The Crash

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  *Whisper's P.O.V*

We got back to the house about two hours after her parents had left. They should be home in 30 minutes if they weren't stopping anywhere so Scarletta and I started to make dinner. Spagettie and meatballs. I know how original, but neither of us could cook very well so what the hell. Once everything was all cooked up and ready we were expecting her parents at any minute. We went on ahead to put plates on the table.
I felt her arms around my waist and her lips on my neck and her abdomen pressing on my back. Her lips sent shivers down my neck and my breath caught in my throat as one of her hands had slid down to my ass and began to squezze. "S-scarletta, y-your parents wi-will be here any m-minute." I moaned a she gripped my ass harder. She growled on my neck, "I don't care." and I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled out of her grip turning quickly kissed her hard, while pinning her arms abover her head on the wall causing the family portrate to shake. A loud gasp left her lips as my mouth found her throat. I nipped and sucked causing a necklace of hickies to form all around her neck and collar bone. Her hand smacked my ass causing my to growl and bite down on her ear forcing a loud moan out of her mouth.
Just as I was about to pick her up and take her to our bedroom, as we were now refering to it, her phone rang. Without looking at it she ended it and jumped up on my her legs wrapping around my waist as I carried her to her room. Just as I laid her on her bed the phone rang again. We both groaned and she answered.
Her face went from a sexually frustrated and annoyed red to a pale white as if she had just seen a ghost. She simply said "Thank you." then stared at me for a few moments. "What's wrong?" she didn't respond, "Scarletta, what's wrong?" that's when I saw the tears whelling in her eyes and she leaned into my arms and began to sob and whail.
I couldn't think. I couldn't breath. I just sat there holding her. My mind spun trying to think of what could possibly be wrong. Then it hit me. Somthing has happened to her parents or brother. Her sobs had slowed her I sat her up worried plastered on my face and grife on hers. "Scar, baby, what has happened?" She shook her head and cried into my shirt. I held her a little longer before she pulled back. "M-my parents and brother... they... there w-was an a-accident... T-they... they're... dead." she broke down in sobs again and I hold her close. No. No. No. No. NO! Why her, why Scarletta, she doesn't deserve this. I began to tear up as I held her. I tried to say soothing things to calm her. However it didn't work very much. Soon she fell asleep in my arms and I just sat there holding her. When she woke in the morning she looked up at me and began to cry again. I kissed her forhead and began to hum her favorite song, Counting Stars. Actually that was our song. We had decided on it after that being the song that come on almost every time we were making out back at the school.
Later that day after I finally got her to calm down and had helped her get a shower since she could barely stand, I made some toast and then we got in the second car and I, being older of the two of us and had my license, drove to the hospital. Once we were there and Scar had seen her parents bodies and her brothers; she broke down again. I called her uncle, her fathers brother, and explained who I was and what had happened. Her father was coming around the turn just down the street from the ice hockey ring when a oncoming car hit some black ice and lost controle.
He arrived an hour later with his wife. His name was Dason and his wife was Terra. The rest of the day was slow, we had gone back to the house and began to make funeral arrangments. I can't believe I was doing this. I had never planned on helping my girlfriend, who I loved so dearly, and her kin plan her parents funeral arrangements. Especially not over the holidays... Let alone four days before Christmas.  

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