin hide his grin. Taehyung  was now very close to Yoonji.
Jimin expected her to push him away but she just brushed her hair back and continued to argue with Jin across the table. She had a small smile on her face.
Jimin wouldn't  lie.  She looked gorgeous. But.

His gaze travelled  back to Yoongi. He caught the boy looking at him.
They both immediately looked down.
Jimin bit on his lip to keep himself from grinning.

"Where's Mika?" Taehyung asked Hoseok slightly, while Hoseok sat down between him and Jimin.
Mika was Hoseok's girlfriend.
A loud cheery girl with bleached eyebrows and pierced cheeks.
She was the weirdest girl Jimin ever met, but he knew how much Hoseok loved her so it never came into his mind to judge her.

"Ah right- Is it okay if Mika brings a friend with her?"

Taehyung raised an eyebrow.
"Sure, why not?"
He leaned back and grinned.
"That lucky girl has to share a bed with me tho" he said.
He glanced  over at Yoonji.
"The twins are sharing a bed, you and Mika, Jimin and Jin-"
He started telling Hoseok about the plans they already made but Jimin  wasn't  listening.
He was busy devouring Yoongi with his eyes.
And the next time Yoongi looked up, they both couldn't tear their eyes away from the each other.
Jimins hands were getting nervous again.
He really wanted to touch his skin.
Taste his lips against his.
Bite into the soft area above his collarbone.

But instead he stretched  out his hand to run his fingers over the velvet fabric of Jin's new jacket. His eyes had been searching  for something  else to touch, something  to distract himself.
And he noticed the shimmery dark blue colour of the jacket and felt the urge to touch that.
It was  a poor replacement, but it worked.
His friend raised an eyebrow at him.
"It looks soft" Jimin whispered.
Jin gave him a cocky  smile.
"My boyfriend  bought it for me"
Jimin grinned.
"You mean your sugar daddy"

Jin's  cheek turned red immediately and he smacked Jimins  hand away.

"Shut up, he's  not a sugar daddy. That's  so gross Jimin!"

The next day came faster than expected.
Jimin was extremely excited. So excited  that he left the house way too early.
He had to wait 10 minutes at the bus station.
He decided  to check his social media, but regretted it immediately.
Unlocking his phone he exidently tapped on his chat with Yoongi.
He quickly changed Yoongis  contact name, just in case somebody  might stalk his phone.
His stomach began to  tingle as he read Yoongis last message.
Jimin was too much of a pussy to respond to that.
He really regretted  not saying  anything  to that.
What if Yoongi had been just joking.
What if Yoongi opened up to him , in a very weird way tho, and now that Jimin didn't  have the balls to respond Yoongi was regretting everything.

And he had to admit.
Last night.
Jimin had a wet dream about Yoongi.
And he still couldn't stop himself  from thinking about it.
A little part of him wished he could grow a pair and make a move on the cute boy this weekend.
But he wasn't sure if he could.
The fact that he his longing to touch something was so intense when it came to Yoongi, made him extremely  insecure.

30 minutes later he was standing next to his friends, waiting for Mika to join the group so they could hop on a train and leave.
Yoonji was talking to Jin about his mysterious boyfriend. Yoonji was actually  saying nothing more but "ahh" "Oh really?" But at least she tried to be social.
Yoongi was busy staring at his feet, while Jimin was busy staring at Yoongi.
They all looked up as they heard a familiar voice .

"Aye fuckers, long time no see" Mika said before hugging Jimin tightly.
She did the same with Jin and Taehyung. Hoseok gave her that specific  smile that you only receive  from a person that truly loves you.
He had that sparkle in his eyes.
But she was still busy greeting the rest.
Yoonji narrowed her eyes on her weird appearance.
Yoongi on the other hand was shy as always but gave Mika a friendly small smile.
"You must be Yoonji and Yoongi,I'm  so glad to finally meet you guys, Hobi told me about you and I was SO curious  because  he said you looked almost the same, he was right!"
She smiled her one million dollar smile and bowed her head slightly.
"Oh right,I'm Mika"
The twins nodded.
Hoseok chuckled slightly. Mika finally  turned to him. Her eyes got that dreamy look. Jimin tried not to stare and the couple but they were so pure that he couldn't resist.

She pecked  his lips gently.

This was the moment we noticed  that another person joined their little group along with Mika.
Jimin gave him a confused smile and looked at Hoseok.
He just shrugged as if he had no idea why his girlfriend brought him along.

Mika noticed the awkward silence  that appeared after they noticed that Jungkook was standing  behind them.
She walked over to him and pulled him  closer.

"Taehyung  you said-"

"Fuck no" Taehyung narrowed  his eyes at Jungkook.
"I never agreed to that"

He pointed on Hoseok, then on Mika.
"You said she'll  bring  a friend. I assumed you ment a gi-"

"He is a friend!" Mika said, ruffling Jungkooks  hair.
Taehyung was about to respond, but Mika narrowed her eyes oh him.
"If you tell him to leave, you're  really an asshole. I won't  come with you either"
Hoseok opened his mouth to protest but she held up a hand to stop him.
Taehyung  thought about it for a minute. His eyes met Yoonji's.  She looked like she didn't  care at all.
So maybe Jungkook won't be ruining  his plans to get to know her , when she's  not even interested in Jungkook.
So he agreed.
Mika's mood lit up again and she turned into the cheery girl with the piggy tails and blonde eyebrows again.

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