Chapter 14. Blackout.

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Every bone, muscle, and pore on my body was in complete agony. I couldn't take a deep breath without wanting to die. Maybe this was very bad. Fuck, I needed to move. Clutching my arm around my middle, I slowly opened my eyes to take in my surroundings, fear striking to my very core at the idea of glancing at the mad woman's face again, my body jerking in complete panic.

"It's okay! Nata! You're okay, calm down."

That voice, I knew her. I looked around, out of my very swollen eyes, and saw that I was laying down a really familiar spot, humiliation covering my body as I realized I was at the hospital, my very familiar hospital. Lily standing there looking into my eyes, concern and worry in her face. I've never seen her like this with me. I started crying at the thought that I was expecting not to come back here, not to be able to wake up again.

"Jesus, we were so fucking scared," She was holding my hand, squeezing it but I didn't even know how to stop myself from feeling this, this degradation, this fear, this amount of pain. "What the hell happened?" Her questioning voice kept going while smoothing back my hair, and quickly checking my pupil response, the light blinding me for a second.

"Lily, just let her calm down for a bit," I moved my head at the deep voice beside her, and I looked at him, arms folded against himself, worried look on his face.

"We need to know who did this!"

"And maybe we will, but not this minute." Brett's voice drilled through the room peace, making me wonder what happened to me after the horrible encounter. I looked down on my body, trying to catch a glimpse of something, trying to feel the spots where the pain was raw and strongly pulsing. "Just let her be."

My skin was clammy and cold and no matter how much I moved, I couldn't get away from them. My heart was beating too hard and too fast as I looked around the small space for help I knew wasn't there. Suddenly my mind, which had been a scrambled mess of terror, became startlingly clear... I was home, this was my home now. A numb throbbing sensation pumped into my body, it was probably the medication traveling through my bloodstream and I found myself smiling at the sensation.


Insane thoughts rippled in my head, continuously roaring as I looked around the four walls next to me. My head pounded hard, still echoing with the blows of the woman that broke into my house; it all sounded muffled, as if I was blocking them all away, my brain was too fuzzy to even contemplate the intricacies of the recent events, right this moment. I felt the very same sensation of drowning three very large shots of tequila and feeling like you could lay down and sleep without a piece of worry in your system.
The fresh round of medication was the cause for my over relaxed limbs, but I wasn't complaining.

I glanced around the room—to all the tiny tubes placed haphazardly here and there—and sighed. There was not a single trace of pain left in my body, but I knew it was coming back later, that was inevitable.

My eyes widened in alarm while taking a look at my broken hand.

It wasn't broken in a cast, like a regular fracture. A tiny set of nails were cutting through the swollen skin, and I knew this was far more complicated that it seemed, the small incisions visibly cutting into the bone and muscle. I groaned at the thought of wanting to see the x-rays so bad, just taking a slight peek at the bones in there, because I knew this was going to be a longer healing process, I just knew it.

I wrinkled my nose, the familiar sting of the tender skin making a statement as I gently touched the split injury by my eyebrow, and the distended area by my eyes and cheeks.

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