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❦❦Chapter 4❦❦

Sitting at a large round table, four women waited. "So Red, what's your deal? I mean your story," the girl with the eye patch leaned towards the girl with red-streaked hair. The girl in question only grunted and looked at her interrogator.

The messy girl who tapped anxiously on the edge of the table, shook her head, "I wouldn't try, Shadow. She's a mystery." Silence fell over the girls again. 

The last girl, who had a mask on, only looked around. She didn't want to converse, but the question burned. With a scowl on her face, she asked, "You're the hacker, Annej, and you don't know?" 

The messy girl turned and stopped tapping, ready to answer when the doors burst open. A tall, lanky man struts into the room; all attention on him. "Gotta have a big entrance," Red Shot muttered, rolling her eyes with a scowl on her thin face.

The male grinned and spoke slowly as if to tell them to be quiet. "Ladies," he started, "social hour is up. We have work to do." The man looked around then nodded to Annej, who placed her hand on the table lighting it up. Blue light filled the room as a map appeared above the table. "This is our target: city hall," he continued, "The mayor is celebrating his beloved heroes tonight and I think we need to give them a present they will never forget." The women grinned and nodded.

"Puppet Master, what's the plan?" Shadow asks what the others wonder.

Then Puppet Master began barking orders to everyone, "and Shadow? I want you to handle those hero-wannabes while I take care of those real heroes..."


"I want to thank these heroes for defeating Mistress of Terror and keeping Los Santos safe," the mayor spoke on the city hall steps, "I also want to give them medals for their sacrifice, Night Owl and Mega Monkey!" The crowd applauded.

"This is a bunch of shit. Sacrifice, my ass!" Jonathan muttered to Tyler and Brock. The mayor continued his speech for a while. Half way through, a girl with fluffy brown hair bumped into Brock. Something about the girl seemed off. He looked towards Jon and nodded in her direction. Both men knew what each other were thinking and began following the girl.

Just then, a boom came from the back of the crowd. Before anyone could register the first, a second went off blowing the two men and the rest of the crowd back. Ringing filled their ears as the final bomb went off near the front. The crowd screamed and ran. Most of the crowd was gone when the lights went out for blocks except two street lights near city hall. Tyler grabbed his stunned friends, "You guys need to suit up!" The two ran with the crowd to find a place to change as Tyler went to the van.

On the other side of the area, Night Owl and Mega Monkey were guarding the mayor and scanning the crowd. Suddenly, Mega Monkey jumped into the crowd helping up a dazed Craig and injured David. "Are you guys okay?" Mega Monkey looked over the waiter more than the other, concern bubbled in his stomach.

"I think-" Craig was cut off by an officer's shout.

"Freeze!" the officer points his gun towards a tall silhouette under one of the streetlights. The man raised his hands only for the officer to turn the gun onto himself and shoot. The gun shot rang out as shock came over the square. What just happened...?

The four heroes now stood protecting their civilian friends. By now, Brian and Luke joined Craig and David. "Where's Tyler, Marcel and the rest?" Craig asked only receiving shrugs and wide-eyed looks from the heroes.

"Who are you?" Night owl asked stepping forward. In any normal moment Batcoon would have tried to take over but this seemed too serious. "What's your plan here?" the owl continued.

Superheroes Don't CryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora