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I know, its a POV change. I hate myself for it because I want this whole book to be in 3rd, but I can't with this chapter for a reason. Another thing: THERE ARE CHARACTER DEATHS IN THIS, IF THAT TRIGGERS YOU. If it does, please DM me and I will explain, but I do not want to spoil the story for everyone else, okay? I promise though, you really, really, really want to read this and the next chapter!!!

◎◎Chapter 10◎◎

Craig's POV

I stood in a dark room. "Hello?"



"...lo?" My voice echoed around me. I looked around at nothing. "Anyone there?" I called out again.

"Anyone there?"

"...one there?"

"...ere?" Only my voice answered me.

"Craig! No, Craig!" A voice screamed out of the darkness. Suddenly the room changed. Now I was outside, but everything was covered or even made out of this black, sparkly sand; even my friends. Batcoon and Night Owl were in front of a laughing Miss Galaxy and Tyler and Marcel were kneeling next to something beside her. Everyone was still like statues. "Tyler!" I called to him, but I couldn't move. "Tyler! I'm over here!" I called for his attention but no one could hear me.

Then they all started to move as if it was a flip book. Batcoon kicked Miss Galaxy in the gut before yelling, "Shut up, bitch! You're going down!" Night Owl charged at her throwing a punch which she caught, holding him to the ground. "Night Owl!" Batcoon exclaimed.

The scene shifted and I was standing in front of a crouching and shocked Tyler and Marcel. "Craig? Are you okay?" Tyler said standing.

"Bro, you're freaking me out," Marcel spoke joining Tyler. Night Owl screamed out in pain as Miss Galaxy pushed harder on his arm, putting him in a kneeling position.

"No!" Batcoon screamed, kicking the villain and releasing the hero. Miss Galaxy backed away as Batcoon race towards her. Suddenly, a spike rose out of the ground impaling the raccoon hero.

"Batcoon!" Night Owl screamed as Tyler and Marcel raced to Batcoon's aid. Night Owl began swinging and missing every time. "You bi- aaaah!" Four spikes appeared through his arms and legs.

"I don't like that word," Miss Galaxy ground out before the last spike pierced through his heart.

Tears flowed down my face. This can't be happening. I want to wake up now. Wake Up!! Suddenly everything faded back to Marcel standing up next to me. Everyone was okay. "Bro, you're freaking me out," the man said again.

This time, Batcoon screamed, "No!" Before tripping in what looked like a book. Why did everything have to be the same fucking color? A snap and a scream followed Batcoon's fall. The hero kicked the villain back, grabbing Night Owl instead. "Ev-Night Owl, are you okay?" He stuttered out. Tyler jumped in the fight, stopping the villain from stabbing Batcoon while his back was turned. Tyler swung his taser baton landing a few hits, leaving marks.

Suddenly I was behind the injured hero, next to the thing Batcoon tripped over earlier. "I'm fine," Night Owl whimpered, "I think I'll live." Marcel began launching goo at Miss Galaxy keeping her away from the heroes. Batcoon nodded, joining the action. He kicked the girl against the wall and Marcel glued her to it, but she was strong, pulling at the glue.

"She's gonna break out!" Marcel panicked.

"I think it's broken," Night Owl whispered.

Then a book was in my hands, THE BOOK. The odd symbol glowing. The cover opened half-way then snapped in two, breaking the symbol on it. Miss Galaxy screamed before passing out. We won.

As sudden as it started it all ended again, leaving me in a black, dark room. This time, I felt warm as if someone was holding me. Then I heard it: "Shut up, bitch! You're going down!"

"Night Owl!" 

So, I have to say THIS is my favorite chapter. I came up with this when I was thinking of the plot for the musical arc! :) Btw, If someone could guess the three characters getting bigger roles in it, maybe a link to a certain playlist might end up in your hands ;)

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