Chapter 19

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What the fuck just happen? I'm still seated in the couch staring down Kaveen with the bag of frozen Birds Eye on my now swollen cheek.

"Baby let me take a look at that-"

"Move the fuck away from me." I pushed him away as tears rolled down my cheeks.

The one person I loved the most, the one who was there for me when everyone turned their backs and I fucked it over with her. I wanted to calm down i swore but my emotions had the best of me, I just wanted to scream at someone and she was right there and I took the chance and now I felt like a bitch.

"I'm so stupid!" I broke down in tears.

"I'm sorry baby." Jase held me in his arms. "Just give her some space for now then go apologize."

"I doubt she would talk back to me." I wept like a baby. I've fucked up before but I've never went this far.

Their mom sat next to her in the other sofa with her head in her hands. This was fucked up on so many levels, how could Cameron do such a thing? Why the fuck would he do that? I could feel the veins in my head began to pop up and again I had the urge to go off on someone.

"Why!" I jolted up the sofa. " Why'd you do it Kaveen?"

"I-I didn't do anything on purpose it just happen."

"What the fuck you mean it just happen!"

"This." She pointed to her belly.

"How the fuck can that just happen Kaveen! How can you get knocked up by your sister's husband!" Shouted her mother, I swore Kay's quarter million chandelier trembled at her voice.

"I really didn't mean to-"

"Give her a break, you can't blame her they both got drunk. I am just fucking tired of me looking like the bad person when my husband cheated on me with my sister because he was drunk, I'm tired of being in this position of having to run because I'm scared that the one person who taught me to love doesn't love me anymore or that he didn't want anything to do with me, I may be seen as hardcore person but I have a heart too and it's broken. But this time I don't need Cameron love to survive, He gave me my life lines and their love is all I need and and this time I am not running, I got my babies and I'm not leaving them because their father fucked up." Kareem stopped at the door.

"You guys are pregnant, take my advice don't stress over my life. It will only kill your babies. I wouldn't wish the same shit I went through on anyone. Not even my worst enemy.Cameron and I spoke so many fucking times about this shit before I met her. I tried living with it, I tried preparing myself for the worst, that maybe my I was going to be a stepmother to another child, And there is nothing there to say he didn't fuck up for real or he did and that's what's driven me to this point, because they were drunk no one can say shit to me and I just want you to understand that if I act a like a bitch I have my reason." She took up her keys and walked out slamming the door.

"Where is she?" Cameron came down with his eyes red.

"She just left." Jase sighed.

"Shit!" He hissed shaking his head sitting in the chair. He looked up at her mother with an apologetic frown. "I'm really sorry, about what I have caused, I really didn't mean to come between your girls-"

"I trusted you with her heart." She got up and went over to him and raised her hand to smack him across the face but stopped mid-way. "I know how much you love her and I know how she can get when she is angry, So I won't waste my time laying my hand on you, I'll leave it to her to deal with you." She said shaking her headed back to her seat.

She was right, no matter how fucked up Cameron was when it came to Kareem his heart was taken. She was the first girl I've seen him hooked up on. She was his drug and he was her's and that's what made them so violent. Their love was the dangerous kind, they would kill for each other but Kareem was worst. I don't think He knew what he did to her, I could tell she was this in love with him since we were in high school, she would fight for him and when she fought she went in for the kill. And I knew something was up with her and that it had something to do with Cameron cause the death toll in Chicago has risen since she has been spend more nights away form home. Now it made sense, it was her sister.

"Cameron, what's wrong?" I asked him, I could tell something happened upstairs between them.

I watched as he looked up at me with his weary eyes " Kay wants a divorce." He got up and grabbed his keys and left. And soon the room was filled with nothing but tension, Their mother was shocked and I was dumbfounded while Kaveen broke down in tears.

"Fuck." Jase whispered.

" Jase whispered

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At this point, I really couldn't blame her, I mean I was drunk but I honestly saw no other way it could have happened whatever we drank was no ordinary alcohol that shit was mixed to fuck up anyone. But I wasn't going to let her go so easily, I have worked so hard for that girl's heart I wasn't going to let it slip from my hands without a fight.

And I have been feeling guilty a lot lately, Kareem distancing herself form everyone made me lean a bit more towards Kaveen because she looked exactly like her, but then I would look at her arm and not see the mark that Kay has on her arm; the one she got when she took a shot for me and that was what reminded me of the woman I should be in love with.

I felt like a dick for treating her the way I have been, I shouldn't have chosen another girl over my wife but I didn't want to push Kaveen away because somehow she was now apart of my life, I should have worked out shit that Kaveen was cool and my wife was still mine instead i went and fucked her over for her sister.

I've never seen Kay this patient, I thought she would have killed Kaveen already knowing her but she didn't and that was what made me know that I hurt her really bad. She loved the fact that she had a sister but she hated how she found her and if I had a brother I would have been fucking pissed if Kareem was pregnant for him that's why I couldn't find it in my heart to find her reaction selfish like the others.

With my back against the world I inhaled my only way to relaxation and exhaled all the bullshit I had going on for me, tightly wrapped in a brown paper between the crease of my lips.

I needed to get my act together, better late than sorry, I was going to make Kareem want me back.

I needed to get my act together, better late than sorry, I was going to make Kareem want me back

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