☞ Introducing Our Cast

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Here we go again!

The Villains

Name: Granger White Aka The Puppet Master
Ability: body control
Info: leader of the villain group. Highly intelligent and dangerous.

Name: Red Shot
Ability: marksman
Info: Unknown and illusive  (even for me). Said to be the serious type. Definitely deadly.

Name: Annej Kätjorne
Ability: hacker
Info: Aggressive with males. Has bat as preferred weapon of choice, if need be.

Name: Abby aka ShadowtheCat
Ability: fire
Info: A mother figure to the group. Has a second personality, Adam.

Name: Z
Ability: insane
Info: multiple personalities (fusion, cheese, ghosty). Protective and a "shipper".

The Heroes
Team: Night Owl and Mega Monkey
'Gadget Guy': Marcel
Team: Batcoon and Early Bird
'Tech Dude': Tyler

The Civilians
Name: Craig
Job: Journalist

Name: Luke
Job: Detective

Name: David
Job: Waiter

Name: Brian
Job: Mechanic

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