But You Love Me, Right?

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*Scarletta's POV*

"OWW! Bad Shadow!" I yelled at my cat when he bit my hand while I was trying to do my home work, on my laptop, for my home school classes. I swatted him on the head, not to hard, but hard enough for him to stop and lay lazily on the foot of my bed by my feet. He was a black cat that I found on our farm, here in Montana.

I was listening to some really good music when I hear my mom come home and ask me to come help her cook. I sighed but got up and went to the kitchen.

"Will you help me cook the hamburgers?" She asked handing me a bunch of raw patties.
"Sure." I agreed a little disgusted by all the raw meat in my hands. The blood still oozing from it.

"So how has your day been?" She asked after a few silent minutes, besides the clinking of dishes and the cooking meat.
"Good, how has yours been?"
"It has been nice."
"That's good" I smiled. 'This is my chance. I'm with my mom, no one else is around. This is it. I'm going to tell her.' I thought as I flipped the burgers. "So uh... Mom?"
"Yes?" She asked looking up from the onion she was cutting. Her eyes were slightly watery from the fumes.
"I need to tell you something."
"Oh, what is it? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, everything is fine, just..." I sighed and backed away from the burgers. "Mom... I like girls. I'm bisexual." I said looking down.


I looked up nervously at her. She was just staring at me in pure shock. 'Oh no... she hates me.' I thought as I felt a sudden panic consume me. Tears pricked my eyes. "Mom?" I asked my voice shaky.


"Mom please. I'm still me. I'm still your daughter." I said looking in her eyes, pleading her to speak with my own, tear filled, ones.
"I... I never would have guessed." She finally said in a low voice.
"I'm sorry, but I just can't keep it from you anymore."
"I understand sweet heart. Have you told your father?"
"No..." I said hanging my head low. I didn't know how he would take it. I knew my mom would be shocked but my dad is another thing.
"You probably should tell him today, after dinner." She said going back to work.

We didn't talk anymore that night. Once I was done cooking I just went to my room, and listened to some music.

I heard dad come in just before dinner and I took a deep breath.

When we all sat at the table my mom shot me a glace saying 'You know you have to tell him.'
"So anything fun happen today?" my dad asked a general question.
"I caught a frog down by the river." My little 7 year old brother, Matthew, chimed in with a proud smile on his face.
"That's cool Matthew." I said smiling at my brother
"It was about a foot long!" He added as he took a big bite of his burger.
"What about you Scarletta?" my dad asked as he sipped some of his sweet tea. 'Crap...'
"Uh... nothing really. I mean I went for a ride on Destiny earlier. But that was it." I said simply with a shrug taking a bite of a pickle.

Once we were all done eating and Matthew and I had finished the dishes I went to my dad who was in the living room watching a football game. "Hey dad?"
"Yes?" He asked not looking up from the television.
"I need to talk to you about something important." I said as calmly as I could, but I felt fear rising in my heart.
"What is it?" he still didn't remove his eyes from the game.
"Well... dad.... I'm... I am bisexual." I said quietly. Suddenly the TV turned off and he was looking up at me with a hard expression on his face.
"You're what?" he asked coldly 'Fuck... okay he does hate me.' I thought nervously.
"I said, I'm bisexual." I said my voice cracking as tears streamed down my face.
"I see..." He said calmly. "Go to bed. I'm going to speak with your mother." with that he rose from the sofa and went to his room. I just went to my room and clung to Shadow and hoped I didn't make a mistake.

I didn't sleep that night and the whole day I spent outside by the river watching the water flow by with the passing of time. Watching a occasional crayfish, of trout go by. Once the sun was setting and it was almost past the horizon, I stood and walked slowly back to the house on the top of the hill.

Finally I made it to my room and it was well after dark. I hear mom and dad walking to my room talking in low voices. When they walked in my moms eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying. 'Oh no...'

"Scarletta," my dad said quietly sitting in my desk chair while my mom sat beside me taking my hand, "your mother and I have been talking. Your mother doesn't want to do this but I wont have a daughter who likes girls in my house. I looked for a school for girls like you. Tomorrow you will leave and you will only come back when you are straight."

When he said those words I couldn't hold it anymore. I leaned my head down and sobbed.
"Shhh..." My mom cooed rubbing my back soothingly. "We are only trying to help you."
"Don't cry. Your mother is right. We are doing this to help you. Now you should pack. The school is in West Virginia and the bus will be here to get you."
"But you love me, right?" I asked sadly but a little harsh.
"Yes. We do. That is why we are doing this. It isn't normal." mom added.
"If you loved me you wouldn't take me away from the people I love." I glared at them. "Get out... Just get out." my voice cracked again.

They left my room and after I was able to compose myself I started packing. I packed my favorite hoodies, my vans, and all the clothes I thought I would need. I packed several of my books. Considering it would be a long drive to the school. 'I don't even know the school's name.' I though.

Once I had finished packing I put my laptop in my backpack and a some of the books I packed. I also put in my phone and iPod. I set it by my door and I looked around my room. I looked at the little Christmas lights I had hung up. I looked at my small bed and the fat black cat laying on it. I looked out my window to see the river in the distance. 'I'm going to miss this. I just hope I make new friends.' was my last though when I laid down to sleep.

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