Dance Off

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  After the funeral which was done privatly for simply family and very close friends a social worker came to help settle who Scarletta's new guardians would be. She knew better than to ask if my parents could be. Please that would just be asking for us to be seperated for an eternity. So she then asked if her uncle would be her guardian and he agreed. To our luck he also supported us. With even more luck Scarletta's parents had not been in any debt so the money went to Dason who put it all to Scarletta's account for college and anything else. However he did keep just enough so that he could pay for the next few years of her schooling at our academy. Even though we hated it there I'd rather be there with her than have to struggle with hidding a mild-long distance relationship. We only lived a little over an hours drive from eachother but still. I'd rather have her as my dormmate in a hellish school than have to settle for late night whispering skype calls and moderate inconspicuous texting.
But it has been several weeks since the incedent and Scarletta is still very chewed up. I am as well. Seeing her and feeling her agony in all of this is pure torture. And to add to the horror of it all we have to go back to that damn hell hole tomorrow morning. Her uncle talked to Scarletta about selling the house but she said she'd like to keep it. So it was arranged that when she turns 18 the house would fall under her possesion, until then he would help with the up keep and on breaks this is where she and I will come home too.
"Scarletta. Come on get up." I whispered in her ear the mornign light pouring through the window. I recived a pillow to the face followed by a more than annoyed and tired groan. Even in her missery she managed to be cute and smile for me. But I know the smile was only genuine when I would kiss her and tell her how I loved her. otherwize it was strained and physically painful for her. I wish I could tell her that I knew exactly how she felt and that I understand her pain better than a hug followed by a kiss. This did cause her to smile and I felt a sense of pride as I pulled her in my lap. Her thin body practically wrapped around mine as she cuddle into my warmth since moments before I had pulled the blanket from her.
I merely chuckled and nipped her ear winning a moan from her lips. This caused me to tense. I've heard her moan before but it had been so long since we had really done anything. We got very close to haveing sex once but we never got to actually do it. Our make out sesions, acording to our neighboring doormmates, who very much apporved of our relationship, may as well have been sex by how loud we could be. We learned to be quite because even though the faculty doesn't care, as much as the school pamphlets says, if they catch or detect a direct act of any sexual activity, they are to escourt us to the dean. Then we are put in new rooms usually one in a whole other dorm and if either of us is caught again, with eachother or someone else, we are dismissed. Or in other school tearms, EXPELLED.
I know the emphasis is scary. Don't worry it is okay to read or say the word without it happening. But frankly I could care less. Why? Cause we wont ever get caught the dorm halls echo and all the faculty have no the worst sneaking skills and fucking bang on the door. Also Scar and I always play music so with our new quiet skills and music we are usually covered. If not we have a netflix movie on that we can flip the TV too so I think she and I will be fine. But anyways enough of the past lets get to the present cause thats all anyone wants to hear anymore.
I bit my lip at her moan and she look up realizing my tense and a smirk found her lips. "You're blushing Whisper." I scoffed, "I most certainly am not."
"You suck at covering things up Whisper." She pecked my lips. And before we leave lets hook up the Xbox One, which we are taking back to the dorm along with all the other game systems so you can expand you channel, but anyways, lets play some Just Dance. I'll kick your ass again." As Scarletta spoke she got out of my lap wearing a pair of my boxers as well as a sports bra. I must say she looks sexy in my stuff. Another perk about being a lesbian. Getting a girlfriend is like getting a second closet of clothes. She purposely began swaying her hips more as she left the room knowing my eyes were hyper focused on it.
I snapped out of it and chased after her wrapping my arms around her waist kissing her cheek before opening my new suitcase which was holding all the newer and new game consoles. I got the Xbox One out as well as Just Dance 2015 and before long Scarletta and I were starting to sweat giving the song our completle all as we both finished the final pose for the seventh song now. Scarletta looked at me smirking when the score calculator said she won by a lowsy 54 points more than me. I had taken off my sweat pants and tank top leaving me in a sports bra and compression shorts my abs not as defined seeing as I hadn't been training but I could get it back with a few Zumba work outs and going to the achademy gym. She stuck out her tongue but didn't pull it in fast enough. I leaned in quickly and bit her tounge pulling back with a smirk as she closed her eyes moaning her face reddening. "You may have beat me but I always win the war."
A triumpant smirk was on my lips as I walked off to the kitchen and grabbed a powerade but nearly dropped it when I felt a pair of soft hands on my waist and warm soft lips butterfly kissing my neck. I couldn't help but let out a low moan. Scarletta chuckled in my ear, "What was that about you winning?" Her butterfly kisses suddenly turned to love bites leaving a trail of small love bite marks all over my neck. I began moaning more and the rest was a blur. One second we were in the kitchen then the next we were on the couch. I had her arms pinned obove her head as my hips ground against hers. Her hands broke free of my grip and I was suddenly on the floor giving into the way her hands glidded over my body her nails leaving long claw marks in some areas roughing the skin enough to bleed. Her lips were kissing all around my chest. She teasingly pulled off my sport bra. My hands then moving to her ass and not moving as if they were glued to her. She began kissing around my breasts and after that everything was pure estacy.  

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