The Blood Angel

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  Two weeks after Sophie let me stay in her room I decided I had been there for long enough. I had seriously considered just rooming with her and she asked me many times to do so; however I just could not. It was time for me to face her. No point in just seeing her pass by in the hall. That would not help me move on from the heart break.
As I walked in the door I heard silence. I went to my bunk to find my things all as I had left them the last time I came to get more clothes. Scarletta's things were still there, messy as ever. I walked back to the main room. Still silence. After a minute of just standing around waiting for something to happen I flipped on my PS4 and with a sigh logged into my Netflix account only to find, to my displeasure, that none of my shows had been updated. I eventually settled for something as silly as 10 Cloverfield Lane.
Nearly an hour into the film I heard the door open behind me. All I heard was the sound of footsteps. Not just one persons though. It sounded like 4 people. My nose twitched as I sensed two were on their period. Being a Blood Angel is cool and all until to comes to periods. Honestly blood smells great but periods just do not smell as pleasant.
"Oh. I didn't think that you would be back." her honey sweet angelic voice rang in my ears. I may as well have melted. Though the melting sensation was quickly replaced with a horrible stab of sadness. Though it was not as bad as it had been the day I caught her, it still hurt.
I did not answer. I just could not bring myself to speak. I did not want to completely avoid her but at this moment in time I did not know what to say. I heard a girl clear her throat awkwardly; so I looked away from the screen to see that two of the girls and Scarletta were waiting for me to get out of my seat on the couch. I stared back at each for a moment as the fourth simply relaxed into the comfy chair next to the couch.
"Whisper would you please move so my friends and I may sit?" Scarletta asked politely. There was nothing in her voice or heart. No sign of regret for cheating on me. No sign of an apology either. I looked back to the girl on Scarletta's left. It was her. The girl Scarletta was screwing when I walked in.
I narrowed my eyes but got up, not wanting to start anything and went to my bunk. I put on my headset, turned on my anger playlist and went to Rolepages. I glanced up and nearly lost whatever was in my stomach when I saw Scarletta and the girl kiss. So she had moved on. Did she ever love me? She had too. I could feel that she felt it. I suppose she just rebounds very fast. I could tell she did not feel love towards the girl but feelings of compassion were there.
I grimaced at the idea of her feeling love for the girl. As I kept glancing from time to time I could feel my heart break again. I should be there beside her. But she doesn't want me. Maybe she was faking it before? Maybe I only imagined Scarletta loving me.
As the day drew to evening I found myself periodically staring at them. I found myself reminiscing the good times I had with Scarletta. Hard as I tried I couldn't block them out. The night drew on and not long after 10 the two girls, who kept getting up to take food from the pantry, left. The next time I looked up I had to look away almost instantly. Scarletta had straddled the girl and had her lips latched to the girls throat.
It was just too much. I took off my headset and grabbed my backpack; which had a pen knife attached to a zipper. As I jumped down from my bunk my laptop clattered to the ground causing the couple to look at me abruptly. For a moment Scarletta's eyes looked sorry but it quickly turned to annoyance. "Could you give us some peace?" She asked impatiently. I simply yanked the knife from my backpack and flicked her off. The girl under her growled "Oh, fuck you too."
I rolled my eyes and walked out. Once I made it to the hall I ran. Just as I ran past the elevator the doors opened and Sophie exited. "Whisper?!" She called after me but I was not going to stop. I made it to the stares and practically jumped each flight. I burst out the door and ran to my special place. It was quiet there. I could breath. However I did not sit and cry. Blinded by my rage I slammed the blade of the pen knife into my wrist and drug it up to my elbow. Though the blade wasn't much longer than two inches it was enough to get the intended job done. I stood there looking out at the glorious sight. The wind strong as it caused my hair to dance in the wind while the moon cast a silver light over the land. The mountains black as a crow lined a silver green against the night sky.
My breath became ragged and began to slow. Everything was going fuzzy. I heard something, rather, someone shout. But it was not coherent. How did I end up on my knees? There is that noise again, where is it coming from? The world around me began to go dark. I opened my eyes one last time before I let the darkness take me. Sophie's tear heavy eyes looked down at me. Just before I closed my eyes again I felt a sudden sharp pain in my back as if a fire suddenly started. I felt myself be enveloped by the darkness. However before it could take me I saw a silvery white down of feathers. They're back.  

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