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▶︎▶︎Chapter 1◀︎◀︎

Riveting. That's how Craig Thompson would describe them. Friends or Foes- Batcoon vs Night Owl vs Relector: the perfect headline. The first two were superheroes but they were conjoined as two different teams that preferred to work without the other. Relector was just some villain-wanna-be "planning to destroy" the city. Craig was a journalist for Los Santos Daily and he couldn't wait.... to be saved. He was currently swinging above Los Santos Park all thanks to the aforementioned wanna-be. The "damsel in distress" reputation was making a cozy home next to his name now. Craig dangled several feet in the air as the heroes fought against the "villain" and themselves. 

"We can take it from here Night Owl.", Batcoon growled out, dodging Relector's attacks. 

"I think you should leave. I think there's someone mugging an old lady or something," responded Night Owl. 

"Hey I need some help here!" Called Craig as the heroes continued to argue. 

"There is still a civilian in danger, Jon. Get him out of there and quit fucking around!", buzzed Tyler - Batcoon and Early Bird's tech guy. He had given the two heroes communication devices so no matter where they were, he could get in touch.

Sirens bellowed in the distance as Craig was grabbed by Early Bird and placed gently on the ground. He watched Night Owl and Batcoon both give the final blow, knocking Relector out. "That was my victory!"
"In your dreams!"
"Get out of the way!"
"Don't touch me!"
"Go save an old lady or something!"
"Why don't you go open another museum or do something with a statue!"
The two superheroes continued to argue. 

"Batcoon. Early Bird, let's go!", Tyler commanded. The mentioned heroes got into a van, driving off. 

"Ha, what hero gets into a van?" Night Owl laughs. 

"Be nice", warned Mega Monkey, annoyed by the hero's behavior. The two got into Night Owl's black car: the Owl Mobile.(I didnt know what to call it... 😂😂) Craig watched the interactions from his spot behind the tree. His journalist intuition was telling him that something big was about to happen and he couldn't wait.

Officers combed the park, looking for any sign of where those "vigilantes" went. Detective Patterson scanned the area from his spot under a tree. "Look, I'm telling you I don't know where Night Owl and the rest went," Craig looked up at the detective. 

"Good. If anyone else asks you, tell them it was all a blur; you don't remember a damn thing," Patterson answered finally looking at the journalist, "This city needs them whether they want to admit it or not. I'm glad they're here." 

Craig smiled, "What's your name again?" 

"Detective Luke Patterson," Luke chuckled. As Craig walked away, Luke called a quick "stay out of trouble".

David listened to the chatter that buzzed through the small diner after the events that happened that morning. Most comments consisted of how "these masked vigilantes deserved to be put in jail." David shook his head and frowned, continuing to take orders.
"Hi I'm David. What can I get fer ye?" He asked pulling a smile to his lips. 

"Nice accent," an Irish voice commented with a smirk. 

David blushed before giving a quick," You too." 

"I'm Brian," the mechanic glanced at his menu," Can I get the bacon cheeseburger and a water, please?" David wrote down the order and gave a nod before walking back to the kitchen. Brian placed his head on the table. Exhaustion clawed it's way through his body. 'These 14 hour shifts are getting to me', he thought. 

"Sorry I'm late! I took a nap and I overslept!" A loud British voice powered over the chatter. Craig sat down in front of Brian, smiling. 

"A nap? What are you? 95?", Brian questioned, laughing. 

Craig pouted, "No, I'm 5 and I had an exciting morning." 

"The damsel in distress," Brian snorted with a shit-eating grin. 

Craig shot back quietly with, "The asshole mechanic"

David returned with Brian's meal, "Here ye go. What can I get fer ye, sir?" 

Craig smiled warmly at the Irishman, "a coffee and a water, please." David nodded and headed towards his next table, after putting in the order.

"Hey Nogla!", greeted the black man sitting at the table. 

David smiled a goofy smile," Hey Marcel. What's going on, man?" 

"Just hangin' with some buddies. This is Evan and Lui," Marcel answered, pointing to each man respectively. 

Evan nodded and Lui blushed a quiet "hello." 

"Nice to meet ye. What can I get fer all of ye?", David questioned. The three swiftly ordered and watched the Irishman walk away. 

"So, how was that new grappling hook this morning?" Marcel quietly asked. 

"Awesome," chirped Lui - also known as Mega Monkey. 

"Got anything to get rid of the racoon bastard?", growled Evan - most commonly known as Night Owl. 

"That's called self control," Lui shot. Marcel bit back a laugh. The two heroes had been arguing on that subject since this morning's events; the 'gadget specialist' - as Marcel preferred - found it hilarious. 

"Yea man. I can't invent maturity. If you don't fall for his petty shit, he'll give up," Marcel giggled.

"Why don't you give it a rest, Jon," pleaded Tyler in the device in Jonathan's ear. 

"C'mon man," Brock begged," Let's go to the bar on the corner. Batcoon and Early Bird will still be on the scene if anything happens." 

Jon looked down at the city below him, listening. "Let's go to the diner instead. We can go see Bryce," he suggested after some thought. 

"Well then, get your workaholic ass down here!" Tyler shouted.

The group laughed at their own jokes as they enter the diner. There were very few people in small place: a waiter talking to a group of three men, a mechanic and another male sipping on coffee, an older gentleman, and Bryce giggling at something the man with an omega shirt in the corner booth said. Bryce looked up at the new arrivals," Del! Moo!" The young waiter raced across the diner causing somewhat of a scene. As he finished giving the two hugs, he turned to offer one to the tallest man in the building. The said man gave quick hug before walking to a booth. The other followed suit and diner began to return to its original chatter.
A shadow lurked on the roof of the building across the street from the small diner. "Alright, I'm in position," the feminine voice spoke lining up her shot. 

"Z? Shadow? Are you in position?", a male voice rang through the ear piece. A pair of "ready"s followed. 

"Let's give this city a show," the male smirked,"Annej, hit the lights." Simultaneously, the power in a five block radius shut down, a store went up in flames, a gunshot rang out and a bank was robbed. As quickly as it happened, it was over; the lights were on and the residents surveyed the destruction that had just taken place. An old man's face rested in his soup in the diner.

The men left in the diner were interviewed one-by-one by a kind and understanding Detective Patterson. As the interviews finished and they all went their separate ways, the 12 men knew their lives were about to drastically change.

Hello.  I hope you all enjoyed.  

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