Lead Off

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  It was now three months since the incident. Scarletta seemed okay, to everyone else; but I knew she was feeling horrible. She tried to be happy and join in on my gaming videos; but she just seemed so drained by the end of the day after classes that I told her to just lay down. Try outs for the softball team were three weeks ago and for the past week I have been going to both the morning and evening practices. Other than gaming Softball is my passion. I wake up at 4:30 go to the 2 hour morning practice then come back have an hour to shower and then go to my frist class. Scarletta is usually still asleep by the time I get out of the shower. I on the other hand still don't sleep and just roleplay.
Before the incident I hardly roleplayed at all and slept in the same bed with Scarletta but after about a month of being back she asked to sleep alone. I didn't want to go against her will so I did as she asked, only to find myself bored at night and having horrible nightmares of falling. Continuously falling and falling further and further away from the light into darkeness. Each night the fall grew longer before I woke and as of a month before tryouts I gave up sleep completely. Now I sleep almost all day on Sundays, only to get up when Scarletta needs me and when I have 6 to10 condtioning in the gym.
But currently I am sitting in the locker room, 30 minutes out from the first game of the season, warm up. Today we are playing some private school out of Vermont. Their stats are good but our teams is better. All the girls were laughing and giggling waiting for our coach, Miss Clempson, also the english teacher and the only facutie who is accepting of homosexuals, to come in announce our captains and give us our game plan. I looked to my teammate Sophie, who was struggling with her hair, also the starting pitcher of the team, who I had already gotten quiet close to.
The fact that I was her catcher helped in that sense, as well as she and I have the same scedule so she is one of my few friends at this hell of a school, other than my team and of course, Scarletta. "Whisper can you finish my braid?" Sophie asked turning her back to me. I fixed and finished her braid and she gave me the little friendly kiss on the cheek she always did, upon greeting, thanks for assistance, and especially when on the field and she and I make a good play. Scarletta at first hated the gesture but soon grew fine with it. However the past few times Scarletta has seen her do it she would get very mad at me. "Sophie, c'mon I know we are just friends but Scar doesn't like it. You know that." Sohpie being Sophie groaned and leaned into me. "Fine fine." she sat back up, "How is she anyways? Still being extreamily distant?" I nodded and Coach Clempson walked in. "Okay ladies, same plan as last time, work their short game and outfield give Kayla the extra foot when she is up to bat. Whisper and Sophie, just do your thing, also you're captains. NOW GET OUT THERE AND SHOW THOSE PREPPY GIRLS WHOS BOSS!" Coach said holding up her fist as we always did.
I pulled on my catchers helmet and Sophie joined my side and we started the run out pase and then took out down the tunnel and came out the door the roar of the school filling the stands when we came out in our rehersed yet fasionable style. Captains followed by infield, outfield, and lastly designated batters and backups. We all husled to our postions going through the warm up. I looked in the stands for Scarletta but I couldn't find her. My heart sank slightly but I shook it off, "Softball time Whisper." I told myself as the umpire called for captains and coaches. We shook hands with the other teams captains who seemed disgusted to touch our hands and wipped thier hands on their jersey, causing me to growl, followe by a pat on my back by Sophie and I nooded taking my postions. The lead off batter coming to her spot in the batters box.
Lefty, short, standing deep and back in the box. I gave Sophie the sign for an screw ball which would break to my left away from the batter. "STRIKE ONE!" The umpire called. A grin found my lips and the short girl let out a nervous yet agravated sigh when the coach started to tell her to crowd the plate. When she had adjusted and was practically standing on it I smirked and called for a drop ball inside. "STRIKE TWO!" The umpires voice echoed. The girl let out a sigh and looked to the coach who was already shaking his head in disapointment. Must be his daughter. I thought then called a change up on the inside and the girl swung hard but the inside of the bat hit the ball and it popped up. I stood quickly my eyes locked on the ball turning my back to the infield as I took two shuffled steps backward and caught the ball. The stands echoed a roar as well as my team.
The rest of the game went well, my team never got over confident and we ended up winning 5 to 3. Around the 6th inning the other team got their heads in the game and finally got their three points but we shut them down before they could get anymore on us. In the last inning Olivia, our shortstop, hit a double bringing in the last two girls and that ended the game. Scarletta never showed and that greatly distressed me. I got back to the room as soon as I could and the sight before my eyes made me freeze in my tracks, and all I could think was, Is this even real?

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