W-what?! NO!

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*Whisper's P.O.V.*

"Mom, have you seen my laptop?" I yelled down the stairs to my mom in the kitchen.
"Check your brother's room!" She yelled back sounding irritated. I sighed and walked to my brother's room.

"Justin do you have my laptop?" I asked walking into his room. He was playing 311 and his walls were covered in Beach Boys posters and 311 posters. He was sprawled out on his bed his curly blond hair even messier then usual. His left eye fluttered open and glared at me. "Get out of my room." he growled sitting up.
"Give me my laptop."
"It's on my desk, now get out."
"What has got your panties in a wad?" I asked grabbing my laptop off his desk.
"Oh just get the fuck out!" He yelled throwing a biology book at me. I jumped out of the way and left his room slamming the door.

'Why does he have to be such a dick? I mean sure I'm his younger sister but he could be nicer to me. I mean I'm not 4 fucking years old anymore. And he should be after what he did to me...' I thought to myself as I walked back to my room and sat on my bed.

My room had a few Lord of the Rings posters along with the Hobbit posters. I had a large collection of maps all rolled up and placed carefully on a special rack. I also had a book case full of history, psychology, and biology books. Then beside that I had another book shelf full of books like Lord of the Rings, Hunger Games, Game of Thrones, and so on. Then beside my TV I had a collection of video games for the PlayStation systems and some for the old Nintendo consoles, such as N64, Super Nintendo, and the original Nintendo and the Wii. I even at the bottom of the shelf had a collection of Scremo/Punk CD's.

After I closed my door and put on a Black Veil Brides CD I pulled up RolePages. I am into role playing. Even though for me it is living what I really am. Being able to actually be a fallen blood angel. I have powers but it has limits since my wings are gone. I can sense people's emotions through their blood. But that doesn't matter right now. I'll explain later on.
I role played for about 3 hours and the sun was finally set and the moon was up I decided to stop. I had made a few good friends on RolePages. There was Varick. He is from Russia. He likes the sexual role play but I just do it for him. After all I don't like boys. Not after what happened when I was little. But he and I also do adventure role play.

I also had another friend Hania. She was a nice girl from France. We did all kinds of role plays. Anything from battle, to forbidden love, to hardcore lesbian sex, which I very much enjoy.

I role played with both of them and we had a lot of fun. Thanks to Hania I was dripping wet and ended up masturbating, while Varick and I just simply ran through the woods from a dark necromancer.

Just as I was about to go to sleep my mom and dad called me down stairs.

"Yeah?" I asked when I sat in the couch across from them.
"What have you been looking at on your laptop?" My dad asked coldly
"Uh the usual; Facebook, Youtube, Rolepages, and some games." I said calmly
"Is that all?" He asked his eyes looking over me in disgust and rage building beneath them. I suddenly felt nervous. 'I always go incognito when I look it up he can't know I watch porn.' I though as I felt my palms grow sweaty.
"Yes." I said as calmly as I could but I knew my cheeks were burning.
"What exactly is this stuff you are doing with your friend Hania? Or what about your constant visits to RedTube?" My mom stated angrily
"I... uh...." I stammered 'SHIT!!'
"Whisper, are you a lesbian?!" My father roared
"W-what?! NO!!" I cried trying to cover it up.
"Liar!" My Dad shouted jumping up and slapping me across the face. "You know how I feel about liars." He then took off his belt and hit me with it. My mother did nothing but sit there and watch.

After he had hit me for about five minutes straight he stopped and sat down. Glaring at me. Tears streamed down my face and I couldn't move. "You are going to a school in West Virginia for sexually confused girls. Now go pack. You leave in the morning." he said in a low voice.
"And take your laptop, and your other electronics I wont have that disgusting shit in my home." my mom said standing and walking away with my dad.

I lay there in pain for a few minutes. 'God, how much more must you do this to me? You already kicked me out of Heaven. You already tore me away. Why must you still punish me?' I prayed as I walked to my room. I took off my shirt and went to my bathroom.

My bathroom was small and had a standing shower and a small white sink. I looked at my back and sighed in relief when I noticed no skin was broken. But I frowned when I saw the two long scars between my shoulder blades and I ran out.

I grabbed my duffle bags and I picked what clothes I wanted to take. I had a few band tee's, like BVB, Falling in Reverse, SWS, Bullet For My Valentine, and Bring Me The Horizon. I put those in first then grabbed my softball jerseys and pants. 'I wonder if this school has a softball team?... Guess I will find out.'

After I finished packing my clothes I grabbed my newest game systems. Such as; my ps3, ps2, Wii, and my gaming laptop. I then put all my games in the bag and closed it. I grabbed my and rolled it up in by . I then put my normal laptop in it along with my iPod touch. I threw in a sketch pad and then I went to my book shelf and carefully grabbed a few books I wanted to bring. I made sure I grabbed my Lord of the Rings books. I also grabbed my Earth's Children saga and my Let The Right On In novel.

I then lay down on my bed and close my eyes. But I did not sleep. Instead the flash backs of my old life in the White City flooded back to me...

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