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"What are you doing here?" Taehyung  hissed.
He stepped outside  and closed the door behind his back.
His mouth was a thin line, trying to hide his emotions behind a blank expression.
Jungkook bit his bottom lip and awkwardly ran his fingers through his hair.
"I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas?"

Taehyung was frowning now, his arms crossed above his chest.
"Ever heard of something  called 'smartphone'? You could've just called me if texting wasn't personal enough"

"Yeah about that-" Jungkook sighed
"Listen, we need to talk"

Taehyung couldn't help it. His next words came out all raspy and shaky.
"This is not a good time to talk about-"

Suddenly  the door was being opened from inside and his mother poked out her head, seeing the two boys talking to each other.

"Taehyung  your cousins are asking where you are"

"Mom, god dammit I was gone for like 30 seconds. "

A hand pushed the door further, a small figure followed Taehyungs mother outside.

"Taetae ... is that your friend?" She little  girl stared up at Jungkook while tugging on Taehyung's sleeve.

Loud voices were coming from inside. Somebody  was calling for Taehyungs mother, the kids were calling for Taehyung.

"I see you have guests" Jungkook cleared his throat.
"Maybe you were right ... I should-"

Taehyung's mother leaned forward and pulled the little girl back into the house.
"Come back inside I don't want you to catch a cold" She then said to Taehyung.

Taehyung's eye captured Jungkooks.
He was right. They had to talk.
But not now.

"Jungkook let's  talk later-"

Yet he was interrupted, again. Because his mother let out a loud noise and then smacked her own head as if she just remembered something  very important.

"Ahhh you're  Jungkook." She turned towards son. "Why haven't  you introduced him right away?"

Taehyung opened  his mouth to protest but his mother already grabbed Jungkook by the hand and pulled him inside.
She had that wide smile... that smirk ... it made Taehyung  madly uncomfortable.
Because  he knew what was about to happen and he had no chance to warn Jungkook.

A few kids were playing in the dark corridor and after seeing that Taehyung  was back inside, they started rushing towards him.
Jungkook was taking orders on where to put his shoes and jacket. He was a little suprised that he was invited inside and he could tell that Taehyung  wasn't  really happy about it.

"Oh no Misses Kim I really just passed by I don't want to bother your family gathering-"
But she laughed it off and pulled him into the living room.
Taehyung  started to panic.
He almost  stumbled over his youngest cousin. She was crawling  towards him, so he just picked her up and quickly followed  after.

Jungkook had never seen something  like this before. Taehyung  had a big family. A lot of uncles and aunts. Lots of younger cousins. They all looked up from what they were doing to welcome  the visitor.

"Everyone this is Jungkook, my son's boyfriend"

The words seemed to echo through the room.
Jungkook froze, totally startled  by what she just said.
Taehyungs family  was staring at him and he couldn't help but stare back, while his cheeks were changing colour.
A nose like Taehyungs, his eyes, his lips. His family looked alot like him.
Even his grandma seemed to have his  gaze, his long fingers.

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