Tae's little problem {Part Two}

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I thought I should make a second part :3

If you haven't read the first one hen go back and read that! :D

Tae curled up in a corner of the hallway, as he prayed for the day to be over. Jin was the first one to react to the crying mess. He kneeled over and patted his back not saying a word. Finally Suga stepped out of the room, completely guilty. Yoongi didn't fully step out of the room though, he just motioned for the members to come. Jin stayed and let Taehyung cry into the wall.

Jimin stepped inside of the room first. He could really smell anything, but it wasn't exactly a normal stench. But the person that could really smell it was Jungkook. "What's that smell?" He asked. Suga pointed at the bed. J-Hope then realized what had he happened. "Suga, wait. Let me get this straight, he wet the bed and he's crying?" Hobi did sound a bit confused. Suga nodded up and down. "What happened exactly?" Rap Monster sighed. Suga stared at their leader. "I told him to wake up and he wouldn't get out of bed, so I asked him why, he said to leave him alone and to go away. But I just got a little worried so pulled the blankets off." He explained. "Maybe he was just embarrassed?" Jimin asked. "No, he doesn't cry when he's embarrassed." Suga clenched his teeth. "True...but why is he so sensitive?" J-Hope looked to the floor as he thought. "I think I know why..." Rap Monster began to speak. They all looked at him for an answer. "Well...I mean, it was Suga that saw it." He scratched the back of his head. "What are you implying?" The mint haired barked. "Hey, I'm not saying you did anything to cause this...but you know what V thinks about you right?" He claimed. "What are you talking about...?" Yoongi saw everyone and they were definitely hiding something. "Tell me!" He yelled. "...Hyung...well he thinks you're so cool....and thinks you're so amazing, and really-" Jimin was cut off by J-Hope. "He's just saying Tae really looks up to you."

Suga didn't know what to think. Suga was Tae's idol...? No, he lived with him day and night....then again. Suga just rushed out of the room and looked at V in the eyes. V looked away. "Dude, it's alright I'm you're not perfect or anything. " Suga explained. "Ack! This kid!" Jin sighed.


PAST CURFEW - BTS OMORASHI  Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz