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There was a feeling of triumph rising in Taehyung, he watched as Yoonji passed him and high five himself. She tried to hide that smile but Taehyung was too busy staring at her to miss it. He didn't turn to look at her. Sure her backside  was nice to look at but it seemed inappropriate, since Taehyung saw her puffy eyes and red nose. She had been crying. And Taehyung felt like he knew why. Her brother was too busy getting new friends than to realise  that he was leaving his sister behind. She should talk to him. For some reason Taehyung  knew she wouldn't. It ... just wasn't her type of thing.

So his eyes didn't  follow her but watched Jungkook instead. A quiet  and emotionless Jungkook.
His features relaxed , his hair tousled. He looked younger.
The boy turned his head and their gazes  interlocked. Even younger, Taehyung  thought. It was like Jungkooks mind was blank, no expression was visible.
Taehyung  blinked and shifted his weight to his other foot.

"You shouldn't isolate yourself like that- I mean, even if you're  here  to impress Yoonji or something  you should at least try to have some fun"

Taehyung  had no idea why he was even talking to him. His rival.
But it just felt right. Because  one, he was the host of this whole trip and felt responsible for everybody. And two, Jungkook was just a nerdy boy that happens to be a teachers pet, trying to get a cute girl11. This was probably  the first time he made a move on a girl, while Taehyung  had plenty of experience. Not that Taehyung  would let him take away his Yoonji. This girl was something different and he wouldn't miss the chance to be with her.

"You disgust me" Jungkook  replied.
Taehyungs jaw dropped and he was too shocked to think of a comeback.
None the less Jungkook stood up and followed Yoonji.

Mika groaned loudly, her backpack filled up with groceries. Yoongis bag was just as full but he tried not to show any weakness. They planned to buy snacks for lunch but just as they left the beach Jin came running after them, waving with something  that looked like a shopping list. They had to buy all the groceries for the next 2 days. It was only one night but it seemed like Jin planned to stay for at least 2 weeks. At least he gave them enough money.
"Those dudes aren't just normal guys" Mika explained earlier "They eat like cows. Once you offer food they don't stop"
"But cows don't-"
"Once we forgot to bring money for food and Hoseok and Jimin fought for the last Chicken wing. Trust me that shit was close to because  world war 3. Especially when Taehyung  joined. Although I think he did it for fun-"

Yoongi chuckled as he thought of Mika's  endless stories. Mika groaned even louder.
"You think this is funny? Man, I'm  glad  Jin is the one cooking tonight, if not I would probably  poison the food and then I would have to think of a place to hide their bodies"
She whiped off beads of sweat on her forehead.
"Maybe I'll  sneak into the kitchen and do it anyway. Those fuckers. They could at least offer to help us" She pointed at the silhouettes  ahead of them. Yoongi giggled and glanced over at Jimin. He was still wearing the soaked tshirt. Only that he made a knot in it, so the fabric  was cropped above his stomach. They were too far away for Yoongi to see how toned Jimin actually  was. It also  took him a while to understand  why Jimin did that. It looked hella gay, also his arm movements were feminine. Taehyung  was walking behind him , swinging his hips as if there was no tomorrow, squeezed into what looked like a black lace top. It was only covering 40 percent of his chest.

Hoseok was sitting on the ground , clapping his hands. He reminded Yoongi of a seal.
A bra was thrown at Jimin, they cheered.
Yoongi suppressed a smile, Jimin squatted his hands running down his thighs as he dropped to the floor to pick it up.
Only now Yoongi heard the music.
In exactly that moment Mika started running. Shouting so loud Yoongi covered his ears. Mika and him had to take out their clothes put of their bags to carry the groceries  and somehow the boys thought it was a good idea to try some of Mika's  clothes on.

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