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  *Scarletta's P.O.V.* (Haven't seen her POV for a while right?)

"Whisper. Whisper wake up!"
"Huh what?" She shook her head her hair a mess with a groggy voice... Damn that is sexy... We were on the bus on our way to my house and we were almost there. She had fallen asleep in my lap about 3 hours after we left. She looked so cute but I could tell her sleep was restless. Her face always knotted up win worry or as if something bad was happening to her. "We are about a hour away." I said
"Oh okay" she said sitting up on the couch we had sat on. Not many of the girls were going home, the ones who were had all gotten off aside from one girl but she was asleep on her bunk.

The last hour of the ride Whisper and I spent cuddling. She was so warm and she always listened to me when I was upset. Even when I'd scream at her when I was mad she would just stand there and let me get it out then hug me go get me some pink lemonade and then she would hold me while I drank it. I always drank pink lemonade when I got mad. It always calmed me down. Soon the bus turned on a familiar dirt road and I sat up and looked out the window. I saw Destiny out in the feild and I felt my heart jump. I was home! "Are you okay baby?" I heard Whispser ask sitting up wrapping her arm around me.
"I'm fine. I'm just excited to be home. See that horse?"
"Is that Destiny?" she asked and I nodded franticly smiling like the cheshire cat.

Finally the bus stopped and I pratically ran off dragging Whisper. I started to grab my bags but Whisper being the gentleman she liked to be stopped me and nooded to the house. "Go on a see you're family," She said softly and pecked my lips, "I've got this." I smiled at her gratfully and turned and ran. I found my parents just coming out the door and my brother Matthew came bounding out to me. As much as he drove me crazy I missed him so much. He lept up to my arms and nearly made me fall. He'd gotten bigger. "Scarletta!" He practically screamed. For being a now 8 year old he was more excited to see me then I though. "Hey Matt." I smiled holding him close. He hug me so tight I though I might choke but I returned the hug. "Scarletta you're crushing me!" He pouted when I set him down to hug my mother. "Hi mom."
"It's so good to see you Scarletta." I smiled as we hugged. Then I saw my dad.
"Hey Dad." No respons. In stead he walked up to me and pulled me into the biggest hug I've ever gotten from him. I hugged back and felt tears prick my eyes.

We finally pulled back and I looked over to see Whisper smiling at me loaded down with both her lugage and mine. We brough all of our stuff since it is a long break and we don't have to pay to wash our clothes anymore over this break. I ran to her quickly. "Mom, Dad this is my roommate Whisper." My parents smiled and said hello. Whisper looked kind of nervouse. I mean she had good reason. My dad is 6'4" and buff. My last boy friend told me he nearly pissed himself when he meet my father. He walked to her and looked her up and down. "Scarletta..." He said looking at me with a quizical look. Oh shit. "Is she what I think she is?" I saw her tense. I could only imagine what was going through her mind.
"W-what do you mean, sir?" She asked looking up at him.
"I'm sure you know what I'm thinking but just to clarify," he paused a moment as if he was thinking, "Are you my daughters girlfriend?"  

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