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❖❖Chapter 5❖❖

Craig typed away on his computer, reporting to incident from the night before. Craig rubbed his face after hours of staring at his screen. 'You're not needed' echoed through his mind causing the man to throw folder of papers at his home office door. "Fuck all of you!" he scream at the door before going and grabbing the door handle. Instead of opening the door, Craig slid to the floor crying, hating how his heart fluttered at the thought of the blue-eyed man's face, but ached at the words that left his mouth.


Night Owl prowled the rooftop in the late afternoon air, looking for a specific hero but to no success. Just as he was goin to give up his crime tracker went off: there was a robbery in progress. Mega Monkey met Night Owl at the store to find only Early Bird (Early for once XD) tying the robbers up for the cops. "Where- where's Batcoon?" Night Owl asked timidly. Early Bird turned around quickly but just stared before walking out. Night Owl and Mega Monkey followed Early Bird out onto the rooftop across the street as the police showed up.

"What do you meaning training?" Mega Monkey asked as Early Bird sat, watching the cops.

"Exactly what I said," the bird snapped, "Training." He turned to look at the two heroes. They were dumbfounded.

"There's a dangerous group out there and he went training? I knew that idiot-" Night Owl started.

"He left because of you," Early Bird said, barely controlling his temper, "I'm by myself because of you. He said he isn't strong enough to protect this city so he was going to quit. I had to convince to go on temporary leave and train instead!"

"I-i" Night Owl had nothing to say. He was ashamed and guilt ridden even without this news.

"I hope you're happy," Early Bird said before leaving.


That night, Brian sat with Luke, Marcel, Tyler and the rest of the group talking about the crazy events and how lucky Evan, and the other three were to have escaped. The only one missing was the journalist.

Just as Brian was about to call him, he walked through the doors of the diner. Craig looked drained, almost sick. Tyler stood beating the mechanic to it and approached Craig. "Hey, Craig look-" Tyler started.

"No," Craig weakly croaked out, "Don't start with me. I just want my coffee and to go home."

"Too bad because I want to talk," Tyler said sternly pulling Craig outside. The other men watched as words were exchanged but no one could make out a word except two: Fuck You. Which Craig said before slapping Tyler hard and walking away.

Tyler walked back in sitting down quietly. "I'll talk to him. At this point he's acting like a child," Brian started, standing up, "First he talks about moving back home and now causing a scene-"

"What?" Tyler said weakly as the news made his whole world crumble.

"He's moving? Where?" Jonathon said sadly.

"Back to the UK," Brian said, placing a 20 for his meal on the table, "He started packing last night. Crazy bastard said that he wants to help people not write articles anymore and he thinks he can do that back home, I guess."

The group quietly talked about the topic as Brian left. "I don't think its just because he can't play hero. Did we say something?" Luke questioned looking between Tyler and Marcel. Tyler suddenly stood up and left the diner. The group went silent.

Luke's pager broke the silence: his dinner break was over.

As Luke left, the five remaining men sat quietly making small talk. There was a lull in the conversation when Evan spoke up. "Where'd you get that bruise on your neck, Jon?" He said, catching everyone off guard.

"I, uh got hit during the chaos at the ceremony," Jonathan quickly stated. He cleared his throat standing up, "I have to finish packing and its getting late."

"Are you moving too?" Lui joked half-heartedly.

"No," Jon chuckled paying for his meal, "I'm going to visit my sister for a couple months, but I will be on this side of town here and there."

After Jon left, the last three soon called it quits too.


Night Owl landed on the rooftop Early Bird told him to meet at. He wasn't sure what this was but showed up anyway. "I heard you were looking for me," a voice said from behind. The hero turned to find Batcoon alive and safe. A silent sigh of relief left Night Owl's mouth.

"Yeah, I wanted to apologize for the other night," Night Owl started, stepping towards the other hero, who leaning against a large a/c unit.

"I actually want to thank you," Batcoon jumped in, "You made me realize that I need to better myself if I want a chance at kicking your ass." He added a forced laugh to the end not convincing the approaching hero.

"You don't need to better yourself," Night Owl frowned, stopping a foot away from the other hero, "Don't leave Early Bird like this."

The raccoon laughed, "Now you're trying to convince me to stay? I thought you -of all people- would be celebrating." The man laughed, turning to leave.

"Wait!" Night Owl grabbed Batcoon's arm spinning him around and pinning him to the unit behind him.

"Let go of me," Growled the pinned hero.

"No! Not like this!"

"I said let go!"

"Not until you agree to stay."

"Fuck you! Why do you care?"

Night Owl went silent. He pulled away from Batcoon just long enough for the owl to pull off his mask. "Look," Evan whispered leaning towards the shocked hero and pulling up his mask just above the nose, "You were wrong. I'm not trying to convince you."

"What?" Batcoon whispered entranced and shocked. Evan was Night Owl! Evan was really close to him. Evan... Smelt like... Maple syrup...

"I'm begging you to stay," Evan whispered, his lips grazing against the hero's. Then Batcoon did something that shocked them both: he leaned in, kissing Evan. After a moment, Evan deepened the kiss; his tongue exploring Batcoon's before pulling away slightly, "Please, Batcoon, stay."

The men stared at each other for a silent moment as Evan tried to calm his mind. He has a tongue piercing! That's so hot...

Evan shook the thoughts away as Batcoon pulled down his mask. "I-" the man started, "I can't. I'm sorry." With that Batcoon disappeared into the night leaving Evan alone and broken hearted.


Puppet Master watched as Annej punched in the codes stolen from the Mayor's computer. "That should be it. Here's the file," she said pulling up a document, "This will tell you where she's being held and all other known info."

"Ladies, meet our newest member of Alpha," the man said sliding the doc to center table holograph with a smile,

"Miss Galaxy."

HI. THIS STORY MAKES ME SOOO HAPPY! I know lots of caps but it does. Thank you so much for reading, I'll catch you all next chapter. :)

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