Last Straw

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  It was now mid way through the season and we were going to play a team in Colorodo. I had my ear buds in as I listened to some scremo music Sophie who sat beside me was humming Justin Beibers song What Do You Mean. It thought the song was okay but not my first choice. It still to this day shocks me that she and I are such good friends. The song ended and a slower song came on and I quickly changed it after just 3 seconds of it had gone by. Naturally I would listen to that song non stop, but ever since that first game I couldnt listen to it. Not after what I had walked into. Sophie must have been watching me because she saw my distress. I felt her arm wrap around my shoulder and she pulled me close as tears came to my eyes and pulled out my ear buds. "Whisper it's okay. It wasn't your fault." She spoke softly to me in my ear. I shook my head as my heart began to ache. Ever since that day I've barely smiled; I actually only smile at games when we are doing well or when my team needs encoragement.
I moved out of room 530, for a week to stay with Sophie seeing as I just couldn't will myself to stay in the room. But after a week I moved back in. Everytime I walk through the door I have to look to the floor and walk quickly to my bunk throwing my things on it. I haven't even made a single youtube video since then, and I never go on rolepages anymore. I ignore all the emails I get from my old roleplayfriends. What is the point? I'd just get tired of it anyways. There is no one new on the site and the roleplays I was doing were so repititious.
I cried quietly on Sophies shoulder falling asleep after an hour and next thing I knew my pitcher was shaking me telling me it was time to go. It was odd that for once I didn't have a night mare. She grabbed the room key to our room and we made our way up to the 4th floor and got settled in. It was a nice view. In the distnace I could see a forest in the distance; but I had to look away when tears threatened my eyes again. I couldn't help but think of that day Scarletta and I had spent out in the forest on campus.
A few hours later we were all out to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings. I joined in a little with the joking and laughing seeing as some of the jokes were funny. However things grew sour when out of no where the other team walked in and sat down just across from us. The girl who looked to be a first baseman, walked over once she saw our coach walk away, "Ah so you are all out having fun?" I nod seeing as she was looking more at Sophie and I who were closest to the Jackles, and that isn't a joke that is them, the Grant Achademy Jackles. Suites their personality. More snobby than any other team I had ever seen. "Well have fun while you can because tomorrow, you and the rest of your little lesbo sluts are going to loose. And try to keep the moans of your orgy down tonight there are other people staying at your hotel." Some of the girls on my team started to say things, but I stopped them. "Hey hey ladies, c'mon don't stoop to their level." This clearly agrivated the girl and she swatted my drink so it got all over me and my phone. Naturally I moved my phone and then slowly stood. Sophie grabbed my arm, "Whisper don't." This caused the girl to sneer and I could hear the resturant get quiet. "Whisper? What an odd name. I'm guessing your mute or when you talk you don't say much because you probably are too far on testosterone treatment that you sound like a lumberjack, or squeak like a mouse because of your size." I clenched my jaw and looked up to her pulling my arm from Sophie, "I got this Sophie don't worry."
"Oh so the midget can speak, and it doesn't squeak or sound like a bear." She looked back at her team who were all lauging, yes I am short, but I'm proud to be short. I simply played at her own game and started to laugh as well, "Haha you hear that ladies! She is right I don't sound like I suck helium or like I want to be a guy." I said looking back at my team who suddenly looked nervouse seeing as they all had seem me fight before when the lacross captain at our school started talkign shit. I then looked back to the girl, "Listen my girls and I are out to have a nice team bonding night. So if you do not mind, we would like it to stay nice. Go back to your table and have fun and we will settle this on the field tomorrow." She narrowed her eyes at me and poked my shoulder, "Don't tell me what to do shrimp, but okay. When we win tomorrow it will be obvious that lesbo whore like you have no reason to play the game." She then turned and went back to her table. I sat down and Sophie hugged me. "You handled that we-..."
"HEY LESBOS SAVE IT FOR THE BED ROOM!" One of the other girls yelled and threw a basket of ketchup and other various condoment covered fries. "THAT'S IT!" Katie our third baseman yelled and jumped over the table and was ontop of the girl after throwing her out of her chair in seconds.
Next thing I knew I was prying Katie off as two other girls were coming towards us. That is when coach's voice sounded over us all, "STOP IT ALL OF YOU!" She yelled causing the confussion to cease, "Lady lions get your ass outside now!" We all quickly filed out and stood shifting our weight nervously. "Whisper," Miss Clempson said looking at me as her voice trailed off. "Yes, coah?" I asked trying to hide my nervouseness; but I knew my cheeks were buring. "I am proud of you." She said with a smile and I sigh of reliefe left my lips. "And Katie, I know you were mad, but next time that happens I will make you all do 5 indian runs each. Now lets go back to the hotel, I'll order some pizza."  

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