The Bus

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  *Whisper's POV*

I groaned and rolled out of my bed. Literally. It was 5 a.m. and my mom was banging on the door. Dad was already gone to work, by 4. "Whisper!" She yelled in a tired voice, "Get up! You need to feed the dogs and get ready to leave. The bus will be here at 6:30!" I groaned loudly, in a beyond annoyed tone, to let her now I was up. The banging finally stopped and I went down stairs to feed the dogs.

There was Skipper who was, the youngest, about 3 years old. He was a Chocolate Labrador. Next was Copper, he was around 7 and he was a cute black Husky with a purple spotted tongue. Then last was Missy, she was 11 and was a big German Sheppard.They were all jumping up at me as I carried their bowls outside and I had to raise my knee to keep them down. "Calm down guys. You act like we never feed you." I laughed to myself, but frowned thinking I probably wont see them in a long time.

Once I finished with that it was 5:20. 'Okay I have a little over a hour... and I haven't masturbated for 3 days... I guess I could do something in the shower.' as I thought that I was in my room taking off my giant hoodie. I stepped into the bathroom in my sports bra and my black boxers. I took them off and threw them in the sink. And turned on the water leaving it a little cold since I don't like hot showers.

I had several bruises on my back and a few on my ribs . "Ugghhhh." I groaned, "The jackass.." I muttered then stepped in the shower. The water was cold. Just how I like it. I washed myself off quickly using the last of my coconut mango shampoo and conditioner. 'Good thing I packed a full bottle of lemon kiwi shampoo and conditioner in my bags' I thought. I used my Old Spice: Hawk Ridge body wash that smelt heavenly.

Once I felt I had washed well enough I closed my eyes and began to imagine firm breasts pressed against mine as I cupped my own. I imagined a soft hand rubbing against my p-...

"WHISPER!!!!!!!" My moms voice boomed from in my room
"What?!" I yelled back annoyed
"It's 6:15!" Was the last thing she said before I heard the door to my room slam shut.
"Fuck..." I muttered and got out.

I hurriedly turned on my hair straightener. And ran out to my room to grab my clothes. I threw on a nice blue push up bra, a pair of matching boy short panties. I pulled on a pair of black cargo pants, that had a chain on the belt loop, I then slipped in my BVB seat-belt belt. I pulled on my black skater vans and pulled a grey tee shirt over my head. It had a white tiger with blue eyes that said 'Vanishing'. I then put on my Celtic triangle necklace and then a black leather band over my left arm and tied a black bandanna on my right arm. 'I wont be living with them so they can't tell me what the fuck to wear. Maybe this wont suck a monkeys dick after all.' I thought as I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and straightened it quickly.

I finished getting ready at 6:25. I was proud that I got ready so fast. I slung my back pack over my back. And picked up my bags. I took one last look at my room when I hear a big 'honk' outside.

I ran down the steps half expecting to see my mom and my brother there. But they weren't. Just a note on the desk by the door that said;

'Love you sweety. Keep in touch. We will see you when you are better. Love, Mom, Dad, and Justin.'

"Oh thanks, love you to." I rolled my eyes crumbled up the note and dropped it. I stepped out the door and saw a big tour bus. "Whoa..." I said in awe. 'This place must be loaded' I thought. A little man was standing by one of the storage compartments and already had it open. I didn't see many suit cases but that doesn't mean there isn't another unit that is full. I walked to him and he took my duffle bags and placed them carefully in the unit. "You may get on Miss Collins." He said kindly. It shocked me he knew my name but I figured it was probably on his list or whatever.

I nodded at him and got on the bus. There were a few girl on the bus. Most had piercings, dyed hair or shaved heads. I felt out of place not having either of those, but I figured I'd get one or the other soon. I mean after all the baby sitting, dog walking, internships, and vegetable selling I do, I have a good bit of savings. And the fact that Dad will probably send me some spending money once a month.

I sat in a couch near the back and took out my iPod and 'The Hobbit'. I didn't really read any though. A girl with blue hair came and talked to me for a bit, she was cute but nothing special. She had a really cool septum piercing. But then just as I was about to flirt a bit with her a girl with black hair and green streaks and a industrial came up and pulled her in her lap and they started making out. So I assumed it was her girlfriend and I didn't want any trouble at this school.

About a hour passed when we came to a stop. I looked out and saw we were in a more rural area of Montana. It was nice. There was a pleasant river in the distance on the edge of the woods. And their was a barn for horses and other farm animals. "Oh we got a hot one!" one of the girls called as she was looking out the window. I wanted to see her but I figured I'd have a better shot of meeting this girl if I didn't start crowding her and drooling over her.

A few of the girls went up to the front of the bus and sat down trying to act casual so they could look at the girl. When she came up on the bus to were I could see her my eyes widened when I saw she WAS hot. But she wasn't like a Megan Fox hot, not like big boobs and big ass hot. Yes she was well developed but it wasn't her body that captured me. She had soft pretty skin, long beautiful hair, and eyes that made my heart skip a beat and choke on my breath. But one of the other things that caught my attention was her scent, no, not like perfume. I mean her natural scent, her blood. It was sweet and soft. Like fine silk.

'She is a silver blood!' I thought, immediately. I soon noticed I was staring and forced myself to look away. But when I sensed her getting closer I panicked. It wasn't just her blood that made me nervous but also the fact that I had a instant crush on her.

GUESS WHAT! We still aren't done with the chapter!!! xD

*Scarletta's POV*

I got up early that morning around 5. I usually get up at 6, but I wanted to say goodbye to Destiny, and Shadow. The bus was going to be here at 7:30 my mom had told me once I had finished packing last night and had laid down. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar. I put on my galosh boots and went out to the barn. I put the bridal bit, and saddle on her and then led her out of the barn. I came to the field gate and opened it, mounted up, gave her one good hard kick and we were off.

I ran her into the woods on to one of my favorite trials. I slowed her to a trot as we went through. "I'm not going to see you for a long time Destiny." I said quietly, she turned one of her ears back at me and her head to the side so I knew she was looking at me. "Yeah.. I know. I'm really sorry babe." I pet her strong think neck. "See I like girls and dad doesn't like that. So he is sending me away."

She whinnied a little as I said that and I felt tears fill my eyes. I came to part of the river in the forest and stopped. This was are property line. I got off of her and sat by the water. She knelt down on her knees beside me and rest her head in my lap. She is honestly the most perfect horse. I slowly stroked her muzzle as silent tears fell down my cheeks.

Soon after I decided to get up and head back. Once I got back I looked at the clock in the barn it was 6:25. I took off Destiny's saddle and bridal bit and put them in the tack room. I pet her and kissed her nose. "Good bye girl. I'll see you someday soon... I hope." I ran back to the house and went straight to the shower. Where I had put my clothes the night before.

I took a nice shower taking my time. Once I was done it was 7. I got dressed putting on a pair of skinny jeans, a forest green tee shirt that said 'Live, Laugh, Love' on it. I then grabbed my black vans jacket and tied it around my waist. And put on my black vans and then just pulled the top section of my hair up and let the underside stay down.

I sat on my bed and Shadow came lazily strolling into my room and jumped in my lap and laid down. I scratched behind his ears and he began to purr. "I wont be here for a while Shadow." I said quietly looking down at his cute face. He turned his head up to me and opened his eyes a little when I said this. "Dad is making me leave because I like girls." He then got up and put his from paws on my chest and stuck his nose out at me and I knew what he wanted. He wanted a kiss. I leaned down a little and kissed him on his small little mouth. It might sound gross to some people, but I think it is supper cute. So deal with it.

I then pulled him close to my chest and held him tight. 'I don't want to go. I don't want to leave my animals, family, and friends.' I looked up at my clock and saw it was 7:15. I kisses Shadow one last time and then took my bags from beside my door and put them by the front door. I saw my family standing in the the living room.

Matthew ran to me and hugged me tightly, "I'm going to miss you Scarletta." he said kissing my cheek.
"I'm going to miss you to, find some more frogs okay?"
"I will." he said with a big smile. Then my mom came and hugged me.
"I love you Scarletta. Don't forget to call, text, or e-mail us when you get there." she said as she hugged me
"I will. I promise. I love you too." I said tearing up, but held them in.
"Be a good girl and get good grades." my dad said putting a hand on my shoulder
"I will, sir." I said nodding.

Just then there was a 'honk', and I knew it was time to go. I ran to my room grabbed my back pack and put it on. I walked out the door dragging my suit case with a duffle bag on top, behind me. The bus was bigger then I though it would be but I knew the school must have some good money or they wouldn't be able to afford it.

I saw a little man with a round belly opening a luggage container and I walked to him. "Hello." I said kindly
"Hello, Miss Johnson." He said kindly taking my suitcase and duffle bag and putting it in it's place. "You may get on." he added as he closed the luggage container. I walked up on the bus and saw a few girls sitting up towards the front and they all kept taking quick glances at me. A few smiled, other's smirked.

But their was one girl in the very back who caught my eye. She had on dark clothes but had a book in her hand and seemed nice. Her brown hair came to the top of her breasts. Yes I was looking there. She had a nice body from what I could tell. Her shirt was baggy but I could still see her development. Her blue eyes were really pretty and caught my attention right away. She was looking right at me. I didn't know whether to feel uncomfortable or flattered. She soon looked away and I smiled. I made my way back to her and sat down beside. "Hello" I said nicely.
"Hello." she whispered looking up at me with a slight smile.

Oh boy was she cute.  

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