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  *Whisper's POV*

Once we arrived at the school I gasped slightly. I'd never been to West Virginia. I didn't realize how beautiful it was here. The mountains rolled over one another in blue waves as the trees looked blue in the distance. The academy was in the deep forest but on the top of a mountain. A long wide dirt road lead to it. The front, cast iron, gate had a large cast iron fence with white marble brick columns. The center of the gate had a shield plate that had the depiction of a two headed fire breathing lion. The top of that gate read Lionheart Academy. 'Well that explains the lion' I thought.

The academy its self was even more impressive. Large white marble columns with amethyst spiraling up it with sapphire spiraling up the opposite way, on the main academic building. The buildings were made of a red brick with white grout that looked as if it had just been cleaned. The parking lot was fresh and newly lined. A slate rock side walk lined the parking lot and the cross walk areas were also slate rock but fit in perfectly with the asphalt. A thin mulch garden lined the inner side walk separating the grass from the path. The only breaks in the garden were for pathways that lead to buildings. The dorms were simple with the red brick but had a few benches and a courtyard in front of it, along with a few tables. There was only two dorms and they faced each other. One was 'Romanov', the other 'Eltro'. They both had the shield with the lion on the A frame overhang to the entrance with the name underneath. In big black letters. They both had five floors.

The mess hall had the same out look but it said 'Cafeteria' in big black letters, obviously. Then the gymnasium had a high roof made of glass. It had a low over hang that read 'Gymnasium', again obviously, in the big black letters. That building broke off into five sections; the indoor swimming pool, the indoor track and soccer field, the basket ball court, the indoor volley ball and tennis courts, and the main entrance building that you see when you first look at it. The main academic building had five floors and was very large.

I got off the bus and was directed to the mess hall. It was nice on the inside. This place was just like a supper rich college. There were a few girls on campus who all looked a lot like us girls on the bus. They all looked at us and took in as much as they could before we disappeared into the building.

Scarletta and I found each other and sat together at a table. A little old lady came out and spoke into the microphone that was plugged into the speakers. "Okay girls, settle down." She said in a bitter sweet voice. I didn't like her. She had a kind smile and pretty eyes, but behind that was pure evil and hate. "I am Miss Phillips."
"Not married, wonder why." I whispered to Scarletta who laughed quietly.
"I will tell you what dorm you are in, your roommate, and then you will come up get your keys and go to your room." she said then started calling girls names. "Sarah Williams and Courtney Ballard, dorm Eltro." She said. Sarah and the girl, Courtney, got up and got their keys. 'Well they will have a lot of fun.' I thought.

Miss Phillips called out more names and soon our 14 girls dwindled down to six. Scarletta and I still hadn't been called. I guess it was going by who enrolled first. "Megan Cumberdale and Zoe Hammilton. Dorm Romanov." Miss Philips said.
"Scarletta Johnson..." She paused as she dropped the paper. 'And WHO?! C'mon! Tell me! Please let me room with Scarletta! PLEASE!!!' It seemed like forever before she knelt down and picked up the paper. "...and Whisper Collins. Dorm Eltro" she finally said. I wanted to jump up and hug Scarletta but instead I just smiled at her, stood, grabbed my things and started walking to the front beside Scarletta.
"You ladies will be on the fifth floor in room 530." She said handing us both a metal key and a key card. The metal one for our door, the card for the main door to the buildings.

We walked to our room in silence, not because we didn't know what to say, but because we just wanted to look around and take everything in. I caught a glimpse of a cage back behind the gymnasium. I figured I'd check that out later. We walking up and into our room and gasped. It had a , a , , and a . The dorm was much more spacious then I though. That would explain why the windows were so far apart. Our room had a nice look out into the forest. "I might actually like it here." I muttered as I looked out the window.
"I know right! The forest reminds me of home." Scarletta said standing beside me. I smiled.

We stood their a few moments and then just as I was about to turn to go unpack Scarletta took my hand I felt myself flush a bright pink. "This is going to be a great year. I can tell." She said looking me in my eyes, my heart pounded.
"Yeah it sure is." I said then pulled my hand away slowly wishing I hadn't turning to go to my bed.


*Scarletta's POV*

Whisper let go of my hand slowly and I wanted to take it back in mine and kiss her. In just the few hours that I've known her I've come to have strong feelings for her. I mentally sighed as I went to the bunk beds and began to put my stuff on the top.
"Awe but I wanted top." Whisper whined and I laughed
"I got here first!"
"Bu-but..." she then pouted, god she is so cute!
"Awe fine. you can have the top bunk. But if I hit my head more then 3 times we are switching."
"YAY!! Fine by me." We laughed and started to unpack.

After we unpacked she hooked up all her gaming systems and organized her games. Gosh she is so particular about the order! But it is so adorable. We put on Netflix and started watching House M.D. It's funny. I never really watch this show but Whisper has seen them all and her reactions are so funny.

A while later a knock was on our door. Whisper opened it and it was the girl from the bus earlier. 'Oh what does she want?' I groaned quietly and blamed it on the nasty image on the screen when they asked if I was okay.
"Hey, Scarletta, I'll be back in a bit. I'm gunna go look at the campus." I heard Whisper say then heard the door close.
"Okay... bye..." I sighed and changed the show to Family Guy.

I watched probably 7 episodes and Whisper still wasn't back. It was dark now and almost curfew. Curfew was at 12. It was 11:24. Just as I was about to text her she came walking in the door. She looked upset. But just went right to her bed, grabbed a black sweat shirt and a some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles boxer shorts then went to the bathroom, coming out a few minutes later in them. She looked cute but the look on her face made me concerned. "Are you okay?" I asked going over to her
"I'm fine."
"Are you sure? You look down."
"Yeah I'm good. Sarah just tried some things I didn't like."
"Ohh... mind if I ask what?" Whisper then turned and hugged me and sat on the bottom bunk.
"Earlier she and I had planed to hook up and have sex, but then when we were out walking I changed my mind. But she tried to force me into it and I said no. Then she and her friend, Courtney tried to fuck me. I fought them off but still. I know they will try again." She said the last bit in a whisper as she cried silently. 'I didn't think she would do something like that. I hope she doesn't again. I want her to be mine. No one else's."
"You need to report them, Whisp." I said hugging her tighter.
"I will tomorrow. For now lets get some sleep. That bus ride made me tired." She said resting her head on my shoulder.
"Yeah, that sounds good to me." I said stroking her hair. She looked up at me and we looked in each others eyes. Just as I thought she was leaning in she got up. 'No...'
"Well, good night, Scarletta." she said smiling a little then went up to her bunk.
"Night." I said sadly laying down turning off my lamp. I closed my eyes but didn't sleep. I could only think of how I hadn't even know her for a day and I was falling in love with her.  

Is This Even Real? (GXG)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon