16 : Not Yet

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You keep hearing whispers behind you, not knowing the reason you're awoken by them, you're like awake but you're eyes are still shut, which are kinda making you see colors. You flutter your eyes open to see c/n whispering stuff to Dan and Phil.

"Is it permanent?" C/n asks, you furrowed your brows in confusion and continued to listen.

"Uhm, oh no, we're dead," Dan pointed out. You don't really seem to catch on to what they're talking about, you then decided to ask.

"Why are you going to be dead." You look to c/n first, then Dan and Phil. Dan mouthed 'shit' as he slowly sink in to his seat.  "Can someone tell me what's going on?"

None of them answered, but you still wanted to sleep more. A flight attendant then brought you plane food and you started eating.

After eating, you decided to look more into what's causing Dan and Phil is snickering about. Their emotions are like in a rollercoaster right now, minutes later they seem to be laughing their butts of then another minutes later they're like praying for their lives, which made you more confused and annoyed.

You keep glancing at them from time to time which made them fight their laughters, they finally caught on to what your doing and looks away. Being annoyed the whole freaking flight, not knowing what you're doing, finally asked them, again.

"What, IS IT?!" You yelled not for the  youtubers to your seatmates to hear you, but all of the passeners, others shrugged it off but, Colby. He gave you a questioning look before he bursted out laughing, Aaron did the same. You panicked and didn't know what to do, he laughed at you.

You just look to the window facing nothing, hoping that it will all go away, like your ex.

"Y/n, oi, heyyyyy." Your cousin caught your attention by shaking your shoulders. "What's wro-"

"Oh don't do it,"

"PFFFFFTTT HAHA-" She cleared her throat as she realize that the almost all the passengers were staring at her.

"Oh my."

30 minutes before landing

"Oh hey it said that there's only 30 minutes left, heh heh." C/n reminded aa she's imagining the horror that's going to happen, sooner or later. Let's just say she's shook in her own ima-

 Let's just say she's shook in her own ima-

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didn't forget it muahahahaha okay back to the story.

Plane landed

"Ahhhh yes." You sighed in relief as you punch the air. You look over to c/n as if she's going to die anytime soon. (Hueh) You're just observing everyone's actions, c/n, Tyler, Dan, Phil, basically those people who laughed at you the moment they saw you. Walking out the plane, you recieved a few stares before them actually laughing. It just keeps on getting annoying and annoying when people are staring at you and laughing afterwards. The walk to the baggage claim is pretty quiet, there's a kind of an anxious tension going on between c/n, Tyler, Dan and Phil. You've reached your destination and started waiting for everyone's luggage. They are weirdly keeping some distance from you like you're some kind of monster.

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