Frozen In Time

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  *whisper's pov*

We have been her for one week into our break. Things were great. Scarletta's parents let us sleep in the same bed. We went outside and had all kinds of snowball fights. We even built an igloo! I haven't had this much fun since I was 7 and my family was still normal.
Basically once I turned 8 shit got real. Mom started drinking, dad kept cheating on mom and was hardly ever around. When he is here, he is screaming at mom then somehow finds time to belt me and then go out the door with some booze and ugh he is a dick. The day they sent me to the school was an exception for his royal dickness.
Then my brother.... Basically he. Was a horny asshole one day and raped me... I know I make it seem like nothing by saying it like that. In truth it scares the hell out of me. That's why I never sleep. Also why Scarletta yells at me half the time cause I'm always up role playing. But I've gotten better about it. Since I'm with her at night I've learned to relax. But as much as I care for her I just can't tell her how I'm an fallen angel or about my depression.
But enough of my back story lets get to the now. Mom and Dad, as they insisted I call them, went into town to take her little brother to his hockey practice.
Ever since we had gotten her Scar had been going on and on about this little spot by the river she wanted to take me but we never got around to it. But now it was 6pm her parents just left and instead of out normal make outs we'd have Scarletta came walking in holding a picnic basket. "Let's go." She said
"Go where?" I asked looking up from shadow her cat who had taken a serious liking to me.
"To my favorite spot by the river. We can ride double on Destiny." She said picking up the fat ball of fur, called Shadow, from while my lap kissing my forehead. I got up and got ready and followed to the barn. We pulled up a stepping block and rode bare back into the woods. Scarletta sat in front of me leading Destiny to the spot by using just her main. Seriously this horse was so cool. She was English trained western trained and bare back trianed.
The forest was magical. The snow hung in the bra he's making them bow and form a tunnel down the small snow clad path. Some branches had icicles that must have been near three feet long. We went around one more turn and then it opened up just a little bit and I gasped. It was like an ice sanctuary. The creek that rand through the center was solid ice but you could see a little trickle in the center under the thick coat.
Scarletta laid out one of the blankets we had brought to sit on putting the basket in the center. I stared in awe at the sight around me in a daze when I felt her hand in mine. "Beautiful isn't it?" Scarletta's voice was warm and soft. I couldn't speak so I simply nodded. She gave my hand a slight tug and pulled me close to her. Her lips found mine and she kissed me deeply.
My hands giripped her waist and pulled her closer as she gasped slightly. Her hands found the back of my head as she pulled me closser then gave a little tug on my hair. I couldn't help but let a small moan escape my lips. I pulled back to cathc my breath and then felt a hard pull on my hair that my head fell back and I felt Scarlett's lips on my neck kissing slowly down and to the side. "S-scarletta..." I moaned out as she hit my sweet spot.
Slowly her tongue ran up and down the side of my neck causing me to moan more and more. She started to move so I'd be cornered against a tree but as much as I love the feeling of her kissing and teasing me I wanted control. Just before my back hit the tree I spun us around and pressed her hard into the tree. A loud gasp left her lips followed by a series of moans as I kissed and sucked on her throat leaving a trail of hickeys all the way down to her collar bone. I hand't even relized that we had taken off our jackets. Now just a thin t-shirt under a sweat shirt or jacket kept our skin from the cold of Montana's winters.
I pulled back, "Sorry but it is late afternoon and I do not want either of us getting frost bite." She simply nodded as we put our big jackets back on. We sat and ate the now cold toast and jam with cold apple cider then lay together for a little while by the river. "I love you." Scarlettas warm voice filled my ears in the peaceful silence. "And I love you." I replied giving her a kiss on the cheek.
And it's true. I really do love her. I didn't think I could ever feel like this about anyone. I should tell her about my past and who I am. It is only fair seeing as she has told me everything about her life. But that can wait until we are home. I told myself I would tell her and I will but for now I want to stay frozen in time with her.   

Is This Even Real? (GXG)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora