Are You Sure?

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  *Whisper's P.O.V.*

"Are you sure?" I asked holding Scarletta in my arms laying on her bunk. Thanksgiving is a week away and the school is giving us a month and a half off. Sounds crazy right? Yeah it is. But after all this school is a year round school so we do get amazing breaks but this is by far the best because it is the longest.
"Of course I'm sure! You heard me on the phone with them Whisper. They would love if I brought a 'friend' home over break," she said putting invisible parenthesizes over the word friend, "And we both know you don't want to go home and don't want to stay here alone."
"I know but Scar what if they find out?" I asked. Scarletta and I weren't official yet but I knew I had a claim on her. To think I was worried that she had found someone was crazy. She was hanging out with a girl but not like that. She actually was getting tutored in a class. Chemistry. I hated that class but I still did very good in it.

I found this out when she started complaining one day about being low on money. That girl was charging her $20 a half hour. Honesty that is fucking ridiculous. But no one else would tutor her. I then offered to do it for free and I don't think she had ever smiled so big. Now for the past 3 weeks I've been tutoring her every day for 30 minutes to a hour in chemistry. But anyways back to the now.

"We will just be honest. Tell them straight up that we have a thing for each other." She said simply now nuzzling her head into my neck. I couldn't help but smile at how cute she was. Even at the sad thoughts of her parents completely disagreeing.
"If you say so my little Scar."
"Um I am not little, I am taller then you!"
"Hey who is holding you?"
"Okay so how does that make me little?"
"Because you act like a 3 year old silly!" I said biting her nose which made her scrunch up her nose and pout.
"B-but... I'm naut a thrwe year old." she said in a baby voice and we both started laughing.

Once our fit of laughter settled she laid her head on my chest and I played with her hair as I always did when she did this. Soon she glanced up and me to see me softly smiling at her. "I love when you smile like that Whisper." she said placing her soft lips on mine. I kissed her back just as softly feeling and tasting the warmth and sweetness of her lips.

Our kisses kept getting more and more deep. Our lips only parting for half a second. My hands tangling in her hair as her nails slightly dug into the back of my neck. I couldn't help but let out a quiet moan and as I did I felt her smirk on my lips. Instead of her doing what I expected which was for her to straddle me she instead flicked her tongue over my lips which caused me to open my mouth and she pulled back. I looked at her slightly shocked but then a big grin found my lips. I had no idea she had such power over me. No one has ever been able to tease me like that before. I loved it.

We both started giggling and I held her tight in my arms. I can't believe how amazing she is. She always makes me happy even on the days I feel like utter bullshit because of my depression or when I am cramping because of my period. It's funny because she and I have our period at the same time now because we have been around each other so much. So we are both in a bitchy mood at the same time of the month and cuddling is seriously the funnies thing. We might as well be playing twister because of how bad our cramps are. One time she threw up on me.... Yeah EWWW is right. But even though I got upset I couldn't get mad because she really was in a lot of pain. Okay whoa! Enough about how we cuddle when we are on our period... back to the now cuddling.

She crawled on my body and laid on me. It was so cute the way her hair was framing her face she looked like a little puppy with big droopy ears. I kissed her nose and just as I got comfortable Scarletta jumped up and ran to the mini kitchen and threw some popcorn into the microwave. "Really? You are going to leave me for popcorn?"
"I figured we could watch a movie then pack."
"You and I or you and the popcorn?" I said grinning as I got up and laid on the couch turning on Netfilx.
"Uh of course the popcorn and I why would I want to watch a movie with you?" She said point blank and for a second I felt a small hint of hurt in my heart but I knew she was only kidding.
"Oh is that so?"
"Sure is." She said obviously trying not to smile as she walked to me with a soda for us both and a big bag of popcorn.
"Hmm well I guess I'll just leave you and your popcorn to your movie then." I got up and walked to my bed and grabbed my sketch book and keys, when I felt her arms around me.
"I'm just joking, baby." she said actually worried. Wow she really thinks I was going to leave.
"I know Scar. I was only messing with you." I smiles and turned to her.
"Okay Whisp." her beautiful smile now back on her lips. God that smile gives me butterflies every time I see it. I leaned in slowly to her, my chin tilted up since she was taller, and kissed her softly. Her sweet warm lips on mine. As I pulled back she rested her head on my shoulder and I stroked her hair.
"I love you Whisper." her voice was soft, warm, and hushed.
"I love you too Scarletta."  

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