Chapter 11

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They deleted my freaking chapter I had to rewrite this twice! :(

They deleted my freaking chapter I had to rewrite this twice! :(

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"What?" I asked as my heart drop. My life flashed before my eyes Kay was probably going to take the kids and leave then have me and this girl killed.

"Listen I took me a weeks to finally get myself together to come and find you. This is twice as hard for me as it is for you." She coughed as the tears poured out her eyes.

"This isn't happening. Not when shit just blew over." I sat in the sofa with my hands in my head.

"Wait you told her about what happen in New York?"

"Of course I don't you think you get it when I said my wife is crazy as hell she will kill you and me. And she didn't even take the whole sleeping with you lightly. Fuck I almost lost my newborn babies because of that. This shit is not happening."

"My fiance he left me. Took back the ring and left me after after 3 years he said he doesn't want to be with me if it's not his. I have no one else please." She cried and I couldn't help but to feel responsible.

Just fucking great Cameron. Kareem was going to set Florida on fire.

"I need to tell my wife before she finds out some other way." I got up pacing back and forth in the office.

"She is so lucky. Your so faithful to her, you must really love her." She sniffed.

"Yeah I do with all my heart 10 years and going strong. " I smiled for a minute for I remembered my situation.

"Oh gawd!" She started to cry again.

I need to think of a plan very quickly. Because I had no intention of hiding this from Kay, but I really didn't want her to take the kids out of my life.

"I don't want to lose my family." I whispered.

"You have kids?"

"Yeah four; the twins born last month, a mini me, and a beautiful teenager that just went off to college."

"Your just so faithful, your wife must be in love with you. And I had to gone and fuck that up. Trust me I had no intention of doing this. I just wanted to make enough to go back to college and I heard that the party had a bunch of ballers."

"Don't you have any family?"

"No, I was living with my nana but she died a few years ago, my father was killed when I was a teen, and my mother I've never heard off. All I had was Maliek and now he's gone because I fucked that up."

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