Hyung What The Fuck Pt. 4

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This connects to butterfly. It gets a little sad and a bit crazy; enjoy :) a tree and twig are both very important and connect to me personally so it will be very important later one. Keep that in mind.

He felt like an embarrassment to BTS. He felt like he was in a different world. One that humanity doesn't exist. One that only he can be referred to as a twig, but yet the trees shed over him as he dries up and the others grow. Not able to grow or breath. Not able to open up like the others do. Distracted. Distracted that he has no possible explanation as the one thing he wants to have is slowly growing into a tree as well. He can't reach it. He suffocated by the dried leaves that the others leave behind. Those accomplishments, memories, rights, happiness. All the things that he has but can't express. But he doesn't know why the animals and bugs crawl all over him. The large butterfly's keep him company. Yet he still feels so lonely. Why? Because he's never felt the meaning of happiness. A word that can be used over a smile.




"Kookie~ I'm bored you wanna do something?" Jimin asked keeping his eyes closed.

"No. I'm tired." He mumbled rolling into his bed again.

"Kookie you didn't happen to...you know right?" Jimin asked a bit awkwardly.

He wasn't wrong he didn't even check if he had.

"I don't know..." he blushed.

"You wanna check?" Jimin replied.

Jungkook had wet the bed once again. He was getting tired of this shit. It was humiliation then a waste of tears.

"H-Hyung..." more fucking tears. That's all he could do. Cry until he couldn't any longer.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm here it's alright. Okay? No need to cry. I told you that before Kookie. It's okay!" Jimin went to his confront immediately.

"O-Okay...." He spat out.

"Go take a shower sweet pea."



Jungkook; Jin and Suga went to the store. They needed to shop for dinner. Jungkook flinched at his bladder. He didn't know if he needed to go or not. And he wasn't going to take the chances of wetting himself In public.

"I'll be right back." Jungkook said in a rush.

"Okay." Suga agreed.

"We'll be looking around." Jin told him.

"Okay." He said and then left.

He rushed to the bathroom and sighed with relief when there was no one inside. He walked into a stall.

He thought he was crazy. Nothing was coming out. But it the pain was intense. It hurt. He went back to his hyungs and didn't say anything about it.


Days passed and Jungkook's bladder pain didn't get much better. If anything it got much worse. He hoped it would just go away one day. He wanted to act like nothing was wrong and that he was perfectly fine and he had nothing to the do with his accidents. But guess what? He couldn't. He couldn't do shit. He was crammed inside of himself and couldn't do one thing to help that.

It was until he actually started to dance again that he broke down crying about the pain.


Jungkook didn't think on thing before the choreography started. He didn't want to risk it. Half way in the middle of their 'Boy in Luv' choreography he felt stings. Like urgent strikes. He thought he was being shot by different angles. He was too paralyzed to speak. He just chocked on his tears. And hugged his bladder tightly. Everyone reacted differently. But they did think of the same thing. And the key word was hospital. Believe it or not Jungkook fainted from a mini-anxiety attack. His heart pounded from out of his chest. He thought his heart was going to explode and his arms were going to fall off.


He was sad to announce that he had a serious bladder infection and if he didn't treat it properly then he could actually die from pain. The doctor gave him advice and he didn't like it one bit.

1) If you think you can't make it in time to the bathroom then tell someone immediately.

2) Wear diapers.

That's was the one that caught him off guard. He wasn't going to wear fucking diapers! Screw that shit! Like wtf?!


Well part 4 guys.

Part 5 coming soon ;)

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