Track 12

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✂︎Stitch Me Up✂︎

Craig and Ohm crept through the underground tunnels. The journalist followed the gang member through the halls until a certain corner made Craig stop in his tracks. "C'mon" Ohm whispered, "It's just this way, I think." He motioned to the corner.

"You think?" Craig smirk, now knowing where the deja vu is from. The two walked to the corner before Craig pulled them into a crouch and motioned for Ohm to stay quiet.

Then he heard it. The familiar footsteps and then the voices. Their laughter bounced around the stone tunnels. "Yeah but Nanners is dead-set on killing those hero rats," one spoke clearly as they came closer. Ohm and Craig held their breath as two gang members walked past them. They nod to each other before knocking the two goons outs.

"Good thinking," Ohm sighed.

"Let's get out of here," Craig nods, heading away from the knocked out men. Flashes of his nightmares enter Craig's mind making him flinch. Ohm gives a concerned look to which Craig shakes his head to clear it. He smiles to reassure the gang member.


Batcoon and Luke sneak quietly through the halls of the hideout. The men were checking every door they came across. "This is stupid," Batcoon grumbled, "She just lead us on a wild goose chase."

"I'm getting the same feeling," Luke sighed. He went to open the next door but the handle began turning on its own. The man's eye widened and he pulled his partner behind another door.

"But Nanners, they aren't in the compound at all," a man warned, following Nanners out of the room. Nanners turned to lock the door before answering his second in command.

"Smi77y, they'll come back. Trust me," Nanners smirked walking away.

"Trust you, Nanners? Yeah okay," Smi77y mumbled before following the man out of the hallway.

Luke and Batcoon came out of hiding. They looked at each other before looking at the door that the two gang members came out of. "I guess your sister was right," Luke chuckled. He kneels down infant of the door, picking the lock.

"You can pick locks?"

Luke looks back at Batcoon, "Yup." He opens the door to an office. "Quick, I don't know how long we have," Luke whispers as he walks in.

The two start searching the room, pushing around papers. "Hey man," Batcoon spoke up, "I'm sorry for being mad at you... about being with Sissy. It's not your fault." The hero stops looking at the officer.

Luke looks down at a random paper, "It's whatever. I get it. I would be mad if I were in your shoes."

"No hard feelings."




"Let's find that will then?"



Brian and David sat in an old house across the street from the compound. The waiter sighed leaning away from the partially boarded window, "T'is is ridiculous! Why do we get t'e shitty part of t'e job?"

The mechanic next to him huffed an "I know" but nothing else.

"Like look out? Look out fer what?" The Irishman continued.

The mechanic finally turned the angry man, "Will you just shut up? I'm not happy about it either, but you can help QUIETLY! For fuck's sake." 

The waiter grumbled under his breath as he leaned forward to the window once again.

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