Three Feathers

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  *Sophie's POV*

"Whisper..." My voice was horas as I held my friend in my arms. She was leaving me. I could see her eyes being clouded by the darkness of true death. My hands suddenly became hot and I was forced to pull them back when suddenly glorious white wings came from her back. I stared at her in awe.
"You're.. you're an angel?" I asked her lifeless body. I sat on my heels in disbelieving what I had witnessed for what must have been an hour. I close my eyes as I leaned in and kissed her cheek.
Her wings began to glow and started to catch fire. Before all of them had caught the hungry flame I took three. The crimson shafted and silvery white down was heavier than I thought. Once her wings burned away her body was left more blood now seeping from her back.
After a moment I found myself braiding one of the feathers into my hair. The second I put in my back pocket to use as a book mark. The third I held in my hand for a moment before I took up the knife that Whisper used to slit her wrist. I put both the third feather and the knife in my other back pocket. I would tie the feather to the small ring at the end of the pen knife.
"Goodbye." I said softly before dialing 911.

Goodbye dear friend.  

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