Holding Comes With A Great Expense [EDITED WORK]

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A/N: Hey guys, I made an edit for this so yeah. It's not the best thing ever but I hope you enjoy the newer version. Also, Happy New Years! I hope you can enjoy and spend time with your families for 2019! Enjoy this chapter, I got second hand embarrassment while editing this shitty writing. It was a tough battle, I gave up near the end.

Jungkook is okay, he's okay. The kid's just having a hard time holding in a few hours worth of piss, that's all. Jungkook leached forward, okay, bad idea. Shit, he was about to piss himself at the dinner table because his stupid mouth wouldn't sound out a few words. He studied his surroundings, not really knowing why he couldn't just excuse himself to take a fucking piss, nothing he hasn't done before. He looked over the plate of food he'd hadn't touched yet.

"Are you going eat, or just stare at it?" A scoff comes from the back of Yoongi's throat, Jungkook thinks he might cry. Everyone has had a long day, that's all.

Jungkook swallowed at the harsh words and slowly picks up the silverware. With no one saying a word the all simply waited for the now shacking boy to give them an explanation. Slowly but surely, he fished for food on the glass plate then stuffs in his mouth as he forced it down his throat

"Ok, enough bullshit. What's up?" Yoongi demands, he wasn't going to make this easy for Jungkook.

"Can't we just talk like civilized people for one fucking day." Namjoon rubs his temples and breathes in carefully. "We've all had a long day, I'm sure Jungkook is just tired?" Namjoon remains calm while reaching eye contact with the youngest member. Tell them.

Speechless, Jungkook merely glanced back at his oldest hyung.

"Jungkook?" Seokjin raises an eyebrow looking seemingly annoyed.

Immediately, Jungkook felt dizzy—legs locked in place under the table, He flinched at the discomfort. The male ceased and switched positions casually. It's then he suddenly feels his lower stomach grimace and flare in anger, urine pouring out his cock and not letting up. His pants soaked before he could completely stop the flow. He was going to piss himself, right now, but soon enough his ass would be hauling over a toilet long before then, right? More fluid leaking out of his underwear seemed to make his point arguably invalid.

"It's nothing hyung, I'm fine," He shimmers a smile in response, but in reality he wants to crumble into a million pieces and die.

"Jungkook, you're not very convincing." Yoongi rests his case while flashing Jungkook a stern look.

"Yoongi-hyung has a point Jungkookie, it's obvious something is going on." Taehyung hums sadly handing his dongsaeng a concerning frown.

Jimin sighs and massages the bridge of his nose, "Kook-ah, what's troubling you?" Jungkook still can't pin-point the right words to please his hyung's, he just wants this conversation to be over and this stupid, 'let's eat together' thing so he could take his earning piss.

"There's really nothing wrong, I'm just a little sleepy is all." Jungkook swallows nervously, it's not a complete lie, his body is aching from practice—but more than ever his body is spasming in different directions because of his now, frantic need that must be taken care of this second.

"Jungkook, you're not leaving this table until you tell us what going on, love." Jimin gives a firm squeeze to Jungkook's leg and Jungkook nearly looses it. Another spurt of urine flies from his cock, it's affirmative and even painful, a gasp arises from Jungkook because the piss was so fast, it burned his slit. Jungkook shakes his head eagerly, it's so painful. He's been holding it in for hours, now it's just dead weight.

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