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"It's  time to wake up honey!"

Jimin opened his eyes, the sun was perking through  his window.
He stretched out his hand to take his phone from the night table.
He had  a few minutes left to lay in bed. So he stretched  his muscles, let his fingers run over the soft bedsheets, brushing over the wodden bedframe  above his head while he stretched  his arms.

His door wasn't  closed so he could smell his mother preparing  breakfast in the kitchen. 
He sighed.
She never made breakfast before school.
Maybe sometimes when she couldn't  sleep all night.
He was used  to just eating a sandwich.
A smile creeped onto his face.

After taking a quick shower he wiped over the steamy mirror looking at himself.
Pinching his skin in areas he was disliking.
He worked hard for that body. But he wasn't completely happy with it.
He used to be a chubby child with plump cheeks and a lovely tummy.
Now his jawline was sharper than ever, his muscles  defined , his  thighs thick and strong. His plump lips and  round cheeks made his face still look soft and squishy  from a few angles, his hands were small and extremely sensitive.
He wished he could change that, but there's was really  nothing he could do about his face or his hands. It was just something he should get over with and try to show his masculinity trough  other features.
His hands glided over the moist mirror again. Then he left the bathroom.

Licking each finger after eating and placing his dirty plate into the sink, Jimin  heard the doorbell ring.
He heard his mother opening the door and greeting Jimin's friend as if he was a son that came back home after years of absence.
Jimin rolled his eyes and walked back into his room.
"LET ME GET DRESSED" He yelled as he heard a knock on his door.

"Speed up, fucker, or else we'll  be late" he stepped into the room, ignoring Jimins words.

Jimin snorted.
"As if  you care"

"Well I do, today at least"
Taehyung  checked himself in the mirror  and ran his hand through his hair before smirking at Jimin.
"It's  a new school year, so how could you know? I might wanna change my habits and become a geeky student"

Jimin zipped up his tight pants and rolled his eyes at his best friend.
"I doubt it"

Taehyung  narrowed his eyes on Jimin's pants, dropping the topic.
"Dude have you gained weight or muscle? Because  it looks like those pants are about to rip apart"

Jimin snorted once again.
"They won't, I can easily pull them up or down and it's  a streching fabric."

Taehyung  snickered  and as Jimin turned back to his closet to look for a casual  looking shirt, his best friend smacked his ass, before saving his own ass by running out of the room.

"Taehyung  you jerk" Jimin  mumbled while rubbing his aching ass.

Later on Taehyung  was a few steps a far from Jimin,  walking backwards so he could look at Jimin while they were  talking.
They arrived at school earlier than usual. But they were waiting   for their last member to complete the trio, so by the time he arrived it was almost time to go inside.
Jimin was leaning against the wall, while Taehyung  sat on top of it.

They heard the roaring of a motorcycle and Taehyung  immediately started climbing down.

Jin had his arms wrapped around the man that was driving the motorcycle.
They stopped in front of the gate and Jin immediately took off the helmet  that ruined his hair.
The man did the same, just to pull Jin  into a passionate  kiss.
Jimin rolled his eyes at Taehyung and they both started making gagging sounds.
After a few seconds the couple broke apart and Jin  gave him a last quick peck on the lips before running towards his friends.

"That was disgusting"
Taehyung said loud enough  for both of them to hear.

"Oh- grow the fuck up Taehyung" Jin  said while checking his hair in his phone screen.

"I agree with Tae" Jimin said narrowing  his eyes at the man that was putting back on his helmet and giving Jin a last glance before driving off.
"I don't  trust him , Jin" he said slowly.

Jin sighed.
"I know I know, but I do. He's  perfect."

They started walking towards the school building.
The topic changed pretty quickly.

Jimin wasn't  sure why, but he was nervous. 
Just knowing that it was the beginning of a brand new school year made him anxious  about it.
His hands were constantly tugging on his backpack, rubbing the thumbs  over the rough fabric. 

They received their schedules a few minutes later and while they were talking about it with the teacher, somebody  knocked on the door.

"Ahh great! As you may have heard already, you'll  get two new students transferring from another school!"
The teacher cheered while leading the two students  into the room.
Everybody  in class was starring at them.
Identical  looking twins.
Jimin once heard that twins usually get separated.
But just by looking at them he could tell that separating  them would be impossible.
They both had black hair and were the same hight.  Both short and narrow, with beautiful legs.
The girl was smiling at her new classmates.
It wasn't  really a friendly  smile, Jimin thought.
It was like she was enjoying the shower of attention that this small moment gave her, her hand playing with her hair.
Unlike her twin brother.
He was looking at the ground, his cheeks red.
The teacher introduced  them as Yoonji and Yoongi.

Taehyung, which was sitting next to Jimin, leaned closer and whispered.
"She's  hot"

Jimin just nodded his mind running wild.
He just realised  that the names adding to their faces seemed familiar to him.
Suddenly the memory of a shy tiny boy sitting in the first row, at the first day of school came into his mind. The only one in the room that wasn't laughing about him licking the book.

Another memory of a cold faced girl waited in front of the classroom everyday to pick her twin brother up.

Yoonji went to the board to write down their names. Yoongi stood in front of the class, seeming very lost and even smaller without  his sister.
He slowly  raised his head.

He had really beautiful  eyes and lips. He looked a little feminine, but his jawline was more defined  and his neck wider than the one of his sister.
His eyes were looking to something  to hold on to.
This was what his mom told him to do.
Don't stare at your feet all the time. Try to smile at them and everything  will be fine.

But as he realized  almost  every body was staring at him, he felt like running out.
Yoongi's  eyes widened  as he noticed Jimin.
His lips parted a little and he quickly turned his head towards his feet again, but Jimin was aware of the fact that the boy regonized him aswell.

Jimins fingers were slowly running over the cold metal part on the side of the table. The twins were walking past his table to their seats. Jimin was able to look at them if he turned his head just a little.
So basically the rest of the lesson he did exactly  that. Observing the twins.
More specifically Yoongi.

His skin looked so soft. Pale and silky.
His hands looked warm.
The way he was licking his lips to keep them moist once in a while.
The way his hair fell back onto the prefect shape after he had to bend down to pick up the pencil  he dropped.

Jimin subconsciously ran his index finger over his bottom lip.

Even Yoongi's  neck was interesting to look at.
Jimins hands were nervous.
Touch him.
His brain yelled.
Jimin felt like licking  his cheek. Just to know how it would feel like.
He wanted to bite into his pretty  earlobe, and pull  until the boy told him to stop.
He wanted to touch his hair. Was it  soft or rough and thick?
He wanted to rub his face against those warm looking hands and continue exploring  the boys body with his lips.

Jimin's left hand was constantly   rubbing his knee.
Touch  him.
He closed his eyes for a second.
What the fuck was wrong with him?

He was used to being overly  obsessed with touching an object until he could do it.
Never ever was his body asking for touching another body...

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