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Yoongi stared at him, slowly realising what he just heard.

"What?" He instinctively  lifted his hand towards his chest, taking another step back. He was shocked and confused.

Jimin's throat was dry and he wished he could take back what he just said.

"Uhm-nevermind" he croaked quietly.

Yoongi watched him as he crossed the busy street, carefully this time.
He looked down at his hands, his cheeks getting hot.
He had no clue what just happened.

"Why would he want to hold my hand?" he whispered.
His stomach felt weird.

"Boys don't do that" he said quietly, while turning on his heels.
"He shouldn't want to hold my hand"

He shook his head as if he could forget about what just happened.
But while he was walking home, Jimin was the only thing he could think about.
How could this little request crush his whole world?
Maybe because he wished he would've just extended his hand.
Or ask him why instead of what.
Maybe Jimin would've been more comfortable and actually told him why he would hold Yoongi's hand.

Yoongi tried to think of a possible reason why he said that.
But there was nothing coming into his mind.

Maybe he wanted to shake his hand and act like they just met? Like a restart? Forget the past and meet each other ones more?

Yoongi saw that a few times in movies or tv series.

Yeah probably.

Yoonji stood in front of her closet and hummed a song while picking out an outfit for the next day.
Her brother was laying on her bed with his phone in his hands, scrolling through twitter.
They spend the last few minutes talking about the teachers they liked and the subjects they chose.

"What do you think about our classmates?" He asked.

"Ohh - uhm" She thought about it for a moment.
"I haven't talked to any of them for longer than 2 minutes, so I don't know"

She threw a shirt on the bed and flipped her hair back ,before bending over to look for a matching blouse or top.
"And you?"

"I don't know either.They stare a lot at us and ... I don't like that"

"Ahhh yeah. Don't worry , they'll loose interest in us"

"Apropos. The boys seem to be really into you-"
Yoongi said.
He felt a slight blush creeping on his face.
None of the girls seemed interested in him.
Sure they were staring like the rest, but not at him as a boy , but at him as the new student.
He wasn't sad about it. The less attention, the better. But it hurt his self-confidence, knowing that his sister was way more attractive.

Yoonji grinned.
"Yeah it's funny, isn't it?"
She placed her chosen outfit on her desk and sat down next to her twin brother.

"So you're not interested in any of them?" Yoongi asked.
He placed his phone to the side.

She thought about it for a while, her hand was playing with her hair.

"I don't know. It has been only one day-"

She poked his side.
"Have you seen somebody you like?"

He really tried to return her gaze as blankly as possible. But then he thought about Park Jimin and his strange request.
He avoid his sisters eyes and shook his head.

"No. But I talked to someone that I used to know in elementary school"
Changing the topic was the only way to avoid her upcoming questions.

She raised her eyebrows.
"Oh really? You never left my side tho... who is it?"

"I met him on my way home and we talked a little"
He cleared his throat.
"It's Park Jimin"

Yoonji frowned.

Yoongi rolled his eyes back.

"Dark hair, plump lips and chubby cheeks-"he started to discribe the guy he shouldn't be so attracted to.

"You mean the guy with the thick thighs?"

She smiled widely.
"Oh man I wish I wouldn't have left earlier"

Yoongi choked on his own spit and nodded while coughing.
Jimin definitely had nice thighs.
But he would never start discribing someone with features that were located beneath the belly button...

"Hmm well we talked and he-"

Yoonji was listening carefully.

"-he seems nice." Yoongi finished.

His sister shouldn't know about the rest. That Jimin used to be a little weird. Or that he got bullied. Or that he asked for Yoongis hand.

Taehyung called Jimin right after he came home. He apologised for being an ass and letting Jimin walk home alone.
Jimin was thankful for the distraction that the phone call gave him.
He was so embarrassed by himself.
He was so confused.
Why was he so desperate to touch him?
Why him?
It should be Yoonji.
Or any other girl in his school.
But it had to be the narrow boy that had just transferred to his class that he was attracted to.

Jimin wasn't sure what to do.
Having a crush on a boy wasn't the end of the world and he knew that.
But it confused the hell outta him that it happened so quickly.
The moment he saw him the deal was sealed.
He wanted to touch him.
He wanted to feel him.
He wanted to taste him.

Jimin shook his head violently.
Taehyung was talking about how much he hated Jungkook and that he wouldn't let this kid spoil his chances with Yoonji.
Jimin hummed in agreement although he actually liked Jungkook.
They never talked, but he seemed nice.
Maybe a bit too focused on his grades and appearance.

Suddenly Taehyung made a loud noise as if he fell off his bed.

"Tae are you okay?"

"Yeah" Taehyung said breathless.
"I just- I was so shocked I fell off my bed-"


"She replied to me on Twitter"

Jimin chuckled.

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