Crooked Smiles Pt.1 (Tae)

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Yoongi blushed. After the incident, it was rather hard to...look at Tae seriously. All Yoongi thought of was the flashbacks of that fucking day. He didn't know why but he felt his heart beep every time he thought about him finding Tae tangled in the sheets with his clothes wet. It played in his mind for hours each day. He wanted something more. He wanted to see it happen again. Again. He needed to see him wet himself.


Yoongi wasn't sex deprived or anything. I guess you can call it a kink, but didn't express it in that way. Think of it as seeing your idol. You're excited. But not in a sexual way. Well at least for him.

"Hyung! Come say hello to army's." Jimin smiled.

"Oh, hello everyone." He said in his regular tone of voice.

"Wow." Jimin laughed.



Suga suddenly whispered something in Jimin's ear, not caring if they were on Vlive. Jimin's eyes widened.

He playfully hit Suga.

"Your a pervert Hyung!"

"Yes or no...?"

"Army's are going to get the wrong idea..." Jimin sighed.

"I forgot our fans are perverts too..." Suga joked.

"Bye Loves~" Jimin waved and turned off the camera.

"Hyung I can't believe you want to do that! That's really weird!"

"Oh, yeah this is weird, but you and blindfolds are not."

Jimin hit him again.

"I hate you...if we do this I'm not cleaning it up..."

"Yes, you are. I'm your Hyung and you do as I say."

"What?! But Hyung it's your idea, not mine!"



"Here's what you're going to do. Your going to do this with me or you and that small 'incident' with Jungkook will be sent into the public."

Jimin blushed.

"Hey! You can't blackmail me!"

"Well, I'm about to if you don't do as I say."

"You're messed up Hyung! I hope you know that..."



"Tae here drink this tell me how it tastes." Jimin said with glee as if he just simply want to make Tae drink something he made that actually is ice tea and he learned it made you need to pee pretty quickly after that *cough* 'experience' with Jungkook.

"Is this ice tea?" Tae asked and Jimin nodded.

"Wow. Did you brew this?"

"Yeah! Yoongi-Hyung helped me!" Jimin smiled again and Tae gulped at the older's name.

"Oh...okay..." Tae then drank the liquid and had both eyes widened.

"This taste amazing! Oh my god, I didn't know you both had such talent..."

"Well...Hyung did most of the work...I'm not kidding all I did was pour the drink inside of the glass..." Jimin chuckled.

"Wow. Tell him to make some more." V said and walked off into his room.

Yoongi walked out of the kitchen with an innocent smile.

"Alright, what next Hyung?" Jimin asked.

"We wait."

"Wait for what...- oh..."


An hour passed and Tae walked out of his room and head to the bathroom.

He tried to open the handle but it was locked.

"Is anyone inside?" He asked knocking again.

No reply.

"Someone must have accidentally locked it from inside..." V shivered. He called out Jin's name and he yelled out 'what'.

"Where's the spare key to the bathroom door?"


"No ones inside. But it's locked."

"It should be in the bathroom..."

V face palmed.

"Who puts a bathroom key inside of a bathroom?!"

"Sorry..." Jin apologized.

"Whatever I'm going to the store to go pee..."

"Wow. You're that desperate?" Jin choked a laugh.

"Yes. Now shut up."

"Wait Tae-sii let me come with you I want to buy something."

"Okay, Jiminie."


Plan B

Stall him.

They walked quickly to the store, and Jimin bought the most seductive looking bag of chips he could find and bought them quickly before V got a chance to go to the bathroom.

"Wait, Jimin. Dude the whole point of me going here was to use the restroom."

"That can wait. I'm tired and I want to sleep."

"Oh my god. You can go home while I find a bathroom."

"No. Your coming with me."


"Because I want you to."


They walked back home and Tae was waiting for Suga to open the door impatiently.

"Hyung! I have to go! Hurry..."

"Look, I'm trying. Wait. It's not going."

"What...? I told you I should have gone at the store!"

"Why didn't you?" Suga asked.

"Because of Jimin!"

"Hey, I didn't do anything I was tried," Jimin tried to say.



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