Black mail

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A/n: Okay I'm Back with another chapter....yayyyyy...okay anyways. You can listen to the song if you want it's up to you. Anyways to the story we gooooooo.

Gray's point of view:
I've been trying to get ahold of Juliana all weekend but sadly she hasn't picked up my calls, text, game messages, and her voice mail is full because of me. I even went over to her house...but she didn't answer the door. I keep trying to get ahold of her threw friends as well but it seems she's not speaking to them ether. "Juliana I'm so sorry." I whispered to no one in particular since I was in my room alone.

I get up from my bed I was currently laying in and decided to try her phone again.

On the first ring it went straight to voice mail. "Great now she's hanging up on me" I yelled at myself. I decided to call Madison. "If Madison doesn't pick up she's with Juliana" I say to myself.

The call lasted till the second ring then went to voice mail. "I fucking new it!" I shouted. 'Good thing mom and dad aren't home.' I thought to myself. 'Okay I have three more chances. Sam is like glued to Madison. So if he doesn't answer he's with Madison who is with Juliana." I think whisper to myself.

I quickly look for his number in my contacts and call him. The ringing went on and on and on but sadly no answer.

"Okay Chandler's turn. If he doesn't pick up he ether A) with Juliana, B) with (y/n), C) working out, or D) on set. Hopefully he's with (y/n)."

I quickly call Chandler but he doesn't answer at all "DAMNIT!!!!" I shout from the top of my lungs from frustration. "Okay (y/n) you better answer your phone or I will kick your boyfriends or whatever Chandler is to you, ass!" I whisper shout

The phone start to ring. I was getting ready to hang up but on the third ring she answers.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~call starts~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"(Y/n~) thank god you answered."

"Oh hey Gray what's up?"
I said worriedly.

"Sure what's up?"

"Do you know by any chance where Sam, Madison and Chandler are?"
She's silent for a moment then finely speaks

"Sam and Madison are at the movies for a date thing and Chandler was with me but he had to go on set because something went wrong. I hope he's okay. Why do you ask?"
(Y/n) sound worried when she said that something went wrong on set. I hope Chair is okay. Otherwise (y/n) will be torn apart.

"Because no one was picking up my calls. Your the first one to answer.....Okay I have one more question."


"Okay do you have any idea where Juliana is and do you know if she is okay?"
(Y/n) goes silent again and I began to worry. 'Please don't lie to me, please don't lie to me, please done lie to me.' I think to myself.

"What kind of okay are you looking for?"
'What kind of question is that (y/n)' I think worriedly to myself. 

".....All of them. I want to know if soup or a first aid kit is needed. I want to know if she is okay and not hurt or in jail. I no I don't want to know, I need to know if she is okay. Please I love her I need to know if there's anything I can do to show her that."
I said into the phone. (Y/n) went silent. My stomach began to turn in hope she will give me the answer I was looking for.

Best friends with benefits (Chandler Riggsxreader) HEAVY EDITING!!Where stories live. Discover now