3 : Almost

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"I'll go home now. "You blurted out rolling your eyes at him jokingly.

" Bye! " He said waving his hands while giggling. Your cousin does the same.

You open the door and walk outside. You put your hands in the pocket of your jeans/jeans shorts

Your in the middle of the road when Tyler calls you looking back, you're unaware what is going to come.

"I'll go there later!" He said, you nod. Before you could continue walking, a really fast car, going to your direction. You stop not knowing what to do, your world becomes very slow, remembering each moment of your life, then you feel a hand grabbing your wrist, pulling you to the other side of the road.

"Gosh, t-thank you." You manage to say putting your hands in your chest, you feel tears going down your face, he wiped it as he smile.

"Next time, be careful. You know other car drivers can't sometimes pull their breaks when driving really fast." The mysterious guy said and smile. His voice sound very familiar. His smile, you also know his smile. He's wearing a sidemen hoodie then realization suddenly hit you and you know who he is, that he is the one that C/N like.

(  This is Simon Minter by the way

(  This is Simon Minter by the way

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That Minter guy, c/n has been longing to meet Simon Minter ever since she discovered them. She mentions Simon on her video once explaining she likes him. You decided to not tell C/N.

"Your Minter, right?" You asked as he look away.

"Sshh, I am. Goodbye now." He answer walking away.

"You almost killed us." They yell running up to you.

"He's wearing a sidemen hoodie." Your cousin said. You and Tyler ignore her.

"You alright?" He asks, you nod. "Let's go now, shall we?" You nod again.

"But he's wearing a sidemen hoodie. "

"You have that kind of hoodie, okay? Why won't you wear it?" You asked raising an eyebrow.

"I'm lazy to wash it."

"Well, you shouldn't."

"I'll go home." She said walking fast to her house.

You and Tyler walk in your house. You go to the living room and you both sit.

"Tyler, can you keep a secret? Just like for a month, or two?"

"Yeah, sure. What is it?"

"That guy, that guy was Simon Minter."

"That, is, who, C/N, likes??" Tyler said jumps in excitement. You nod. "Why keep it a secret though?"

"I don't know, just a prank, maybe?"


"So, why you here?"

"Because, I will be with you going to Vidcon!"

"Ohhhhh" You said while nodding.

"Where is Troye? Why isn't he here?"

"We got in a little fight. He's supposed to be here, but he hates me, for now."

"Oh, okay. Bye now, I don't need you anymore." He stared at you analyzing everything. He gave you that seriously look.

You wave your hands at him.

"Okay. C/N!! I need to tell you something!!!!!" He yelled. You quuckly cover his mouth.

" IF she finds out about this, she will tell everyone, if I say everyone, I mean EVERYONE that I like him, okay...?" You explained to him pointing upwards. He nods.

"Okay, okay fine."Tyler back out. "Let's catch up though."

*time skip...*(why not?)

"I'm tired."

"Byeeee!!" You said waving your hands. "Okay, what to do, what to do." You thought out loud.

"Netflix? Nahhhh. Social media? Nahhh. Food? Maybe. Sleep?? Yessss. I'll higher the temperature." You punched the air in happiness.

You go upstairs to your room. You suddenly realize that it's turned off.

"Huh? Ohhh yeah."You remembered. You forgot that your aicondition turns off automatically. (We have that. Kind of irritating, I'm still sleeping then it turned off. It makes a loud sound when turning off.)

" Mehh, I'll turn it on." You said turning it on. "Yeah." You exhaled jumping to your bed. You sleep.


Third Person POV

"I hate you." The girl said.

"I love you too." He said smiling.


Your body suddenly twitched, waking you up.

"O-Okay. Dream is short, yet sweet. " You groaned. You sleep again, but this time longer.

You wake up someone shaking your body vigorously.

"W-Whaaat?" You said scratching your eye.

"Lunch??" Your asked.

"Order something, ughh! " You complained covering your face with a pillow. You fall asleep again


Third Person POV

*beep beep*


"Do not leave me please!! " The girl said shaking a body.


"What..the..heck??" You questioned. "The first dream was sweet, now, ughh. Dear my subconscious mind, please stay with one genre of dream, please."

You sleep this time but no dreams.

*time skip...*

You wake up peacefully.....sike! Loud laughing, coughing, loud music and smell of cigarette. You become confused, grabbing your phone. You go downstairs.


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