The Ride

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  *Whisper's POV*

"Hello." She said to me in a kind voice. I forced myself to not blush from her closeness.
"Hello," I said back softly with a smile. 'Why am I being so shy? I'm never shy around girls I like. Sure her blood is different but... Oh gosh her eyes... STOP! She might think you are weird.'
"What is your name?" She asked settling into the seat.
"Whisper," I said softly
"That is a pretty name. Mine is Scarletta." she smiled extending a hand for me to shake. I took it in mine and felt a fire suddenly burst inside of me. I pulled back quickly. I wanted to keep her hand in mine but I didn't want to creep her our.

We sat there and talked for a few good hours. I found out she had a little brother, and I told her about my older brother.
"One time he poured flour and water all over the floor when I was cooking pancakes. Then told mom I did it." Scarletta said making a annoyed face as she told me about some of the pranks her little brother pulled on her. "I don't even know why I was nice to him earlier today and yesterday." a quiet sigh left her lips.
"Maybe you were nice since you had the stress of coming out on your shoulders?" we both shrugged.
"So what about your brother? Has he ever done any mean things to you?" I laughed
"He is older then me! Of course he has done mean things to me. One time, when it snowed, he got a big bucket filled it, and dumped it on me while I was asleep!"
"Holy crap! That is mean."
"Yeah. Then another time he locked me outside in my underwear when it was 29 degrees." I said making my 'are you kidding me?' face
"Okay that is just mean." she said laughing
"Yeah, I got so pissed at him." I chuckled "But we would get along every now and again."
"Well that is good."
"Mhmm." I hummed

We talked a bit about our favorite books, she tried to read the Lord of the Rings but had a hard time following so she stopped. I understood it really well and tried to explain it but she only got confused so I gave up.

Scarletta got up and started talking to a couple of other girls and I just put on some music on my 'Perverted' playlist. Sexting was the first song that came on and boobed my head to the music. I watched Scarletta talk to all the other girls and I felt a pang of jealousy fill me. 'Gosh she is so pretty,' I though, 'I wonder if she likes me. I could look into her emotions but I don't think that would be right. Whoa! Since when do I care about if I look at someones emotions? Ugh... I want to know if she likes me... But I shouldn't time will tell... maybe.'

It was about 2 pm now and we still hadn't stopped for food or anything. I got up and walked down the isle that had the bunk beds and looked for the one that had my name duck taped to it. I found mine and crawled in. I put my book bag at my feet and just closed my eyes. A few minutes later I heard my curtain getting pulled open and suddenly a girl was crawling on top of me. "What the fuck?!" I exclaimed flipping over. It was the girl with blue hair, Sarah was her name I think?

She covered my mouth quickly, "Shhh... Let's have some fun while everyone is at lunch" she said huskily in my ear pressing her leg against my crotch. I wont lie I wouldn't mind going down on her, but I'm hungry and can't have good sex while I'm hungry. Her lips connected to my neck and she kissed all over to hit my sweet spot. I groaned slightly when she hit it. "Hmmm, is it here?" she said teasingly as she nipped on it making me groan again. "S-...mmmm.. S-stop.." I moaned softly trying to push her off.
"Awe why?" She asked sitting up pouting, as if on cue my stomach growled really loudly.
"That is why." I chuckled
"Oh... Maybe we could hook up at the school?" She asked with a smirk
"Yeah," I said smirking back with a wink, "That would be great." Just as I said those words I though about the girl with the black and green hair.
"Alright babe." She kissed my neck again.
"But what about your friend with the green and black hair?" I asked tilting my head so she could kiss my neck more.
"Just a fuck buddy, no one important." Sarah said in a husky voice biting my neck. A quiet moan leaving my lips. Then she pulled back. "Lets go get some food. I'm hungry too." She said grinning and got up.

I went to the Chick-fil-A in the little center and she went and sat with her fuck buddy, as she called her. And I found Scarletta who was eating a salad. "Bonjour." I said casually sliding into a seat across from her.
"Hola." she said smiling at me her eyes sparkling, as a soft laugh left her lips, oh her eyes...


*Scarletta's POV*

The bus finally stopped a little after 2. I was starving, I only had a granola bar. I saw Whisper get up and walk to her bunk, my eyes feel on her ass as she walked, I studied how it sauntered from side to side. I bit my lip and forced my eyes away. I will admit I like her. She is cute, has a nice body, even though her clothes are baggy, and we have common interests. I even found out she has three dogs. I told her about Shadow, she laughed when I told her about how he cries and begs for attention so much. I miss him. I wish I could have brought him with me.

A few minutes later we stopped and the driver announced we had finally stopped for lunch. I jumped up and started to follow the girls off the bus. Just before I got off I remember Whisper and turned to see if she got up. I saw a girl standing at her bed with the curtain pulled back slightly poking her head in so I just turned and figured the girl was getting her.

I went in to the little center and found a place where you can customize salads so I went there. I put a little bit of onion, carrots, cherry tomatoes, and a little bit of chicken. I found a empty table and sat by myself. I ate slowly sipping the cool blue Gatorade I got to drink. Whisper still hadn't showed up. 'I wonder if she just wants to sleep? 'Or... what if she and that girl... no... Whisper isn't like that. She is too nice.' Just as I had that thought Whisper and the girl walked in. The girl walked to a table and sat with a girl with black and green hair. I don't like those two... they were making out the whole time. I mean yeah girls kissing was hot but they do it too much.

She went to the Chick-fil-A and then once she got her food she scanned the court then saw me and walked over. "Bonjour." she said sliding in to the seat across from me.
"Hola." I said back laughing
"How is your lunch?" She asked taking out her chicken sandwich.
"It is good. Kind of lonely until now."
"I'm sorry. I was tired so I laid down for a minute."
"Yeah, I saw you go to your bunk." I chuckled
"Haha, yeah, I'm just really tired. I had to wake up at like 5 am so I'm tired."
"I got up at 5 too but I'm not complaining."
"I hate mornings. It means I have to get out of my warm cocoon of blankets and lose their trust for the whole day." she said in a silly voice

I laughed at her dumb jokes, which were more dumb then funny but I couldn't help it. Almost too soon lunch was over. We all piled back on the bus. There was only about 14 girls on the bus. But I had really only talked to Whisper. I talked to other girls but non of them caught my eye like her. I didn't even remember any of their names. Whisper and I sat at the back again. We talked a while but soon we ran out of ideas to talk about so we just sat there. Whisper got her laptop out and started using the free wifi to play games like Happy Wheels, Stick RPG, Potty Racers 2, and a few others I had never heard of.

I had been on the bus for 10 hours now that it was 5 pm. The driver turned on the intercom and announced we were 30 minutes away from the school. It was about time. I know I lived in the northern part of Montana but damn we must have been taking back roads to get to this place because it seemed like we were on the bus for more then 10 hours.

Whisper put up her laptop and pulled on her back pack and ruffed her hair a bit then combed it with her fingers. Gosh she was so cute! "I wonder who my roommate will be" I asked more to myself
"I dunno, but it would be awesome if we were roommates." She said with a hope filled smile. 'Oh that would be amazing' was what I wanted to say but instead I just smiled a nodded.  

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